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OBD Convo #13: Return to Crab

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Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member

Here they are, the wife(the woman in red) is my cousin.

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member

Dead Lock

Banned Member

Dane Whitman during the Proctor/Photon Sword era is in my opinion, the best version of his character and honestly the last time he was ever handled with respect by Marvel writers. After having accepted that the Ebony Blade's blood curse was too much for him to deny and replacing it with the Photon Sword. This version of Dane goes to show that while he's truthfully someone that cares for his teammates and friends, even down to being willing to give his life for them. He's also a person marred by psychological faults and his own internal demons, thus is the reason he is the only person who could ever handle The Ebony Blade.

Between his psychological disconnect in his romance with Cerse, (Which was only ever in spite of Crystal) to his later attempts to stop it out of respect for Crystal. He tends to act in the moment due to his own Lust without ever thinking of the affect that can have on his teammates, friends, and the people around him. Not until It's too late, that is.

It's all part and parcel of the affect the Ebony Sword has had on him up to that point. Having to constantly fight the mental strain of the sword speaking to him, commanding him to kill and murder. While every second he refuses the sword is slowly turning him into a stone statue, threatening to end his existence if he doesn't equally end the existence of those around him. It's left him somewhat disconnected from reality, and with or without the Ebony Blades curse beckoning him, I doubt he will ever be a "complete" person nor have a true capacity for love ever again.

He's a much deeper character than "I'm sometimes an asshole that likes to fuck people's wives" and I consider him an underrated member of the Avengers. I also don't think he's spoken about enough when it comes to characters Marvel actually handled right in terms of his character arc, the gradual effect the Ebony Blade had on his psyche, and the flawed person he is that allows him to be the prime candidate for the sword in the first place.

Just wanted to drop my thoughts here.


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
I have now finished the Complete Saga of Star Wars. My thoughts on Return of the Jedi...
I've heard it often said that Return of the Jedi is of an inferior quality to the other Originals. The people who say this are of an inferior quality. Return of the Jedi was my favourite as a kid, and it's my favourite still. Everything good about the movies just kept getting better. The entire sequence on Tatooine is great; we see how there's a plan going on that involves all our heroes to save Han, which is the accumulation of Hans story with Jabba over the trilogy. The Empire rules with fear from above while Jabba rules the smily underbelly of the galaxy. Luke walking into Jabba's Palace and revealing he's a Jedi, how far he's gone from being reckless to totally in his element. But after all that's done and Jabba is killed, Luke's still got the same sense of humour as he did in the other movies, showing how far he's come, but he's still our Luke. Infact, every character gets a chance to shine; Han, Leia, Chewie, Lando, R2, 3PO all have their moments.

The Star Wars humour has also really been perfected in this movie. The Ewoks wanting to cook our heroes, the Stormtrooper crashing into the tree, Ewoks killing Stormtroopers, the things that we can interpret R2 says, Chewie hugging Han... It's not just about the jokes, the characters playing off each other is funny, and adds to them. As well as the humour, we can also see this through the emotional moments how much the characters have grown, but retained what makes them so endeering.

The main issues I take with the movie are some of the changes George Lucas made with the movie. Seeing Hayden Christian at the end is fine, but kind of strange seeing. Although I'm more used to that version, the original version of Anakin's Force Ghost was more fatherly. Both Victory Celebration and Yub Nub are good songs (and people seem to think Yub Nub is annoying, but it too has emotional cartharsis of the galaxy being saved), so I'm good with either one. However, the biggest issue I have is with Jedi Rock being included. The scene is so bizzare and absurd and does not at all fit with the energy of Jabba's Palace. It's not that I dislike it, it's just so absurd that it's hilarious. Also as a kid I thought the Sarlacc with the beak was way less scary than just a gapping hole in the desert, but as a big boy I prefer the original.

None of this takes away from the experience though, as this film perfectly brings together everything (A New Hope was a macro threat to the Rebellion, The Empire Strikes Back was a personal threat to our heroes and this movie is both a macro threat to the Rebellion and makes it personal with Lukes temptation to the Dark Side). And Vader's own redemption (which was set up already very subtlely in Empire) shows that no matter how evil you may be, you can still change for the better).

I don't want to sound like one of those "born in the wrong generation" types, but I do wonder what it would have been like to see the Original Trilogy as they came out on the big screen as a kid. Seeing Darth Vader being Luke's father, meeting Jabba after Han feared him the entire trilogy, just seeing the Star Destroyers on screen for the first time. At the same time though, what makes the Original Trilogy so endeering is that it's not just a story for one generation; it's timeless. I heard it said that if you took Star Wars, and released it 1000 years in the past or in the future, people would still connect with it, because it's a timeless story.
you're spitting

i can never get over how perfectly executed the final luke/vader confrontation is. Relatively simple choreography combined with an amazing score and interesting and engaging action peaks throughout, it's one of the most satisfying final fights out there. And I really just wish disney had understood what made it, and star wars in general, good.


I'm thinking of streaming tomorrow.

We will finish off Akudama and Ex Arm.

Then, next stream after that will be a Nic Cage Night with Vampire's Kiss as a breather before Rent A Girlfriend ENTERS back into the stream rotation in place of Ex Arm.


And I'm currently thinking that "The Idaten Deities Know Only Peace" will be the good stuff replacement for Akudama, but subject to change.
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