Star Wars Feats/Discussion thread


We never did do a named Clone Troopers tier list within the old Star Wars discussion thread now that I think about it


So some info for the Revitalized Sith Empire (Vitiate's Sith Empire):

Imperial Ground Forces organization:

Fire Team < Squad < Platoon < Company < Battalion < Brigade < Division < Assault Group

Fire Teams are compromised typically of 2 to 3 soldiers.
Squads are compromised of 5 to 10 soldiers.
Platoons can number between 50 to 100 soldiers.
Companies are between 100 to 300 soldiers.
Battalions are organized from 700 to 1500 soldiers.
Brigades range from 5000 to 7500 soldiers.
Divisions typically scale from 20,000 to 40,000 soldiers.
And Assault Groups range from 40,000 to higher.

So that means:

A single division of 40,000 soldiers = roughly 8 brigades (5000 troopers approximately going by the low end), and those 8 brigades would be roughly 3 battalions each, and each of those would be made up of 4-7 companies, and each of those by constituent platoons and smaller squads and even smaller fire teams.

Each soldier is allocated about five days worth of rations, armor that protects them from indirect blaster shots, exposure to harsh elements and weather conditions, as well as things like shrapnel and debris from explosions. The men enlisted in the Imperial ground forces infantry must also be physically in top condition as standard trooper armor weighs at least 45 kilograms (100 lbs) and are expected to serve anywhere from 25 to 30 years in the military.

War-droids are also massively utilized by the Revitalized Sith Empire:

Imperial C-series War-Droids have each of their two arms terminating in a heavy blaster cannon which employs 70% of the unit's total reactor and energy output into them. Along with possessing hardpoints for grenade launchers and micro-missile launchers. Standard C-series War-Droids weigh 152 kilograms (335 lbs) and can attain a maximum speed of movement of 47 kilometers per hour (29 miles per hour).


Sith Inquisitor's ancestor: Aloysius Kallig.

Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia said:
The cunning Sith Lord Aloysius Kallig has returned from the grave after his death a millennium ago. Kallig was born into wealth but his innate Force-sensitivity made him hunger for greatness. He trained to be a Sith on Korriban, and quickly surpassed the other students in lightsaber training and strategy. But still Kallig desired more.

As Kallig rose to power, Tulak Hord a mighty Sith Lord with legendary lightsaber skills, was waging war against the planets of Yn and Chabosh. Seeking to increase his own prestige, Kallig offered to fight alongside Hord, who dismissed him as an upstart. In response, Kallig defeated Hord's right-hand general, then extended his offer again. This time Hord accepted, and Kallig's skill led Hord's forces to numerous victories. But Tulak Hord grew suspicious of the ambitious, competitive, and strong Sith. In an attack planned by Tulak Hord, Kallig was ambushed and killed. As Kallig's family fled into hiding, Kallig was entombed on Dromund Kaas. His spirit lay trapped within the Dark Temple for millennia, until his distant descendant, a powerful Sith Inquisitor, awakened him from his eternal slumber.


The Sith Emperor.

"My ascendancy is inevitable. A day, a year, a millennium---it matters not."

Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia said:
The secretive and supremely powerful Sith Emperor rose from inauspicious beginnings over a thousand years ago. Born to farmers on the planet Medriraas, Tenebrae entered the galaxy without shedding a tear. He regarded his parents with cold, pitiless eyes. As years passed, Tenebrae manifested Force powers and honed his mastery of the dark side. He soon dominated his home world, consumed the lives of thousands of Sith Lords, and took the title of of the one true Sith Emperor. Driven by his quest for immortality and fueled by energy sapped from his victims, the Emperor lived for centuries, amassing insurmountable power, rebuilding his exiled Empire, and plotting his ascension to rule.

Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia said:
Tenebrae manifested his incredible Force powers at the age of six. His dark gift marked Tenebrae for a place of power in the Empire---but it also revealed his mother's betrayal. She tearfully confessed to her husband that Tenebrae was born of her infidelity with the Sith ruler of their homeworld. Enraged by this betrayal, Tenebrae's father attacked his unfaithful wife. Awash in his father's fury, Tenebrae awakened the full extent of his power. Tenebrae took his parents' lives as he honed his talent with the dark side of the Force.

Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia said:
By the age of ten, Tenebrae was feared across Medriaas as the entire northern continent full under his sway. Sith Lord Dramath, planetary governor of Medriaas, set out to bring this boy in line. Tenebrae broke Lord Dramath's mind, but not before revealing that he was actually his son.
With all of Medriaas under his power, Tenebrae traveled to Korriban and met Sith Lord Marka Ragnos, ruler of all Sith. Marka Ragnos recognized Tenebrae's incredible power and named the boy Lord Vitiate. Young Sith flocked to the emotionless and enigmatic Lord Vitiate. He told them to restrain their emotions and let anger fuel their power from within. The Sith obeyed and became Lord Vitiate's loyal followers.

Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia said:
Lord Vitiate returned to his homeworld while the rest of the Sith Empire waged the Great Hyperspace War against the Republic. When the hasty Sith offensive ended in failure, the Empire collapsed - but Lord Vitiate was stronger then ever. He bid every surviving Sith to unite or die at the hands of the Jedi. Eight thousand Sith Lords gathered on Medriaas and agreed to partake in a ritual that would bind the Sith together as an ultimate dark side weapon.

The ritual lasted ten days. Lord Vitiate orchestrated the sorcery and the planet Medriaas was consumed in the largest dark side nexus the galaxy would ever see. When the ritual ended, Lord Vitiate emerged as the only survivor. The pain, energy, and suffering of every living entity on the planet feuled his power and would prolong his life for centuries. The lifeless planet of Medriaas became a void in the Force and was erased from history. From that moment forward, the world would forever be known as Nathema, birthplace of the one and only Sith Emperor.
@Stocking Anarchy calc’s and info

@ChaosTheory123 calc’s and info

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
@Stocking Anarchy calc’s and info

@ChaosTheory123 calc’s and info
Good work. A lot of my calcs from '17 and prior have broken images I'm afraid, as PostImage had a crash back then, and I lost most of the images (some of them are still there though).
The Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side believed that the Chosen One would prevent the gods and demons from tearing the universe asunder. Most likely referring to Abeloth and the Ones.
"Yet many of the Jedi treat the legend of Mortis as literal truth. They believe that the Chosen One will prevent these gods and demons from tearing the universe asunder—that their champion will be a vessel of pure Force energy” - Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side

The Father had to take the Son and Daughter to Mortis, which is a higher dimension/reality and remove them from the temporal/material universe so they wouldn't destroy it. Mortis is, in fact, its own dimension with its own stars, space, time, etc.

Official Star Wars Profile of the Father:
In the mysterious realm of Mortis there exists a trio of beings able to wield the Force in ways no known mortals of the galaxy can. The Father maintained balance between his Daughter and his Son, who expressed affinity to the light and dark side of the Force, respectively. The Father knew his days were numbered -- facing his impending demise, he needed to find another to keep the balance. His goal was the same described in an ancient Jedi prophecy -- the rise of a Chosen One who will bring balance to the Force. - Father

Darth Plagueis - Just the shift in the Force created by Darth Sidious killing his master and absorbing his power caused such a change in reality that it shook a planet down to its core. Alongside several nearby stars, which were also shaken by it.

Darth Plagueis - Also, even without having to do anything, Darth Plagueis was powerful enough to make Naboo experience the worst winter it had in its history. Which froze all the rivers on the planet, blanketed all the plains and tall forests with three meters of snow, and caused plasmic quakes that rocked entire mountain ranges and lakes. The holy places, the undersea cities, and underwaterways that hollowed the planet were blocked by ice floes. This is just by Darth Plagueis arriving on the planet.

