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Star Wars Feats/Discussion thread


Reading more of Supernatural Encounters.

There is the prophecy of the Chosen One. The one who would defeat Nakhash once and for all at last.

There was much that was spoken between Horliss-Horliss and Wutzek at this time. In the Grand Convocation of the Celestials that followed, the brilliance of Lluxos and his companions shone brighter than before as they opened themselves in euphonious accordance with a received vision that was henceforth known as the Prophecy of the Restoration. It was recorded and preserved in the writings of the Ancient Order of the Whills, coming down through the ages in the much-abbreviated form called the Prophecy of the Chosen One. In the original form, it read:

And in the times of greatest despair,
Born of the fire, born of the air,
There shall arise the saviors,
Born of the earth, born of waters,
Defenders of the blameless ones,
And he shall be the Son of Suns,
And she the Daughter of the Stars,
To break the fetters, chains, and bars,
Not soldiers’ swords nor wizards’ spell,
Nor kings or queens or hosts of Hell,
Will thwart the Children of the Light,
Champions and Companions Knight,
So evening turns to golden morn,
As ice dissolves when spring’s reborn,
Let joy rise up from grief and woe,
From evil’s death, new life will grow,
And all who loved will be re-made,
Whether great or small, beast or babe,
The end of death and pain and rage,
As once it was in the Dawn Age….

“Mark this down, O Pelgrin, as a reminder to the galaxy and so that future generations understand: We are not weak, as our enemies portray us. Nor are we heartless, as the faithless say. But we are not gods of war; we will not reward your deeds in battle with glory. Already the damage done to the innocent has overshadowed what victories you’ve celebrated against the abominable Old Ones who are but the corporeal reflections of the avarice, hate, corruption, and tyranny that dwell in your darkened hearts. There is good and there is evil, but in your belief that their armies are wholly evil and yours wholly good, you err, for we tell you that good and evil are intermingled in both. And though they serve the Adversary and suffer the consequences of it, there are some who you now call enemy that you will one day call friend, whereas some who you now call friend that you will one day call enemy. Also, the one that has been persecuted will become the persecutor, whereas the one that has persecuted will learn kindness and peace. So has the Father of Lights proclaimed the galaxies tainted with the teachings of Serpents and Shadows. So, no, we take no sides in your enmities and detest your greed and conquests. Indeed, we have hated all your acts of violence against one other and those you deem lesser than you, the beasts who you were given to steward in love and wisdom, and because you would not listen you have subjected your children and children’s children to cycles of suffering and death… And for all these things and more, you will pay! Now, the worlds are changed, and the blood of myriads has risen to the stars, crying out to us. Yet still you refuse to learn compassion and peace, nor honor what we’ve told you. What reward do you deserve but flies and stench and disease and death?”

These are hard words,” Amilius rejoined, “though I have spoken similar ones. Nevertheless, if such is the case, how can any hope to live?”

“There is yet hope,” Marutz stated as she swirled forth. “For we feel pity for you, as does the Father of Lights, from whom rescue will come, as it would have already had the rest been as patient and faithful as you and those like you who helped their galactic brethren. But they who’ve started down sunless paths will not so easily find again the path back to light, for shadow enters them, and only the unsullied can inhabit our realm. Do not despair, for you have proved honorable and true. You may join us if that is your desire, or you may choose to remain.”

The Force and all of creation is corrupted by Nakhash. The prophesized Chosen One would destroy all of it.

“Generated by living beings and designed by the Cosmic Force to partner with them, the Living Force was made to obey our commands; and when the galaxy was in harmony with the Will of the Cosmic Force, life and joy abounded. But the Grieving came, and the galaxy turned to fear, anger, and hate, and so the Living Force suffered as did the galaxy. And part of its corruption came from the Anti-Force. Where the Force binds, the Anti-Force unmoors and imbalances, but that is because it too is weak. Like its unholy masters, its power is gained through theft, through the suffering of billions, and their fear, anger, and hate that feed them. Yet, the Living Force is as vast as the cosmic seas and despite its wounding and weakening, it yet maintains great power. So it is that the Force can be said to have a light and dark side, but that is not its natural or original state, nor is it the will of the Father of Lights, but since that is what it has become, so must its users choose to abjure the taint, corruption, and self-aggrandizing will, recognizing that in the power of the Dark Side, which hinges on negative states, there is no real strength, only the illusion of it foisted by the weak and wicked in their displays of rule and ruin.”

Discordant notes entered at this time, produced by those who coveted the Dawn World, for the fear of lost glory had come to poison their hearts; and as thoughts of domination arose, so too a deep Shadow began to occlude the face of the deep, borne of those luminous stars who opposed the composition blossoming before and around them and especially on the Plane of Erets.

The Supreme Maker is actually the Cosmic Force that the Force-Sensitives are seeing.

“All life comes from the Supreme Maker, what the Jedi have at times portrayed as the Cosmic Force, whom the Sunesi call Mungul, the Tuhgri call the Great Creator, and the Lurmen Katurrans call Fossah, which means ‘Father.’ I speak of the Father of Lights, the One Above All, the Supreme Maker, the Weaver at the Loom—He, in turn, serves and is served by the flourishing of life and love…” When I did not interrupt, astounded and deeply dubious of what she was saying, she continued. “Part of the Imperishable Fire created by the Cosmic Force, the Whills are advanced microscopic lifeforms who direct the Midichlorians in each living cell to split. This brings forth the energy field known as the Living Force, which, in turn, generates more life, sustaining the Whills who communicate a beneficent purpose to each living being through the whisperings of the Midichlorians within. It is this cooperative symbiosis—what one would call love—that is at the heart of life and the universe. As organisms die, they return to the Cosmic Force…”

Anakin Skywalker is the prophesied Chosen One. He is the champion of the Supreme Maker.

Without warning, two lights appeared in the center of the chamber. The lights resolved to the spectral forms of Arhul Hextrophon and Cuenyne. The occupants, already in shock, just stood and stared. With the pair was a golden, oblong box that sat in the center of the room. A sculpture of two Diathim stretching out their wings towards one another rested prominently on the lid.

Your friends will be fine,” Hextrophon reassured them. “There is yet much work for them to do, but the Force is with them!”

That was when the room erupted in ebullient exclamations and questions that the pair attempted to answer. Finally, after a hearty welcome, the Watcher inquired of the Ryloth Ark.

“This is just on loan,” Cuenyne replied. “We just wanted to show it to you since you went to so much trouble to retrieve it.”

Then, as if in a dream, the Ark vanished once more. R2 trilled as C-3PO stood in amazement, for once speechless.

