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  • Hey bro. If it's ok to ask, do you ever intend to continue on with your Avatar calcs?

    I do, even have about 3-4 I haven’t posted. Just got distracted by something else shiny before I finished and haven’t been hyper focused towards Avatar since shrugs
    Notice you been real active lately and it's good to see

    I remember how it was for me coming back from a long hiatus

    Have you been playing anything interesting recently?

    It seems hard for me to stick to a general game these days unless I'm really into the series

    Replay value is a hard thing to come by when you're not sticking with vintage material
    I'm active in the sense that I'm functioning that that middle ground between "time for nothing substantial" and "enough time to unwind" :maybe

    Wanna play some more, didn't even have the chance to finish Tears of the Kingdom yet, but still I'm thinking I'll be able to figure out some time to play something this next semester.

    Same here though, its hard to stick my neck out to try something outright new when time investment just feels more weighty now? We kind of stick with what we know/are comfortable with as we get older. You have to actively push yourself to try newer shit.
    Darth Nihilus
    Darth Nihilus
    Same. I'm attempting to get into FF after giving IV a break many moons ago. I am playing Sea of Stars and I'm really enjoying it. I'll likely get Tears of the Kingdom here soon. I'm ready to go back to Hyrule and chill for a bit
    just wondering
    If the math I did here is correct. What does this mean in a vs context? tbh I can't think of anywhere where the amount of info Gojo is stuffing into someone's brain is applicable unless they have a explicit processing speed or smthing.
    Not sure what a "bit" is a unit here respective to bytes :hm

    It its in the literal visual fidelity kind of meaning like 8-bit/16-bit/etc from gaming I guess the conversion I got from Google is 1 byte = 8 bits. Think we need to be sure about the very base of the comparison before looking at the rest.
    Just wanted to ask about your Melty Blood calc. Shouldn't it take into account surface area for the person it drops on? Preferably Sion since she's the one that survives it in canon.

    Mainly asking since the feat is just the moon being dropped, not like, slammed down telekinetically or anything like that

    This thing just came in the mail for me and it's exactly how it looks

    Boss shit
    Did you get banned from NF? For some reason it glitches when it goes to your profile for me? I was wondering to ask how your Metroid playthroughs are going?

    I can see my profile just fine *shrugs*

    I occasionally post links and shit still too
    Also completed all 5 of the side scrolling entries again. Gonna replay Prime 1-3, Hunters, and probably give Other M a glance for completion… might just watch Federation Force on fast forward :lmao

    May cut up the games and make respect threads. Depends on my mood.
    @ChaosTheory123 sure you didn't set your profile viewing settings to friends/nobody?
    Don't forget the Star Wars calc blog ones.
    I won't

    Just have to make sure shit doesn't have dead images from like back on imageshack or something
    ImgBB is pretty good as a replacement
    Imgur's still doing pretty well for me, but I'll keep ImgBB in mind too

    Mostly just referencing the fact my really early blogs used imageshack and those images are long gone. I don't think I had too many from Star Wars at that time, but its still something I'll need to consider for every blog in general anyway
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    Reactions: Aurelian
    The Immortal WatchDog
    The Immortal WatchDog
    A lot of them are the children of well to do people from remote colder parts of the US who are now in sunny south Florida. So its just a case of kids on their own for once with daddy's credit card going wild in area with year around surf and turf
    The Immortal WatchDog
    The Immortal WatchDog
    I dont mind it usually and most of my tenants are saints. But when a half dozen rambunctious retards fuck up the plumbing or drop or whatever all at once..

    He, isn't very stable if we are being honest. So you're absolutely right. He is the author of his own fate here to quote Koenma
    Ah, that makes a bunch of sense with the context provided. Its always the plumbing though... How'd the fuck that up?

    He's definitely not much of a writer in that respect :maybe

    Like baby's first fanfiction. Just real life.
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    Reactions: Blade
    Probably helps that he's neutering the experience over yonder with progressively more bullshit means. Its already on life support, you've probably been anticipating its death for a while. Kind of like a catharsis its "over" I guess *shrugs*

    Still can't get over the dipshit thinking imgur of all things is something to fear.

    Sounds tough, but I'm sure you're managing it without breaking your back. The comfort is the key and all. Not worth killing yourself if you get nothing in return.

    Should be able to do that even better myself soon. Supposedly being offered a counselor position around the 24th. Not holding my breath though.
    Agreed man. The potato is insanely paranoid, far more then Tazmo in the old days was at his worst. Imgur links, old hyperlinks and what not as well. Mass pruning and deleting over 5+ million posts and threads covering the entire duration of activity into a blank slate in just 3 or 4 days time.

    And when called out on it he just shrugged and said it was spam.

    Then again he also destaffed, banned, then unbanned, then rebanned two ex-admins after another went offline just because he's that petty.

    Was gonna ask anyway how goes the blog/calc recovery?
    It's kind of amazing to watch it all happen. It's really kind of like seeing a train wreck occur in slow motion. Gotta wonder what exactly caused him to be this way.

    So far, so good. Gonna be slowish going, but its steady enough that it shouldn't be an issue.
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