A New Hope & Dark Empire endnotes - As Darth Vader said before, the power to destroy a planet or even a whole system is insignificant next to the power of the Force.


Dark Empire endnotes - Vader warned Luke that the Emperor had become the Dark Side's most powerful expression.

Revenge of the Sith Novelization - Count Dooku sees Palpatine's power through the Force as an event horizon. A black hole in the Force suggests he is a wound in the Force.

Dark Empire endnotes - Palpatine himself is a Force nexus. He distorts space and time with his very presence.

Dark Nest III: The Swarm War - Luke rooted himself in the Force to the extent that not even the supermassive black hole at the galaxy's center could make him budge.

Riptide - Jaden Korr reacting to and slapping a laser back at a scout ship after it's already been fired.

Coruscant Nights II: Street of Shadows - Jax Pavan stops one of I-Five's lasers, and just for reference, I-Five outright refers to his lasers as light-speed, citing it down to the kilometer.

Coruscant Nights III: Patterns Of The Force - Darth Vader reacting to and stopping I-Five's laser mid-air after the fact.

Darth Bane: Path of Destruction - Darth Bane as a Sith Acolyte reacting in a microsecond.

Darth Bane: Path of Destruction - Vestara Khai's showing of reacting within a nanosecond.

Fate of the Jedi: Abyss - Sarasu Taalon's showing of reacting within a nanosecond and blocking a blast from a longshot after the fact with his bare hand. Mind you, that was after his dip in the Pool of Knowledge.

Fate of the Jedi: Vortex - There is also the time when Abeloth could act within the time frame of a nanosecond and attack Luke Skywalker so quickly that a nanosecond was barely enough time for him to dodge her attack.

Revenge of the Sith Novelization - Darth Sidious and Mace Windu were moving so fast that Anakin could not see them. But Mace was holding nothing back.

Revenge of the Sith Novelization - Anakin has no problem seeing star-fighters moving at a respectable fraction of light-speed and reacting quickly enough to dodge them even when they're about to crash into him.

Revenge of the Sith Novelization - MagnaGuards also have relativistic reflexes.

New Jedi Order: Dark Tide I: Onslaught - Luke manipulates an artificial black hole generated by the Dovin Basal.
Luke sank back into the chair and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath and reached out through the Force. He let his sense of things ride above the frayed ones' jagged profile and vectored in toward the vehicle. He got no solid sense of it directly, though a few frayed ones did appear to be housed inside. Instead he used that emptiness as a way point to search out a void, and as it formed, the black hole blossomed fully in the Force.

The void that the vehicle's dovin basals created to intercept the missiles was a gravitic anomaly that had substance in the real world. Tiny threads of the Force leaked into it as insects and birds, bats and bugs were pulled into it. Luke used their vanishing life traces and the very currents in the air that the void created to define the void. He traced its edges, knew exactly where it was, and knew how powerful it was.

He opened himself to the Force more fully than he had in years. He sought more power than he had when freeing his nephew. The Force flooded into him, at once molten-metal hot, yet as soothing as a cool rain. It swirled through him, filling every cell of his body, freeing him from fatigue, sharpening his mind.

Luke reached out with that power and latched onto the void that the Yuuzhan Vong vehicle had created. He pushed a bit, then tugged, in nanoseconds getting a feel for the power the dovin basals were able to exert to control the void. He almost smiled, since that amount of power was nothing compared to the Force, but he stopped himself short of pride in that fact.


Immediately the dovin basals started to shift the void to cover this new attack vector. Luke fed the Force into his hold on the void, thwarting them. Their pressure increased, and still Luke held it unmoving. The torpedoes got closer and closer. The dovin basals pulled harder, and when their effort reached a new peak, Luke let the void slip over toward intercepting the proton torpedoes.

