Ral Dec 28, 2024 Welcome to the club my good sir! Well deserved from years of running forums to just being overall cool and active in communities just like this one.
Welcome to the club my good sir! Well deserved from years of running forums to just being overall cool and active in communities just like this one.
Ral Dec 29, 2021 Hopefully RP section gets some traction, but most humanoids are doing Discord things, which is killing forums, unfortunately
Hopefully RP section gets some traction, but most humanoids are doing Discord things, which is killing forums, unfortunately
Ral Dec 23, 2021 Did I also tell you that I have horrible memory? Got hit by a rocket car a few years ago, unfortunately, so my memory is not the same as it used to be
Did I also tell you that I have horrible memory? Got hit by a rocket car a few years ago, unfortunately, so my memory is not the same as it used to be