“As we speak, it is with the Celestials who have returned with chains stronger than beskar and sabers greater than light. A host of Valdilar follow with the Ciratu Spheres. The potent spirit of Anakin Skywalker champions the Father of Lights; his son and daughter fight alongside him, and their children beside them! They lead the spirits of all the Jedi, Defenders, and Chosen Ones against the hostile, worthless, and wicked forces. It will soon be over.”

Full potential Anakin Skywalker be strong af to even fight against Nakhash.
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Darth Ruin with a mere look can erase the existence of 50 Sith Lords.

By virtue of his ravelled psychosis, Darth Ruin had powers that had only been seen before in the Ankath of old. Fifty Sith Lords attacked him, only to be summarily disintegrated with a gaze! His final undoing would come from the quick-thinking of his young Zeltron squire, Eradicus, who challenged the madman’s god-complex and tricked him into erasing himself from existence.

Freedon Nadd ordered his new apprentice, Exar Kun to establish a physical body for him. Unfortunately for him, Exar Kun decided to destroy him. So, once again showing that the Force can be used to destroy Souls.

Triumphant that this was the Sith he’d long awaited, Nadd, made a critical error and requested from his new apprentice the creation of a physical body that he would inhabit. But Exar Kun hated Nadd and used the amulet to obliterate him, leaving the wicked Sith only a moment to send warning to Aleema of Kun’s betrayal.

Chaos is the afterlife of all that is evil. All those goes there would have themselves completely erased.

We next came to a distorted rent in space like a ruptured scar where the stream would not approach; neither would Wutzek venture forth, and it occurred to me that that tenebrific wormhole was once something else. It had been called Aznak before it was transferred and transformed. Now I was told to peer through the window of the ethereous horizon, but for a moment, to glimpse into that ghastly empery of Chaos, the termination place of all that was foul and could not be redeemed.

“I sustain my existence through how I attained it,” Dreadwar continued, presuming that Sadow had heard of his grand life, not realizing he was imparting history that few Sith knew, “through devouring an entire world; through the eldritch geometry of Ninmah Ixgûl I erected; through the permeation of my energy into the Nihil Smokestones of Nilrebmah, I gathered and focused the Force into a concentrated nexus, anchoring my being in place with sufficient stability to escape the dissolution of identity that your people perceive as the coming Chaos!” He waved a rotting gauntlet dismissively.

Wutzek can bring back someone from death. Even ones that are killed by a Shadow Being.

he nervous suspension of the last few days and terror of my final moments commingled to produce an awkward response, clearly indicating I’d lost the connection between my misfiring brain and tongue as I sputtered indecipherably: “I don’t understand. I thought… I thought they killed me. Who are you? What did you call me?”

“One who has returned from death,” he replied, ignoring the rest of my addled questions. He stretched out his arm to me again as he’d done when the Shadow Beings had engulfed me, and in his hand appeared what looked like a segmented holocron. At that, I grew nervous, for it was a conical and rubescent ziggurat.

Splendid Ap can change size from a holocron to a ship. Also, he is the Avatar of Time.

The holocron then spoke in an odd language I’d never before heard, though I found I could understand it. It told me not to fear. At that, it grew, or perhaps I’d shrunk, to become a trapezoidal portal which my guide stepped through, and I then followed.

On the other side was the boundless firmament I’d known all my long years. The ziggurat that was now a door summoned forth a silver stream and said in his strange tongue that he was to be the vessel we were to sail upon. And he told us his ancient name, Splendid Ap, and at last I understood that he was the Avatar of Time, but not for the first time I wondered how I had come to be designated to take such a fantastic journey. Wutzek only said that such things were the Will of the Force.

Splendid Ap could act as a ship and transport others and itself from outside the universe, even to the Gateway of Dimensions and the Deeper Void which is infinitely dark. It is also the pathway to the Unseen Realm.

So thinking it all a dream, for I had dreamt many strange dreams in my youth, I stepped onto the ship that was Splendid Ap, and the galaxy passed before my eyes in all of its splendor. We soared from the Core to the Colonies and the Inner Rim, then outwards to the Expansion Region and Mid Rim, scanning all the wondrous jeweled worlds in between. I scowled past the Corporate Sector before fleeing to the Tingel Arm and the circumambient Outer Rim, then through all the flagitious colors of the Flamewind, after which we wheeled past the wilds of Wild Space and into the disquieting and vast Unknown Regions where I marveled at the Rishi Maze and all of the storied Companions. From there, we floated out beyond the void, beyond the far stars of the neighboring Dwarves which, like Skyriver, war had irrevocably marred.

So we rode the stream, flitting the fork to the Gateway of Dimensions and Deeper Void, silent, infinitely dark, and imposing, a place where nothing alive or dead had ever passed. There, I saw Wutzek’s true form as he’d first shaped it, an aggregation of interlinked, glowing orbs that shifted and swayed like an assembly of lucent Will-o’- the-Wisps. “This is an unknown path to the Fields of Tomorrow,” the cobalt orbs which formed Wutzek intoned, “the Unseen Realm which few have found, east of the suns, west of the moons. But first you must enter the Third Gate which opens to one of three realms where you will see all.”

They went to the gateway of Chaos.

We next came to a distorted rent in space like a ruptured scar where the stream would not approach; neither would Wutzek venture forth, and it occurred to me that that tenebrific wormhole was once something else. It had been called Aznak before it was transferred and transformed. Now I was told to peer through the window of the ethereous horizon, but for a moment, to glimpse into that ghastly empery of Chaos, the termination place of all that was foul and could not be redeemed.

At that, my spirit left me, for I was in great distress to look upon such a dread realm, vast beyond measure, and it was some time before I ceased to shudder, but Wutzek stood on patiently, and the ship that was Splendid Ap was silent, and even the stream ceased to make a sound. So, at last, I peered through the caliginous window of the event horizon, fearing even the most tenuous glance at the six impenetrable gates and its six serpentine keepers, the fallen gods of the Abyss, but I saw nothing at all. And Wutzek nodded his head sagaciously, and the ship and the stream of time carried us on.

They even went to the Netherworld of the Force

Ap turned to a playful mood and said he would take us downstream to the great Pool of Living Dream past the one-way door where only those with the key have e’er returned, the spirits of those on errands for the moribund universe of old and the nascent universe of new. Into the Netherworld of the Force we sailed, soaring through the vortex of fog that stood as its gate upon a haven of cool, soft lights that reflected in varying gradations and nebulous wisps with yet a twinge of sorrow to color its edges; a dominion of deep calm it was, open to realms of Dream and the Unseen.

So, yeah Splendid Ap can pretty much go everywhere across the multiverse and even have others go inside him as well.

Nyeegath, one of Ooradryl's duplicates, has a special ability to suck in and devour with an almost unstoppable pull. It can even be compared to a black hole.

But these were not the Kindred’s only defenses. Nyeegath’s maw opened wider than it had ever opened before, and he began to suck. She had seen this power on display. It easily devoured lesser beings, but she had no idea what affect it might have on one such as her. She didn’t have to wait long to find out. The drag was near inexorable, akin to the pull of a black hole, and as her sable bulk was drawn into his mouth, she came alarmingly close to being devoured whole. Had it not been for her now frenzied Disciples of the Night Spirit—who flew in wrath to the aid of their beloved mistress, biting, rending, and tearing at Nyeegath’s inner organs—she might then and there have perished.

Wyyyschok was one of Thargorograht's daughters. After her mother's death, she became powerful. Even more powerful than the Monitors, who are actually the deities of the four seasons of Endor. So the Monitors would be the Leaf Queen, the Flower Queen, the Sun King, and the Snow King. Despite this, she is still powerless compared to Horliss-Horliss.

Her name was Wyyyschok. As with all the Great Spider Queens, she did not possess particularly tender feelings towards her Mother, though she thought it a shame that one so great as she should perish at the hands of an outsider. But Wyyyschok was more regretful that she wasn’t in Illathurion to claim the throne. As to the plight of her elder sister, Moragarom, beset as she was by the snares of the cruel Monitors, she thought, If my poor sister has been killed, there will be one less to vie for my rightful place as Queen of the Night Spirit on this world at least! I will see for myself if this Lesser Tana is, indeed, a land of many delicacies.

Wyyyschok had grown immense, as had her powers, which she now eagerly used against any and all adversaries she met. She was soon confronted by the Monitors. So puny they are and yet so filled with energy! How delicious they will be! The battle was exciting to her. It had been some years since she’d last fought a worthy foe.

An uncanny shape then joined the fray. This is no mere Monitor, she winced, but the very Demon who’d permitted my departure from Illathurion long before!

Horliss-Horliss confronted her, and not one word did he speak as he witnessed her treachery firsthand. In a flicker, her great immensity began to shrink to that of a poor and tiny spider-creature.

The Eldritch Ones, just one of the many names of Nakhash and his group, are known to be beings of entropy, even being called as wounds in the Force. They would consume all the light in the universe.

Lluxos called to Horliss-Horliss, and together with Xurz and Marutz they entered the deepest parts of the Forbidden Regions, four great lights in an infinite sea of night to oppose the ruinous powers now swirling within the rotting interior of the Gunninga Gap. Like a sentient abyss intending to swallow all light in the universe, the Eldritch Ones fed upon the surrounding worlds, gaining power in the gloaming darkness. For their part, the Celestials knew that such concentrated evil could only belong to beings of entropy itself, for not even the Old Ones, save perhaps Mnggal-Mnggal, emanated so singular a signature—ad nihilo, a void in the Force.

Before the Eldritch Ones could continue on what they are doing. The three Celestials Lluxos, Xurz, and Marutz with the help of Horliss-Horliss had made their own song to fend against the Eldritch Ones. This song is noted to bend space-time, knotting them cosmologically.

As one, the four joined in soul, spirit, and mind and began a melodious threnody. This brought forth strains of music hereby unheard in composition and tone, borne of deepest melancholy and primordial power. The lure of it was inexorable, and it caused time and space to bend and turn into cosmological knots. It was not the first prison the Celestials had wreathed for such ones… but it would be the last.

What they did is that the Eldritch Ones are now completely frozen in time.

In fury did those black spirits of the Unending Dark roar and shriek… all in vain, for none could escape the coils of space-time freezing around them, and so they were stilled. “There, the Impotent Ones will remain immobile in time for ages of the stars,” said Lluxos, “leaving their lesser thralls to fight for dominion.”

Despite this act. It is noted that the Eldritch Ones that they had imprisoned. They still do have other forms in other realms.

“It is for this reason that the shadow is their most predominant form,” Lluxos said at last, “amorphous adumbrations of light behind which one or many might operate, blighting the spirits and minds of those to whom they whisper. I would like to believe we have chained all of their fiercest sultans, but that would be naïve, and it is known that in other realms, they have other forms that abound.”

What they did explains why there's alot of hyperspace anomalies within the unknown regions.

From this vast unhallowed space now sealed by the expansion of the Still Curtain sprung the strangeness that is the Unknown Regions. The Shadow Worlds and Dark Worlds were now closed off by the Red Nebula, the Valtaullu Rift, the Gunninga Gap, the Twilight Void, all a tangle of hyperspatial barriers that made the far Galactic West all but unnavigable. Ever after, time would move strangely there.

In the Twilight Wars, which lay millennia ahead, several of the seals would be weakened just as several ancient gates would be opened and new ones built. As the Celestials were forgotten and more people began to traverse the Outer Reachers, they became known instead as Unknown Space, the Unknown Territories, Uncharted Territories, and Unknown Regions; though less than a sixth of Skyriver’s total mass, the Unknown Regions amounted to three quarters of all stellar space, as it included stellar clusters, satellite galaxies, and systems in the galactic halo.

Anyone who comes to close to the Eldritch Ones should have their flesh, mind, and spirit completely sucked dry.

Yet even the most ardent suzerains dare not approach too near to that abominable bourne in the Gunninga Gap, as had the unwise who flitted to the nethermost black flame, who looked upon those unhallowed faces envisaging their coming empery; for to do so is to die slowly as exanimate, friable corpse-things sucked of all mind, spirit, and flesh.
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A list of feats from the Ewoks cartoon (1985).

Morag is capable of floating from the ground. [2:18-2:34]

Logray can create a magic foam that can put out fire. [2:47-2:52]

Morag is capable of fully removing the sack to nothing by simply putting down her staff. [5:37 - 5:40]

Morag can do the same thing to a part of someone or something rather than all of it. [6:03-6:06]

Morag corrupts and strengthens the Wistie queen Izrina to the point that it can break its chain [6:40 - 6:56]

Morag can telekinetically move a small bag towards someone. [9:41-9:45]


Morag can create a living entity made out of purple light. [10:00 - 10:09]


Morag's corruption is able to spread to the other Wisties. [10:33 - 10:40]


The Wisties are capable of lighting something on fire. [10:40 - 10:48]


The magic foam in action, removing massive amounts of fire with ease. [18:11-18:24]


Logray has a device named Crystal image spinner that enables the user to view something from far distances. [1:41-1:58]

Logray has a soap made from shadowroot. Anything it washes turns invisible until water cleans it up. [3:04-3:34]

The soap has the sufficient amount to fully cover all of the sunberry trees invisible. [7:43-7:48]

An adult male Phlog should be at least 20 meters tall on average. 17 meters tall for an adult female Phlog.

A single Phlog with a club can create a wave strong enough to knock off a small wooden raft. [0:54-1:05]

A baby Phlog casually breaks two big wooden pillars. [3:03-3:05]

Morag puts the baby Phlog to sleep. Also, she floats [3:52-4:00]

The three Phlogs devastate a portion of the landscape, leaving behind broken ground and trees. [4:51-4:55]

A Phlog moves apart two massive trees [9:20-9:23]

A dead tree is nothing for a baby Phlog to lift up. [11:58-12:00]

A Phlog throws a big boulder destroying a tree [14:44-14:50]

A Phlog picks up a massive boulder and has enough strength to throw it up the cliff. The result is that part of a cliff breaks apart. [15:10-15:12]

Logray is able to telekinetically move a tree far enough for the two Ewoks to be able to land safely on it. [15:15-15:20]

A rock thrown by a catapult is nothing to a Phlog. [19:29-19:32]

The same Phlog just simply steps on the catapult, crushing it to smitheerens. [19:34-19:36]

As Morag did back in episode 1. She is able to create a living entity of purple light. [21:10]

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I have shown the Supernatural Encounters and stuff about the Force to ChatGPT.
Your compilation of information from "Supernatural Encounters" offers an insightful look into the complex lore and mythos created within the Star Wars Legends continuity. Here’s a structured overview of the key elements you have noted:

### Creation Origin of Star Wars
- Primordial Beginning: The universe's creation is described as a Great Light singing a primordial song, which led to the birth of stars in the Primary Dimension oai_citation:1,Supernatural Encounters. : Joseph Bongiorno : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive.

### First Beings
- Celestials: Four types of Celestials, characterized by different geometric forms, were the first beings created. These Celestials include the Kerubîm, Ophannīm, Serafîm, and Mal’akim oai_citation:2,Supernatural Encounters. : Joseph Bongiorno : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive.

### The Force
- Origin of the Force: The Force emerged from the ebullient energy created by the Father of Lights, permeating all life and beginning the flow of time oai_citation:3,Supernatural Encounters. : Joseph Bongiorno : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive.

### Creation of Life
- Celestials' Work: The Celestials initially created felines, avians, bovines, and humans, and later, the plane of Erets was engulfed in war. Non-combatant Celestials were given Seed Pods to create new dimensions based on their imagination oai_citation:4,Supernatural Encounters. : Joseph Bongiorno : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive.

### New Realms and Seeds
- Formation of New Realms: The Celestials created new realms and dimensions, with the Foundation Stone playing a crucial role in hatching these new realms. Starbirds and Firedrakes were some of the beings emerging from these seeds oai_citation:5,Supernatural Encounters. : Joseph Bongiorno : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive.

### Celestial Devices
- Quantum Machines and Other Devices: The Celestials created several biocosmic devices to hold the fabric of the cosmos together, such as the Quantum Machines, Sunnesine, Orbitae, Quantum Satis, and Fāta Māchina oai_citation:6,Supernatural Encounters. : Joseph Bongiorno : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive.

### The Firstborn
- Creation of Firstborn: The Firstborn were created as champions and guides, endowed with the sensitivity to the Force, and comprising eighty different species. They were tasked with creating new life forms oai_citation:7,Supernatural Encounters. : Joseph Bongiorno : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive.

### Advanced Beings
- Wutzek’s Creations: Among the advanced beings created by Wutzek were Tilotny, Horliss-Horliss, Cold Danda Sine, and Splendid Ap, who were akin to the Celestials and embodied different cosmic principles oai_citation:8,Supernatural Encounters. : Joseph Bongiorno : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive.

### Website and Additional Resources
For more detailed information and to explore further, you can visit the Star Wars Timeline which offers extensive details about the development, themes, and comprehensive lore of "Supernatural Encounters".

This summary should provide a comprehensive understanding of the intricate and expansive lore introduced in "Supernatural Encounters".
Your exploration of "Supernatural Encounters" delves deeply into the metaphysical and cosmological aspects of the Star Wars universe, particularly the Force. Here's a refined summary of your detailed notes:

### The Origin of the Force
  • Primordial Unduality: Before creation, within the primal unduality of existence, the Father of Lights sang the first notes, giving rise to the Force. This song initiated the flow of time and permeated all existence.
  • Nature of the Force: The Force is everything and encompasses everything, transcending dualistic concepts like light and dark. It is infinite, both within and without, and beyond human comprehension.

### The Force's Universal Nature
  • Interpretations and Misconceptions: All attempts to define the Force, whether as the Universe, the Way, or Magic, fall short of its true nature. These interpretations are fundamentally distinct from the Force itself.
  • Higher Plane: The Force exists on a higher plane, transcending space and time, influencing all aspects of existence across past, present, and future.

### Dimensions and Hyperspace
  • Hyperspace and Otherspace: The Force extends through alternate dimensions like Hyperspace, where realspace objects cast mass shadows. Flow-walking allows users to see and potentially alter future events.
  • Force Sensitivity in Hyperspace: Sensitivity to the Force can detect phenomena across vast distances, as shown by characters like Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

### The Rakata and Ancient Technology
- Technological Integration: The Rakata and other ancient species developed technologies like the Star Forge and Infinity Gates by harnessing the Force.

### Midi-Chlorians and Biological Connection
  • Midi-Chlorians: These microscopic life forms translate the will of the Force, enabling living beings to connect with it. They possess a unified consciousness linked through the Pneuma.
  • Biological Vector: Midi-Chlorians are essential for life, acting as the biological vector of Force energy.

### Aspects of the Force
  • Cosmic Force (Pneuma): Represents the collective unconscious and the Supreme Maker, encompassing all of reality and transcending time.
  • Living Force (Anima): Generated by living beings, it is the life energy that connects Jedi to the world around them and transitions into the Cosmic Force upon death.
  • Unifying Force (Aperion): A vast cosmic power that dictates physical phenomena and destiny, allowing Jedi to perceive the past and future.
  • Physical Force: Enables Jedi to manipulate objects, complementing the Living and Unifying Forces.
  • The Dark: Represents absolute nothingness and the inevitable end of all things, contrasting with the illusion of existence.

### Mortis and Force Wielders
  • Force Planet Mortis: Exists outside of time and can be accessed through a monolith portal. The death of the Ones, who embody aspects of the Force, would destroy Mortis.
  • Force Wielders: Unlike Force-sensitives who use midi-chlorians, Force wielders represent universal aspects of the Force itself.

