Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Oh fuck off Netflix.


V.I.P. Member

One of the most annoying cards ever to deal with, Light and Darkness Dragon, is now a full blown archetype

I do welcome this trend of supporting Manga exclusive themes though.


Man of Atom

One of the most annoying cards ever to deal with, Light and Darkness Dragon, is now a full blown archetype

I do welcome this trend of supporting Manga exclusive themes though.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member

Sheamus getting fat shamed? The Hell? :whatisthis

OH MY GOD! A man who got called back from injury earlier than he was expecting to...has a little bit of a beer belly. :really

People just trying to start shit for no reason at this point and you can almost guarantee it wont take Sheamus long to work that shit off. He still doesn't look like someone you'd want a pick a fight with so who really cares?

Then whose the hell's fault that it got that far? Men? Or the women who continually believe they are worth more than any man could realistically get close to even if they are a ham beast?
The women who basically go after mentally weak or frail men in Onlyfans or Twitch just to fleece them money because the dudes are legit lonely or mentally screwed up?

There's alot of reasons why men are in such a huge ass fragile state and hilariously, the reason for that is primarily women being way above their station at plenty of points in 1st world countries and the inverse is not true at all to help any messed up male in any fashion.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member

Final Fantasy VIII - Why does no one (or rather Irvine specifically) not mention the Orphanage or Edea running it?

  1. Most of them had forgotten about it until the reveal point because of their overuse of GFs
  2. You literally show Irvine explaining that he didn't mention it because THEY didn't remember and he likely didn't want to make a big deal about it.
  3. As for him not mentioning that Edea was the matron, their assignment was to ASSASSINATE her, I shouldn't need to explain why bringing that up at that point could have jeopardized the whole mission. Whatever she was THEN, NOW she's a dangerous sorceress they need to deal with.
"This is either a plot hole or Irvine's an asshole."

It's blatantly NOT a plot hole as you yourself show that the game addressed every question you had about it. It IS a cheesy "we've been friends all along" twist and you can dislike it all you want, but it is NOT a plot hole.

Now Kratos not using the loom of fate to save his family? That's absolutely a plot hole, though you did give the in-character justification for it, ie that he's so consumed by revenge at that point that he doesn't think to do it, completely focused as he was on killing Zeus. :maybe
Final Fantasy VIII - Why does no one (or rather Irvine specifically) not mention the Orphanage or Edea running it?

To be fair, that is an absolutely stupid twist for the sake of a twist that really doesn't go anywhere at all past the sake of a time loop. It's also ridiculous that GFs can fuck up your memories but it's barely mentioned at all and none of the characters even have any conflict with it until AFTER the Orphanage reveal(With Selphie having a Diary for it...and ONLY Selphie).

You think that would be something the Gardens would stress like crazy but apparently not...

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
To be fair, that is an absolutely stupid twist for the sake of a twist that really doesn't go anywhere at all past the sake of a time loop. It's also ridiculous that GFs can fuck up your memories but it's barely mentioned at all and none of the characters even have any conflict with it until AFTER the Orphanage reveal(With Selphie having a Diary for it...and ONLY Selphie).

You think that would be something the Gardens would stress like crazy but apparently not...
Okay I'm not saying you're wrong on it being stupid BUT.

If you use the desk right at the start of the game and read some of the lore there, it outright brings up the "theory" that GF's can cause memory loss but stresses that it hasn't been proven. Later on you can talk to a Garden staff member who outright tells you to "ignore any rumors related to GFs because you'll be using them a lot".

So the odds are that they KNEW the risks and simply said nothing, considering the benefits that GFs give to outweigh the drawbacks. It's also one of the primary reasons Irvine doesn't use them until the events of the game.

Now the obvious problem here is that all that is completely hidden within optional dialogue and lore that you can completely miss, with the main story not highlighting it at all outside of the Orphanage plot twist.

My point was never weather it was a good twist or a bad one. Only that it ISN'T, as the video suggested, a plot hole.

One of the most annoying cards ever to deal with, Light and Darkness Dragon, is now a full blown archetype

I do welcome this trend of supporting Manga exclusive themes though.
They've just announced new Madolche support

Huh.....Orange Lanterns have an oath?

I was under the impression their oath was just "MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE"