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  1. Masterblack06

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/darth-vader-and-palpatine-star-wars-disney-canon-vs-edward-and-bella-twilight-series.1172145/ @Atem @OtherGalaxy THERE AINT NO WAY
  2. Masterblack06

    OBD Convo #50: outskirts nakama dome

    one of the best henshin
  3. Masterblack06

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/zombi-mr-zombie-vs-cosmic-garou-opm.1172283/ Zombi gonna fold this nigga like laundry
  4. Masterblack06

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    The Doctor with prep time is just as bad as Batman with prep time. Niggas need to stop
  5. Masterblack06

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/reverse-flash-eobard-thawne-dc-vs-the-doctor-doctor-who.1171377/ The Doctor gets his cheeks fucking clapped
  6. Masterblack06

    OBD Convo #50: outskirts nakama dome

    im not even talking about the pricing im talking about the "this looks like a mobile game!" as if that means anything
  7. Masterblack06

    OBD Convo #50: outskirts nakama dome

    Nigga only cares about graphics and shit as if that makes a game good. fuck outta here
  8. Masterblack06

    OBD Convo #50: outskirts nakama dome

    absolute cringe lords
  9. Masterblack06

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    Ah its 101 Loop Union Top does his Combo with Unbreakable and shit blitz's Boros, The Monster Association and Garou :heston
  10. Masterblack06

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/sougo-tokiwa-kamen-rider-ohma-zi-o-vs-dr-manhattan-dc.1172010/ :FucksSake:
  11. Masterblack06

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    "Hakari is Lucky!" "Catch this auto tracking soul bullet nigga" :heston
  12. Masterblack06

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    Its why I like asuras wrath so much as a game The feat is there and in your face and to deny it would be admitting you played the game with your eyes closed
  13. Masterblack06

    OBD Convo #50: outskirts nakama dome

    All I know is that in my 100% Biased Opinion Z-ONE > Everyone else
  14. Masterblack06

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    https://www.fanverse.org/threads/guardian-fire-team-destiny-vs-gold-experience-requiem-jojos-bizarre-adventure.1115477/ Like on god this shit got so dumb so fast @Paxton
  15. Masterblack06

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    Prime example https://www.fanverse.org/threads/saint-14-destiny-vs-legends-grievous.1187254/ this fucking thread. Jesus fucking christ
  16. Masterblack06

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    Imagine having to moderate that shit. It was cancerous
  17. Masterblack06

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    People get a sniff of toon force and lose their mind You can blame Catalyst on NF for no one buying into that shit because of how absolute ASS he went about trying to present feats and talk about the verse. Debates with him turned into some of the worst shit shows i've seen. The rule we have about vague lore/ fluffand shit is BECAUSE of Catalyst. This didnt exist on NF till his shenanigans. Thankfully we havent had to use this rule here on OLF
  18. Masterblack06

    OBD Convo #50: outskirts nakama dome