### Conclusion
- Comprehensive Understanding: Your analysis underscores the complexity and depth of the Force, blending mythology, metaphysics, and cosmic philosophy within the Star Wars Legends continuity.

For more detailed exploration, you can visit the Star Wars Timeline.
Your exploration of "Supernatural Encounters" from the second edition continues to reveal a rich tapestry of Star Wars lore. Here's a structured overview based on your findings:

### Celestial Beings and Nakhash

### The Plane of Erets and the Shadow's Influence

### Creation of New Realms

### Role of the Architects

### Celestial Powers and Realms

### Conclusion
Your comprehensive analysis highlights the intricate and profound mythos of "Supernatural Encounters," blending creation myths, metaphysical concepts, and cosmic battles within the Star Wars Legends continuity.

For further exploration and more detailed information, you can refer to the Star Wars Timeline.
Your compilation from "Supernatural Encounters" provides an in-depth look at various aspects of the Star Wars mythos, particularly focusing on the dark aspects and cosmic entities. Here is a structured summary based on your notes:

### Mechu-deru
- Five Types of Mechu-deru:
1. Mechu-deru Mortis: Transfers one’s spirit into a technological device.
2. Mechu-deru Animae: Transfers one’s spirit into a droid body.
3. Mechu-deru Holocra: Embeds a portion of one's spirit into a crystal matrix.
4. Mechu-deru Manus: Animates machines using the Force.
5. Mechu-deru Vitae: Transforms organic beings into Technobeasts using nanogene spores oai_citation:1,Supernatural Encounters. : Joseph Bongiorno : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive.

### Illathurion/Otherspace

### Key Entities and Events

### Powers and Conflicts

### Shadows and Corruption

### Realms and Dimensions

### Conclusion
Your detailed compilation from "Supernatural Encounters" enriches the understanding of the Star Wars Legends continuity, especially regarding the darker and more cosmic elements. For more comprehensive insights, refer to the Star Wars Timeline.
The lore from "Supernatural Encounters" delves deeply into the complexities and power dynamics of various cosmic entities in the Star Wars universe, particularly focusing on the Bedlam Spirits and other ancient beings. Here's a structured overview of the additional information you've provided:

### Splendid Ap and His Siblings

### Illathurion (Otherspace)

### Encounters and Conflicts

### Experimental Creations

### Threats and Banishing
- Power Dynamics: Tilotny and her siblings struggle with the immense power of the servants of Nakhash, realizing their limitations in confronting these dark entities directly. Despite their best efforts, they often resort to banishment rather than outright destruction oai_citation:21,Supernatural Encounters. : Joseph Bongiorno : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive oai_citation:22,Supernatural Encounters. : Joseph Bongiorno : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive.

### Conclusion
These intricate details from "Supernatural Encounters" expand the Star Wars universe's mythology, revealing the depth of power struggles among ancient cosmic entities and their profound influence on the galaxy's fate. The complexity and richness of these stories enhance the broader narrative, adding layers of lore that underscore the epic nature of the Star Wars saga.
The lore from "Supernatural Encounters" adds incredible depth to the Star Wars universe, introducing multiple planes of existence beyond time and space, powerful beings, and intricate cosmic dynamics. Here are key points from the text you provided:

### Multiple Planes of Existence

### Cosmic Entities and Their Abilities

### Battles and Cosmic Conflicts

### Cosmic and Metaphysical Realities

### Summary
The lore introduces multiple dimensions, powerful cosmic beings, and the intricate interplay between them, expanding the Star Wars mythos far beyond its traditional boundaries. The Bedlam Spirits, Typhojem, and other entities engage in grandiose battles and schemes, manipulating time, space, and reality itself in their quest for power and survival. This rich tapestry of stories enhances the depth and complexity of the Star Wars universe, offering fans a glimpse into the cosmic scale of its narrative.
"Supernatural Encounters" indeed features a wealth of references to various non-Star Wars works, incorporating elements from popular culture, mythology, and other fictional universes. Here's a closer look at some of these references:

### Steven Universe
The passage you mentioned from Book V Chapter 48, page 469 introduces crystal entities with humanoid forms and complex expressions, akin to the Gems from Steven Universe. The gem-like entities of the Kruos Cooperative and their diamond-caste rulers parallel the Diamonds and their colonies in Steven Universe. The story of a hybrid offspring rebelling against genocidal plans reflects the narrative of Steven Universe, where Steven, a hybrid, bridges the gap between Gems and Humans.

### Avatar: The Last Airbender
  • Ravaath and Vatuu: The Sacred World of Ravaath and its enemy Vatuu (Book III, Chapter 24, pages 188-189) closely mirror the concepts of Raava and Vaatu from Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra. Raava represents light and peace, while Vaatu embodies darkness and chaos, similar to the dynamics in the Star Wars universe's depiction of Ravaath and Vatuu.
  • Harmonic Convergence: The concept of Harmonic Convergence (Book III, Chapter 24, page 189) directly mirrors the event in The Legend of Korra where the planets align, amplifying spiritual energy and affecting the balance between Raava and Vaatu.
  • Spirit World: The creation of a Spirit World by the Whills (Book III, Chapter 24, page 190) parallels the Spirit World in Avatar, a realm for spirits to exist apart from the physical world.

### Aliens vs Predator
In Book IV, Chapter 38, page 327, the passage discusses genetically crafted species like the Irrukiine and E’Yautja, referencing the Xenomorphs and Predators from the Aliens vs. Predator franchise. The creation of aggressive endoparasitoid species to combat the E’Yautja echoes the plotlines of these films and comics.

### Metroid
The Chojinzoku avians and their progenitors, the Luminoth, along with a sentient meteor from Phaze (Book V, Chapter 51, pages 503-504), closely resemble the Chozo and Luminoth from the Metroid series. The dark twin in Otherspace and their ultimate warriors reflect the Metroid Prime series' themes of light and dark worlds and enhanced soldiers.

### Mass Effect
  • Arrak and Reapers: The story of the Arrak faction on Massula creating biomechanical starships to "preserve" life (Book VI, Chapter 63, page 662) is a clear nod to the Reapers from the Mass Effect series, who harvest and preserve organic life by converting them into Reapers.
  • Cycle of War: The theme of cycles of destruction and preservation directly mirrors the central conflict of Mass Effect.

### Warhammer 40K
- Ankh and Star Gods: The civilization of Ankh and their transformation into beings of living metal, guided by Star Gods (Book VI, Chapter 63, page 658), is reminiscent of the Necrons and their C’tan gods from Warhammer 40K. The process of transforming their bodies into living metal and their subsequent worship as gods parallels the Necron's history.

