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  1. Papa Nier

    Star Wars Feats/Discussion thread

    I have shown the Supernatural Encounters and stuff about the Force to ChatGPT.
  2. Papa Nier

    Star Wars Feats/Discussion thread

    Long ago, the Force had been interpreted into several unique aspects: the Cosmic Force, the Living Force, the Unifying Force, the Physical Force, the Dark, and much more. The Cosmic Force, also known as the Pneuma is the Jedi's understanding of the Supreme Maker/the Father of Lights. The Pneuma is the set of all conceptualizations in any mortal mind; connected to a collective unconscious. The Cosmic Force is a "unifying gestalt", a metaphysical vision of the entire galactic whirlpool and the threads that comprise all of reality. Midi-chlorians, which were birth from the Wellspring of Life, are the foundation of what connects the Living Force and the Cosmic Force. All energy from the Living Force passes into the Cosmic Force. This includes not only the energy of the Living Force at a particular point in time, but the energy of all things that have ever lived in the galaxy. It transcends normal conceptions of time and space; connecting to what is, what was, and what has yet...
  3. Papa Nier

    Star Wars Feats/Discussion thread

    Like most forms of energy, the Force can be manipulated, and it is the knowledge and predisposition to do so that empowers the Jedi Knights and the Sith. This is because the Force is accessible to all living beings through the presence of midi-chlorians in their cells. Midi-chlorians are microscopic life forms that reside inside living cells. The more midi-chlorians inhabiting a being's cells, the more the being is able to connect to the Force. These midi-chlorians also appear to possess a single unified consciousness linked through the Pneuma and can be influenced by the host's mental state. A common misconception held is that midi-chlorians were Force-carrying particles when in fact they functioned more as translators, interlocutors of the will of the Force. Force-Energy is simply required for life and midi-chlorians are its biological vector. Some species are more attuned to the Force than others. To control the Force, one must be mindful of its three basic...
  4. Papa Nier

    Star Wars Feats/Discussion thread

    The Force extends throughout Hyperspace and Otherspace. Hyperspace is an alternate dimension that's only accessible through hyperdrive. However, every object in realspace leaves a mass shadow in Hyperspace and the smearing star effect is from actual stars smeared across space-time. While Hyperspace is an alternate space-time dimension, realspace (the normal universe) and Hyperspace correspond to each other. https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Mass_shadow/Legends https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Realspace/Legends Flow-walking is a Force power used by the Aing-Tii monks. They use this power to see into the future, and it can possibly alter time to some extent. Darth Vader feels the fabric of the Force tear in Hyperspace, which is consistent with Obi-Wan detecting the deaths of millions of Alderaanians light-years away in Hyperspace. Detecting such phenomena with the Force is easier in realspace than Hyperspace. Hyperspace is frequently described as having more than 4/phobespace...
  5. Papa Nier

    Star Wars Feats/Discussion thread

    Before creation had come into being, inside the primal unduality of existence, The Father of Lights sung forth the first notes of a song. And from the source of light and life blossomed the Force, permeating all existence as time began its desultory flow. The Force is everything, and everything is the Force. Within it's metaphysical, natural and spiritual nature, duality does not exist. All is one and one is all. "Light and Dark" are no more than nomenclature: words that describe how little one understands. The Force is above those words, and concepts. It is infinite. Existing as a thing both within and without, limitless and sublime, and wholly beyond comprehension. All aspects of the universe are contained with the Force. It may be a non-sentient energy field, the sum of all creation. It may be an eternal entity, knowing and unknowable. It may be both of these and more; it may be something else entirely. All interpretations of The Force that are made are...
  6. Papa Nier

