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  1. Darth Nihilus


    Welcome to OLF!
  2. Darth Nihilus

    OBD Convo #50: outskirts nakama dome

    Just beat Berserk PS2 Shame how you only get to use the Berserker Armor for only like 15 minutes
  3. Darth Nihilus

    OBD Convo #50: outskirts nakama dome

    Bro, that woman on the left is Montel's daughter Not his girlfriend :heston
  4. Darth Nihilus

    Star Wars Feats/Discussion thread

  5. Darth Nihilus

    OBD Convo #50: outskirts nakama dome

    Berserk PS2 is heating up btw Just beat a giant Ogre and a Kelpie during a village flood Awesome shit
  6. Darth Nihilus

    OBD Convo #50: outskirts nakama dome

  7. Darth Nihilus

    OBD Convo #50: outskirts nakama dome

    Hell games were 50-60 back in the 90s Stop complaining lol
  8. Darth Nihilus

    Bane (Nolanverse) vs. Koba (POTA)

    Superhuman vs Super Ape Hmm :mjpls
  9. Darth Nihilus

    OBD Convo #50: outskirts nakama dome

    Doesn't matter to me. I'm gonna start streaming earlier than that anyway. Likely around 6-7PM EST.
  10. Darth Nihilus

    OBD Convo #50: outskirts nakama dome

    What time does it start?
  11. Darth Nihilus

    OBD Convo #50: outskirts nakama dome

    Bro what the fuck have I stumbled upon today
  12. Darth Nihilus

    OBD Convo #50: outskirts nakama dome

    One of the reasons I decided to go back to the vintage eras and kick back for the summer I may go back farther and get into SNES and Sega
  13. Darth Nihilus

    OBD Convo #50: outskirts nakama dome

  14. Darth Nihilus

    OBD Convo #50: outskirts nakama dome

  15. Darth Nihilus

    OBD Convo #50: outskirts nakama dome

  16. Darth Nihilus

    OBD Convo #50: outskirts nakama dome

  17. Darth Nihilus

    Men’s Mental Health Month Match-Up

    Mainly cause I'm watching Berserk and we all know the story of Anakin I think every OBDer has at least one protag they like that know their tragic stories of mental health issues I'd put Vegeta up there too now that I'm thinking about it Real mental trauma
  18. Darth Nihilus

    OBD Convo #50: outskirts nakama dome

    That man is the Night King
  19. Darth Nihilus

    Men’s Mental Health Month Match-Up

    Man you might as well put Gutts in here too and Anakin Skywalker Just to name a couple