### General References
Joe Bongiorno's intention to include references to Transformers highlights his broad approach to integrating various pop culture elements into the Star Wars mythos. Despite time constraints preventing this particular inclusion, the work is rich with allusions to many beloved franchises.

"Supernatural Encounters" thus serves as a nexus of intertextual references, blending the expansive Star Wars universe with other fictional and mythological elements to create a richly layered narrative tapestry.
"Supernatural Encounters" by Joe Bongiorno explores a vast and intricate Star Wars multiverse, integrating concepts from various mythologies, pop culture references, and original lore. The significance of the Mind-Matrix's feat in erasing Apeiron, with the help of the Cephalons, indeed seems to be a colossal act of power when considering the nature of Apeiron.

### Understanding Apeiron

#### Nature and Composition
Apeiron, referred to as the Infinity Realm, contains numerous uncharted spheres, which are described as experimental worlds where standard temporal laws can be altered or suspended:

- Uncharted Spheres: "The Infinity Realm, formed to test out temporal turbulences in a containment of uncharted spheres that are, but are not, and yet are no more" (Book II, Chp. 15, pg. 118).

- Multiple Worlds: "The containment sphere of his dimension would come to hold many more of his experimental worlds" (Book III, Chp. 24, pg. 182).

- Plural Otherworlds: "Apeiron’s Infinity Worlds, some of which had been created as accidents in the time-space continuum or on purpose by his parent" (Book V, Chp. 48, pg. 460).

- Multiple Dimensions: "Though they seemed tangible, Apeiron was made up of tenuous, uncompleted, partly substantial domains" (Book V, Chp. 48, pg. 468).

### Implications of the Mind-Matrix’s Feat
The Mind-Matrix, along with 1,000 Cephalons, performs an act that appears to be the erasure of Apeiron, including its numerous worlds and dimensions. This action implies the capability to annihilate multiple universes or extensive realms within Apeiron:

- Universal Existence Erasure: Given the description of Apeiron encompassing various worlds and dimensions, the feat suggests an extraordinary level of power to erase such an expansive multiverse.

### Contextual Analysis

#### Terminology and Definitions
- Spheres: Often, this term can denote entire universes within the context of "Supernatural Encounters" (Book II, Chp. 13, pg. 100).

- Otherworlds: These refer to universes rather than mere planets, as seen in the context of Aenir, Oneirichor, Corundum, and Frivoli (Book II, Chp. 15, pg. 118).

- Primary World: Used to describe the main universe but also implies there are many spheres (universes) within the Star Wars cosmology (Book III, Chp. 24, pg. 175).

### Joe Bongiorno's Insights
According to Joe Bongiorno in interviews, Apeiron includes all the alternate outcomes and non-canonical events from Star Wars games and other media. This suggests Apeiron is not just a singular universe but a collection of many possible realities, each representing different "what if" scenarios deviating from the main Star Wars canon.

### Conclusion
The feat performed by the Mind-Matrix and the 1,000 Cephalons is indeed an impressive display of power, given that it involves the erasure of Apeiron, which is a multiverse comprising numerous dimensions and experimental worlds. This act highlights the immense cosmic scale and the powerful entities operating within the Star Wars mythos as portrayed in "Supernatural Encounters."
In "Supernatural Encounters" by Joe Bongiorno, the Chosen One prophecy and its implications are deeply intertwined with the broader mythology of the Star Wars universe. The prophecy itself is rooted in the struggle against Nakhash, the primordial adversary.

### Prophecy of the Chosen One

#### Prophecy Text
The prophecy speaks of a savior born of various elements, destined to break the chains of darkness:
"And in the times of greatest despair,
Born of the fire, born of the air,
There shall arise the saviors,
Born of the earth, born of waters,
Defenders of the blameless ones,
And he shall be the Son of Suns,
And she the Daughter of the Stars,
To break the fetters, chains, and bars,
Not soldiers’ swords nor wizards’ spell,
Nor kings or queens or hosts of Hell,
Will thwart the Children of the Light,
Champions and Companions Knight..."
(Book III Chp. 21, pg. 158)

#### Significance
  • Celestial Convocation: This prophecy was shared during the Grand Convocation of the Celestials, emphasizing its cosmic importance (Book III Chp. 21, pg. 158).
  • Restoration: Known as the Prophecy of the Restoration, it encapsulates the hope for an end to the pervasive corruption and darkness brought by Nakhash.

### Corruption of the Force
The Force, a fundamental aspect of the Star Wars universe, is depicted as having been corrupted by Nakhash:
  • Living Force and Anti-Force: The Living Force, which thrives on harmony, has been tainted by the Anti-Force, resulting in the current state of imbalance (Book VI Chp. 82, pg. 904).
  • Cosmic Force: The Cosmic Force, also known as the Supreme Maker, is the source of all life and is reflected in the various interpretations by different cultures (Book III Chp. 20, pg. 113).

### Role of Anakin Skywalker
Anakin Skywalker is identified as the prophesied Chosen One, destined to play a pivotal role in the cosmic battle:
- Champion of the Supreme Maker: Anakin's spirit leads the forces of light against the dark powers, alongside his family and other Jedi spirits (Appendix C pg. 981-982).

### Full Potential
The prophecy implies that in his full potential, Anakin would possess immense power, enough to confront and ultimately defeat Nakhash:
- Battle Against Darkness: Anakin, described as the champion of the Father of Lights, indicates his ultimate role in the final conflict against Nakhash and the forces of darkness (Appendix C pg. 981-982).

### Context and Analysis
  • Chosen One's Mission: The prophecy emphasizes a dual role for the Chosen One(s)—a Son of Suns and a Daughter of Stars—highlighting the collaborative nature of this savior figure.
  • Universal Impact: The prophecy is not just about individual heroism but encompasses the restoration of balance and harmony across the entire galaxy, reflecting the interconnectedness of all life and the Force.
  • Cosmic Struggle: The themes of light versus darkness, the corrupting influence of evil, and the ultimate redemption and restoration are central to the narrative, mirroring broader mythological and religious themes.