    Star Wars Feats/Discussion thread

    Luke can push through having several splinters, described as red-hot metal, both cut and stabbed into his left arm and side. Luke deflected The Hidden One's Force Lightning immediately despite being slammed into a pillar. Luke pushing through having C'baoth's Force Lightning burning his muscles and even endured Force Lightning from multiple Nightsisters at once. Luke defeating Darth Caedus/Jacen Solo while venom was being pumped into him and his knee was failing him. Luke battling Kueller despite taking an explosion that blew up and disintegrated his X-Wing and left his skin burnt and several broken bones. Luke battling Abeloth despite being burnt by magma and having his chest described to be "searing ache around a fist-sized scorch hole" while his Force Essence was leaking from dozens of smaller wounds across his body. Luke was stated of deflecting blaster bolts indefinitely. Luke could keep himself going for days at a time despite being deprived of food, water...
  7. Papa Nier

    Star Wars Feats/Discussion thread

    Lightsabers itself are pure energy. The lightsaber contains a connection to the Living Force and acts as an extension of the wielder through it. Sith's use synthetic/artificial crystals. The red color is due to their artificial creation. Require intensive training and enhanced senses to wield a lightsaber correctly.
  8. Papa Nier

    Star Wars Feats/Discussion thread

    Luke Skywalker has a natural ability to learn how to use a lightsaber and his swings are compared to that of ten or twenty at once. Luke without his sight deflecting arrows and blaster bolts. Luke is said to be the very essence of the Jedi, one of the highest order, and the greatest Jedi in the galaxy. A Jedi Master would be astonished of Luke's learning abilities and was compared to everyone in his Jedi Academy even if he fought with with only his weak hand. Ben Skywalker notes that his father, Luke Skywalker is the greatest sword wielder in the galaxy. Luke knows at least 20 different forms of martial arts trained on different worlds and has demonstrated great precision when throwing his lightsaber to the point of controlling its exact direction and target. Luke can battle Lomi Plo despite her being invisible and battled Welk despite being tired and assaulted by the hive to the point of his movements being seen in slow motion. Lomi Plo also drained energy from Luke's...
  9. Papa Nier

    Star Wars Feats/Discussion thread

    While the Force does allow for some manipulation of events and perceptions, it does not extend directly manipulating causality. The closest aspect might be of the Force influencing events or the belief in destiny/fate, where certain events are seemingly preordained by the will of the Force. Though this is more about a predetermined course of events.
  10. Papa Nier

    Star Wars Feats/Discussion thread

    A Padawan Aayla holds her own against a Morgukai warrior. The fight would be interrupted when the warrior's father fired a shot at her, and she deflected it into the others' wrists, allowing her to flee and continue her mission. Aayla could then contend with a more experienced Quinlan Vos for a short time before falling to his superior Force powers. Aayla defeats a clone of Bok, a Morgukai warrior, relatively easily despite him getting the drop on her. Aayla and Quinlan Vos fight through numerous Nikto clones trained by Anzati assassins. Morgukai warriors were a secret Nikto warrior society with unique weapons and training. The Morgukai have been renowned, highly skilled killers of Jedi and Sith alike since the Old Republic era. These Morgukai clones were all bred from Bok and trained in Anzati stealth and assassination techniques. Aayla can defeat Bok, a classically Morgukai warrior, even though he used his cortosis gauntlets to short-out her lightsaber early in the...
  11. Papa Nier

    Star Wars Feats/Discussion thread

    Aayla is a master of armed and unarmed combat. Aayla proves this by quickly defeating two guards whilst unarmed. Aayla mastered the lightsaber style Ataru before her ascension to the rank of Jedi Knight. Aayla is knowledgeable in Jar'kai duelling as well. Aayla is one of the most skilled Jedi during the Clone Wars. Aayla was known for her extraordinary combat abilities, being among the last Jedi alive out of the 200 that infiltrated the Geonosis arena. Aayla was always chosen for emergency situations because of her skill. A Padawan Aayla, without her memory, fights off and challenges Quinlan Vos. When Aayla was a Padawan to Quinlan Vos, they fought Skyboat Pirates and Terbeasts on Ogden Minor. Aayla uses the environment around her to help defeat a large creature. Aayla helps Quinlan Vos take down numerous enemies. A Padawan Aayla fights and maims a seasoned Morgukai warrior.
  12. Papa Nier

    Star Wars Feats/Discussion thread

    Padawan Aayla senses that Quinlan Vos and Tholme pursue her. While searching through the Force for Tholme, Aayla found Quinlan Vos instead. Aayla senses that Quinlan Vos has been injured. Aayla uses the Force to help locate Aurra Sing. Aayla senses deeper darkness in Quinlan Vos than she ever felt before. On a mission with Quinlan Vos to obtain an essential piece of information, Aayla sensed that he always intended to betray her and take the information for himself. Aayla senses that Tholme is still alive. Aayla senses Tholme's apparent "death". Aayla possibly knows how to heal injuries/ease the pain from injuries with the Force, as it looks like here. Aayla possibly uses Beast Control to ride a flying animal, although she was influenced here by Volfe Karkko. Aayla uses Tutaminis on blaster bolts, deflecting at least two of them with her left hand while blocking more with her lightsaber. As a child and before any training in the Force, Aayla was able to call...
  13. Papa Nier

    Star Wars Feats/Discussion thread

    Aayla Secura, born Aaylas'ecura, was a female Rutian Twi'lek Jedi Master in the later days of the Republic who served with distinction as a General during the Clone Wars. Aayla is a cunning warrior. Tholme considers Aayla an excellent Jedi. Aayla is considered a great Jedi Master. Aayla was an excellent strategist and tactician. Clone Commander Bly says Aayla is good and knows her stuff, referring to her military leadership. Tholme regards Aayla as a beacon of blue light and a great leader. Aayla has remarkable agility. Aayla creates afterglows of her lightsaber in combat on numerous occasions. Aayla deflects point-blank blaster fire from Aurra Sing. Aayla manages to escape the radius of two explosions, the first being her speeder bike, the second a thermal detonator, from close range without any harm. Aayla deflects another point-blank shot. Aayla dodges numerous spikes/darts fired from close range. While fighting Quinlan Vos, Aayla moves so fast that an...
  14. Papa Nier

    Star Wars Feats/Discussion thread

    Vader defeats the Dark Woman, while the latter uses the environment to her advantage. Vader stomps Burr Danid, the best Royal Guard-in-training, who was trained in the Echani arts, and thus knew Battle Precognition, a technique that allows one to anticipate an enemy's moves. Vader stomps Kir Kanos, who was also trained in the Echani arts. Vader comfortably outduels Celeste Morne, skilled enough to hold off Vong armored Darth Krayt. This happened three months after ROTS. Vader kills two Tuk'atas. Vader fights an enraged Drake Lo'gaan and holds an edge over him. ANH Vader holds his own against a resurrected Darth Maul, though he ultimately loses the duel, only killing Maul due to the latter's distraction. Maul was resurrected, prepared, and powered up to fight Vader, indicating he was stronger than his Clone Wars iteration. During a training session, Vader duels a droid programmed with the knowledge of a hundred swordmasters and a dozen different fighting styles. He...
  15. Papa Nier

    Star Wars Feats/Discussion thread

    Darth Vader is one of the greatest Imperial duelists of all time. Vader is an incredibly skilled duelist. Vader and Karness Muur claim that Celeste Morne can't win against Vader, implying she is inferior to him during dueling. Vader is a master of lightsaber combat. Vader honed his lightsaber skills over time. Vader's fighting style is described as unpredictable, and it is also stated to borrow elements from all combat techniques. In addition, Olee Starstone felt as if she were fighting a droid programmed to counter all her best moves: Roan Shryne considers Vader to be more dangerous than Grievous. Vader's skill with a lightsaber is unparalleled, thus placing him above the likes of Darth Sidious, Starkiller and Ben Kenobi: As of ANH, Vader's dueling prowess is superior to Ben Kenobi's. Vader became a far more formidable opponent in the years between ANH and TESB. Vader was more skilled than ever in ROTJ. Palpatine stated Vader was the greatest Jedi killer of...
  16. Papa Nier