The dovin basals devoted their efforts to sliding the void into place, which required both some lateral movement and shortening the arc over which the void would travel. As they brought it close to the vehicle, Luke pushed with the Force. Since the dovin basals were already tugging the void back toward the vehicle, they were not prepared to have the travel accelerated.

The void crashed into the vehicle, striking it in midspine. The long vehicle bent backward as both ends became sucked into the black hole. It flowed like thick liquid, all the sharp horns and bony plates becoming fluid as they curved up over the void's event horizon. In less than an eye blink the vehicle had been consumed by the void, leaving a huge gap in the Yuuzhan Vong formation. - New Jedi Order: Dark Tide I: Onslaught

The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia & The New Essential Chronology - These black holes generated by the Dovin Basals in the maneuver called Yo’Gand’s Core can manipulate moons.
In a tactic called Yo’Gand’s core, a dovin basal could pull a moon onto a planet.


During a Yo’Gand’s Core maneuver, a strong dovin basal was dropped to the surface of a planet, where it latched onto the planet’s core and simultaneously grabbed an orbitting moon with it’s gravitic beam. - The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
Using a tactic they called “Yo’Gand’s Core“, the Yuuzhan Vong used a gravity-altering Dovin Basal creature to pull the planet’s moon Dobido down to a shattering collision. - The New Essential Chronology
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@Darth Nihilus
@Crimson Dragoon
Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor said:
His senses were useless here in the Dark.

Here was no sight, no sound, no touch, no awareness of his body. He had only an inchoate awareness of being part of some kind of indefinable field of energy-or perhaps he was the indefinable field of energy. The only perception he could summon beyond simple awareness of his own existence was of certain modulations in this energy field: unreceivable signals, untouchable textures, unseeable colors. Irretrievably alien. Cold and ancient lives that had never experienced the beat of a heart, the touch of a hand, the taste of air. Impossibly distant, unreachable, born of vanished stars.

Stars, he thought. Yes. That's it: stars. That's where they come from. That's where we meet. Because that's what I am, too.

Everything in the universe is born of dying stars. Every element is created in the fusion furnace of stellar cores. Every atom that exists was once part of some long-vanished star-and that star was part of others before it, an unbroken chain of ancestry back to the single cosmic fireball that had been the birth of the universe.

It is the death of stars that gives the universe life.

With the idea of stars on which to hang his imagination, he could bring his situation into a kind of focus. Instead of a formless field of barely perceptible energy, he visualized himself as part of a stellar cluster, vast and dim; those alien modulations of energy became distant stars.

Though every true star is functionally the same-a fusion furnace in space-each is also an individual. One may be larger, another hotter; one may be nearing the end of its life cycle, collapsing in upon itself or expanding to destruction, while another might be freshly forming by aggregating the dust and gases of ancient supernovae. In Luke's imagination, he could read their individual spectra the way he might recognize a human face: they looked tired, and old, and far apart, burning themselves out in the endless Dark.

But he, too, was a star, and the light that shone from him was the Force.

Each and every distant star on which he fixed his attention, however dim it was, instantly brightened as his light fed its own. They drew near, attracted by his energy, captured by his gravitational field, growing ever brighter as they approached, burning hotter, giving off bursts of exotic particles like gusts of delighted laughter. They fell into orbit around him, becoming a new system of infinite complexity wheeling through the Dark in joyous dance.

Here we are, in the Dark, he thought. And it's not empty. It's not meaningless. Not with us all here. It's beautiful.

And each one he had touched with the Force remained linked to him by pulsing threads of light as they basked gratefully in its power; they had been trapped in this freezing Dark for so long, their only light coming from the burning away of themselves and their kin, forever fading until one by one they would wink from existence...

With that, Luke discovered that he knew them now.


Clear cut universal feat or at the very least multi-galaxy. It sounds like he hooked himself up to every star in the universe, and drew on their energy.

The funny part is that this is from Shadows of Mindor. :skully
But according to SpaceBattles he's only building level and loses to Naruto and Madara in TP :maybe