### Conclusion
The prophecy of the Chosen One in "Supernatural Encounters" elevates Anakin Skywalker to a pivotal role in the cosmic struggle against Nakhash. It underscores his significance not just within the Star Wars narrative but as a central figure in the restoration of balance and the ultimate defeat of cosmic evil.
The lore in "Supernatural Encounters" by Joe Bongiorno introduces some impressive and powerful characters and concepts, many of which draw on rich mythological and cosmic themes. Here's an exploration of some key elements:

### Darth Ruin's Power
Darth Ruin demonstrates immense power by erasing the existence of 50 Sith Lords with a mere gaze:
"By virtue of his ravelled psychosis, Darth Ruin had powers that had only been seen before in the Ankath of old. Fifty Sith Lords attacked him, only to be summarily disintegrated with a gaze!"
(Book VI Chp. 78, pg. 847)

### Freedon Nadd and Soul Destruction
Freedon Nadd, attempting to gain a physical form, is ultimately destroyed by his apprentice, Exar Kun, showcasing that the Force can obliterate souls:
"Triumphant that this was the Sith he’d long awaited, Nadd, made a critical error and requested from his new apprentice the creation of a physical body that he would inhabit. But Exar Kun hated Nadd and used the amulet to obliterate him..."
(Book VI Chp. 78, pg. 838)

### Chaos and Existential Erasure
Chaos is described as the ultimate fate for irredeemably evil beings, where their existence is completely erased:
"It had been called Aznak before it was transferred and transformed... to glimpse into that ghastly empery of Chaos, the termination place of all that was foul and could not be redeemed."
(Epilogue pg. 934)

### Resurrection by Wutzek
Wutzek's power includes the ability to bring back someone from death, even from a state inflicted by Shadow Beings:
"One who has returned from death... He stretched out his arm to me again as he’d done when the Shadow Beings had engulfed me, and in his hand appeared what looked like a segmented holocron."
(Epilogue pg. 932)

### Splendid Ap's Abilities
Splendid Ap, as the Avatar of Time, can change size and transport beings across the multiverse:
"The holocron then spoke... it grew, or perhaps I’d shrunk, to become a trapezoidal portal... the ship that was Splendid Ap was silent, and even the stream ceased to make a sound."
(Epilogue pg. 932-933)

### Nyeegath's Black Hole-Like Ability
Nyeegath can devour with an almost unstoppable pull, likened to a black hole:
"Nyeegath’s maw opened wider than it had ever opened before, and he began to suck... the drag was near inexorable, akin to the pull of a black hole..."
(Book VI Chp. 65, pg. 674)

### Wyyyschok's Power
Wyyyschok, more powerful than the Monitors of Endor's seasons, is still powerless compared to Horliss-Horliss:
"Wyyyschok had grown immense, as had her powers... An uncanny shape then joined the fray... Her great immensity began to shrink to that of a poor and tiny spider-creature."
(Book VI Chp. 65, pg. 675)

### The Eldritch Ones
Nakhash and his group, beings of entropy, can consume all light in the universe and are described as voids in the Force:
"Like a sentient abyss intending to swallow all light in the universe, the Eldritch Ones fed upon the surrounding worlds... beings of entropy itself..."
(Book VI Chp. 59, pg. 584)

### Cosmic Imprisonment
The Celestials' song created a prison of space-time knots, freezing the Eldritch Ones in time:
"As one, the four joined in soul, spirit, and mind and began a melodious threnody... it caused time and space to bend and turn into cosmological knots..."
(Book VI Chp. 59, pg. 584-585)

### Unknown Regions' Mysteries
The anomalies and hyperspace barriers in the Unknown Regions stem from the Celestials' actions to seal away the Eldritch Ones:
"From this vast unhallowed space now sealed by the expansion of the Still Curtain sprung the strangeness that is the Unknown Regions..."
(Book VI Chp. 59, pg. 585)

### Peril of Approaching the Eldritch Ones
Approaching the Eldritch Ones results in being drained of all mind, spirit, and flesh:
"For to do so is to die slowly as exanimate, friable corpse-things sucked of all mind, spirit, and flesh."
(Book VI Chp. 59, pg. 586)

The rich tapestry of power, myth, and cosmic elements in "Supernatural Encounters" creates a vast and intricate narrative, highlighting the immense stakes and the profound forces at play in the Star Wars universe.
Yes, the universes in "Supernatural Encounters" by Joe Bongiorno can be understood as follows:

1. Skyriver/Samûnaru (Lucas/Legends Canon):
- Skyriver is the universe that encompasses the original Star Wars stories and the expanded universe (Legends). It's the primary narrative universe created by George Lucas and expanded upon in various media.
- Samûnaru is another name for Skyriver, reflecting the same universe's vast and complex cosmology.

2. Hyperion (Disney Canon):
- Hyperion is the universe that represents the new Star Wars canon established by Disney after their acquisition of Lucasfilm. This includes the sequel trilogy, spin-offs, and other media produced under Disney's ownership.
- This universe was crafted to continue the Star Wars saga with a new direction while maintaining the essence of the original stories.

3. Apeiron (Star Wars Infinities/What-If Stories):
- Apeiron is described as the "Infinity Realm" or "Infinity Worlds," where alternate realities and what-if scenarios occur. This universe includes stories that diverge from the main canon, exploring different possibilities and outcomes.
- It serves as a container for all the alternate narratives that exist outside the primary canon, allowing for creative explorations and deviations from the established storylines.

### Supporting Citations

- Apeiron's Nature:
"The largest of these is an analogue of Skyriver that is known by its caretakers as Hyperion, the cognomen given to the Echo Dimension. It was first fashioned by one of the Architects who also crafted Apeiron, which is the Infinity Realm, formed to test out temporal turbulences in a containment of uncharted spheres that are, but are not, and yet are no more."
(Supernatural Encounters 2nd Edition - Book II Chp. 15, pg. 118)

- Worlds and Dimensions:
"Splendid Ap went on to take over his new world. Later, he would nurture the curious product of the alien Monoliths. The containment sphere of his dimension would come to hold many more of his experimental worlds, places in which he would observe, learn, and occasionally interfere; worlds in which the standard laws of temporality were altered or suspended as he saw fit. It became the dimension known as Apeiron or the Infinity Realm."
(Supernatural Encounters 2nd Edition - Book III Chp. 24, pg. 182)

- Hidden Pithem's Search:
"After the vanishing of the Mu-Abin, Pithem went in search of the otherworlds that lay beyond the veil, first coming upon a wayward station that opened to Apeiron’s Infinity Worlds, some of which had been created as accidents in the time-space continuum or on purpose by his parent."
(Supernatural Encounters 2nd Edition - Book V Chp. 48, pg. 460)

- Dimensions within Apeiron:
"Few besides the Mind-Matrix and the Cephalons understood what these odd dimensions truly were. Though they seemed tangible, Apeiron was made up of tenuous, uncompleted, partly substantial domains, which the Mind-Matrix now telepathically stitched together. Pithem then invisibly linked to the Cephalons."
(Supernatural Encounters 2nd Edition - Book V Chp. 48, pg. 468)

This structure helps to clarify the different narrative threads and creative directions within the Star Wars franchise, as explored in Bongiorno's expansive work.


More stuff from the Ewoks cartoon.