    Star Wars Feats/Discussion thread

    Vader pins Aurra Sing to the floor. Vader sends his attacker flying ten meters away. Vader seals two heavy doors shut. Vader causes a door to explode inward. Even though he was seemingly amped, he has done better things without help. Vader chokes Xizor from across the galaxy. Vader uses telekinesis to destroy some hidden weapons. Vader shatters a mirror made of aluminized densecris, a substance deemed unbreakable. Vader rips platforms apart and then attacks Roan Shryne with waves of debris from all directions while standing with his hands crossed. Vader collapses a stone ceiling on Luke. Vader and his clone throw empty cargo containers, pieces of equipment, and parts of a ship at one another. Vader chokes Grand Inquisitor Malorum. Vader chokes Ferus Olin. Vader chokes Olin again and slams him against a wall, knocking him out. Vader pins Jax Pavan to a wall. Vader dominates Jax Pavan in the latter's prime. He lifts and destroys a huge robot: Vader...
  17. Papa Nier

    Star Wars Feats/Discussion thread

    Vader lifts and throws a Y-Wing with ease. 19 BBY Vader brings down a cathedral while severely injured. It should also be noted that Vader did this while his life support system was compromised due to his chest panel and his helmet being destroyed, meaning he had to use much of his power to stay alive. The cathedral was also stated to house a labyrinth underneath, suggesting the overall structure was quite large. Haden Blackman, the comic's author, has confirmed that Vader collapsed the entire cathedral and that it was a massive building. Vader performed this while he was hugely hindered due to his suit's main life support systems being destroyed. Vader uses Force Crush on a flying Tie fighter. He accomplished this with ease and years before his prime. ANH Vader demonstrates enough power to completely disintegrate a stormtrooper's body, leaving nothing in its place. He accomplished this with ease. Vader sends a group of Jedi flying with a Force Wave, likely killing...
  18. Papa Nier

    Star Wars Feats/Discussion thread

    Vader casually redirects a blaster bolt with such precision that it beheads a stormtrooper. Other instances of Vader absorbing and redirecting blaster bolts at one point without directly touching them. Vader casually deflects a volley of blaster bolts. Vader absorbs laser beams, though this could result from summoning a Force Barrier to repel the attack. Vader casually absorbs several blaster bolts and pulls Han Solo's blaster from the latter's hand. Vader shields himself from Starkiller's telekinesis, which the latter failed to do while using his lightsaber to block his former apprentice's lightning. The contest ends with an explosion of Force energy that blows Starkiller away, whereas Vader is seemingly unaffected. Vader practiced in Force Barrier, presumably improving his skill with the technique. Vader creates a barrier that repels blaster fire from potentially hundreds of troopers. Vader creates a barrier that repels and even redirects some blaster bolts...
  19. Papa Nier

    Star Wars Feats/Discussion thread

    Vader's armor provides him with great mobility and strength despite his nerves and muscles being severely damaged: Vader eventually overcame the physical restrictions from his injuries and his suit. According to Ferus Olin, Vader, even as of 18 Bby, is faster than anyone he's ever seen move, including the likes of Soara Antana and early post-ROTS Obi-Wan Kenobi. Vader kills Roan Lands before Ferus Olin can react. Vader dodges an enraged Ferus Olin's attacks. Vader moves with such speed that he doesn't seem to be there when an enraged Ferus Olin attacks him. It should be noted that a Sith Holocron seemingly empowered Ferus during the fight. Vader comes out of nowhere in front of Ferus Olin. Vader shows good leaping prowess. Vader dodges Roan Shryne's lightsaber blow by leaping and then lands behind him, despite Shryne's tremendous speed. Vader deflects blaster fire from all sides. Vader performs a lightning-fast underhand sweep. Vader and Starkiller swing...