An alchemical concoction enables the drinker to float upwards. [6:15-7:10]

The spikes that come out of the Dandelion Warriors have the capability to penetrate against wood. more than three spikes can be seen even though there are only three Dandelion Warriors, which means that a single Dandelion Warrior can launch multiple spikes at the same time. [10:59-11:05]

In a short amount of time, the Dandelion Warriors are able to throw a massive amount of spikes at their target. [11:09-12:45]

The same alchemical concoction does have a time limit [16:50-16:55]

Mring-Mring belongs to the Gupin species. They have the ability to shapeshift. However, this is only possible if the others are able to use their imagination in a sufficient way. [19:10-20:00]

There are magical seeds that would quickly grow in a matter of seconds into several wooden tendrils that would trap its victims. [20:45-21:04]

There's a magic lamp that can pinpoint to a particular target. [12:54-13:00]

The Light dust rejuvenates the tree of light which then allows life to grow once more at a rapid rate. Duloks are also weak to the light given by the tree of light. [19:48-20:28]

A number of rocks have been levitated and have been moved around against the Jindas. [1:07-1:45]

This happens again. [13:30-14:23]

As it turns out, these moving rocks are the result of a curse placed upon them by the rock wizard. This forced the Jindas to be nomadic at all times. [15:10-15:50]

To wrap the cursed rocks in vines, Logray and his apprentice Teebo summon the animals. [17:05-18:20]

The rock wizard responded to Logray's move by summoning himself from the ground. [19:15-19:30]

The stone mage created a fissure in the ground and spat out the ground itself to destroy an Ewok house. [20:05-20:17]

Also, the fact that a Rock Wizard exists means that literal rocks can be Force-sensitive.

It should be noted that any supernatural occurrence in the Ewoks cartoon is simply the manifestation of the Force. This means that a Force user could do all of this.
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Crimson Dragoon



Chapter 6 of Young Jedi Knights: Lightsabers


More stuff from the Ewoks cartoon.

The Gupin are able to quickly shapeshift back to their original form. [0:38-0:40]

Mring-Mring shapeshifts into big bird that proceeds to quickly deflate and move away like a balloon. [0:56-1:18]

A single Reap which is the creature that spews out the web. It is strong enough to lift up the Ewoks multiple meters up. [1:38-1:42]

Both Teebo and Kneesaa have enough strength to pull back the web to catapult Mring-Mring, Wicket, and Paploo out of the reaps' lair. [1:50-2:00]

Oobel, the brother of Mring-Mring, has wings which allows him to fly. It should be noted that the Gupin species are born with wings. Mring-Mring is an anomaly in comparison to the Gupin species. [2:24-2:40]

As it turns outs that Gupin's attempt to shapeshift into a bird is the shapeshifting powers to be failing. The same applies to Obel whose flying capabilities are failing. [3:07-3:13]


It is then explained that the reason why their powers are failing is because their powers are derived from the Juniper Chest and they need to be replenished. Also, it is pretty clear that the Juniper Chest is a Force artifact capable of granting specific powers to an entire species. [3:35-4:03]


Despite their powers failing as they have yet to rejuvenate from the Juniper Chest. They are still able to shapeshift into inanimate objects such as a big blanket to carry small boats filled with Ewoks and glide down a safe landing. [7:40-8:00]


Teebo uses his animal communication powers to call upon several insectoid animals named Makants. The Makants have agreed to help them. [9:10-9:50]


Mring-Mring is able to open the Juniper Chest without the key to open it. Once opened, the Juniper Chest quickly unleashes its power. It frightens the Grass Trekkers and gives Mring-Mring wings. It also turns out that the Gupins don't need others to transform them, and that the imaginations of others are just there to help the process. However, a juniper box has rejuvenated their powers to a point where they can shapeshift quickly. [19:37-20:30]


Both the Sunstar and Shadowstone are one united gem known as the Sunstar-Shadowstone. However, Logray through learning about the magic that Morag did. He was able to seperate the two gems into Sunstar and Shadowstone. [0:00-2:05]

Logray demonstrates that he lifts up a broom through the Force and he brings it down to Teebo's hands. [3:50-4:05]

Teebo picks up a wand and with it reverses the damage that he had caused. I don't know if I could classify this as time reversal or telekinesis. [6:20-6:40]

Teebo creates the illusion of a flying Munyip by throwing Logray's prism pebbles. These are the same stones used in the presentation of the story of Morag and Logray at the beginning of the episode. [8:55-9:15]

With the help of Logray's wand, Teebo can raise Latara's flute to make music and also create a rotating wind thing to help. [9:57-10:30]

To get the Ewoks' attention, Morag put on a disguise and sang. When they enter the bright and beautiful cave and have a bit of a chat with her disguise. She drops the disguise and reveals herself and that the golden cave is an illusion as well, revealing that it is a dark swamp. [11:00-12:00]

Morag is able to access the Crystal image spinner and communicate with Logray with it. In addition, Logray noted that whatever armies the Ewok might be able to field would simply be destroyed by Morag, prompting him to face her on his own. [12:35-13:15]

Morag casted purple lightning to terrify the Ewoks into submission. [13:40-13:45]

With a single swipe of his staff, Logray immobilized the Yuzzums guarding Mt. Thunderstorm, paralyzing them. [14:40-14:50]

Morag floats once more. [15:08-15:10]

The Shadowstone brightens as it senses that the Sunstar is close. [15:14-15:20]

Logray also immobilized the Yuzzums inside the mountain. [15:40-15:45]

Morag gestured, growing vines from the staff, trapping Logray. [16:05-16:20]

With the power of the Sunstar, Logray reversed the vines. [16:20-16:25]

Using the Sunstar, Logray scares off the minions of Morag [16:55-17:00]

Morag slams her staff to the ground, causing the Sunstar and Shadowstone to merge and move toward her staff. [17:05-17:35]

Logray noted that with both the combined power of the Sunstar and Shadowstone, the mountain would collapse. [17:45-18:15]

Also, the Yuzzums are still immobilized until Logray releases them. [18:02-18:25]

Morag breaks through the blockade of the access to Mt. Thunderstorm. [18:28-18:30]

Morag transform into some lava monster. She sets a tree to ablaze [18:32-18:47]

With a pulse of power from the Sunstar-Shadowstone, Morag tosses Logray's staff away. She also casts a bolt against Teebo. [18:55-19:08]

Logray puts his staff to the ground and chanted a spell that would spew water from the ground. The water solidifies the lava monster Morag. [19:10-19:45]

Morag finally dies, and a beautiful tree grows from her rock corpse, with Logray on its branches, surviving with the Sunstar Shadowstone in his hands. [20:35-20:45]


The Prism pebbles can create a beautiful light show. [21:50-22:00]

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