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  1. E

    Pre-Crisis Superman Overview

    Action Comics #25 Notes: - This is the first time that Lois tries to figure out Superman's secret identity - This is the first time (in this title, at least) that Superman battles another being with superhuman powers* - in this case a hypnotist named Medini, who can erase memories and control people with hypnotic commands *Unless you count the Ultra-Humanite's intellect, which he says was enhanced by an experiment Feat Catalogue: - Stands there while a man beats him in the face with a metal wrench, doing no damage. The man eventually knocks himself out. - Is temporarily paralyzed by a villain's hypnotic powers, but manages to break out of it - Defeats two guards with brass knuckles despite still being weakened by the hypnosis, and barely able to control his body - Finally shakes off the hypnotic spell by jumping into the stratosphere (the second time he's done this so far) and falling - Grabs a crashing passenger plane and lands it safely with one hand - Throws said plane and...
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    Pre-Crisis Superman Overview

    Action Comics #21. Notes: - In this, and a few previous issues, there have been advertisements for a contest that readers could enter to win prizes. I just find it so weird when I see stuff like 'last chance to enter the contest!' being said urgently, when said contest ended before my parents were born. - I'm still referring to the Ultra-Humanite as a "him" here because he has a male brain in a female body. - The end of this comic has a promo for the upcoming introduction of the Spectre - The Ultra-Humanite appears to die again in this issue. He'll be back, obviously. Feat Catalogue: - Throws people clear of a falling wall before it hits them, and survives the wall collapsing on him (caused by an explosion inside the building) unharmed. He also says that he "cannot be injured by a mere explosion", although of course that has to be taken in context. - Braces a collapsing skyscraper until the people around it can evacuate - Jumps after an airplane, and somehow maneuvers in...
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    Pre-Crisis Superman Overview

    Action Comics #17. Notes: - Superman is shown lifting a WWI - era tank and tanking machinegun fire on the cover, but that has nothing to do with the story and, as I mentioned before, covers like this aren't generally considered canon. That's why this is in the notes section instead of the feat catalogue. - This issue is dated January 1940, so we've now left the 30s behind. Feat Catalogue: - Dives off a cliff into the ocean and swims against the prevailing winds and waters of a powerful storm to reach an endangered ship. Said storm had previously capsized a Coast Guard boat that tried to reach the ship. - Using a water hose, he puts out a fire on the ship by running right into it, the narration noting his "amazing resistance to flame and pain" - Jumps in the water again and pushes the ship (it's a rather large cruise ship) through the waves, close enough to land for the Coast Guard to reach. - Easily catches up with a car going at top speed, then picks it up and jumps with it...
  4. E

    Pre-Crisis Superman Overview

    Action Comics #13. Notes: - First appearance of the Ultra-Humanite, the first supervillain that Superman ever fought. He appears here as a crippled bald man, and wouldn't gain his signature gorilla body until much later. - With this issue, we'll introduce a new category to the thread: the Feat Catalogue for characters other than Superman himself. - According to the DC wiki, Superman actually appeared in another comic since the previous issue of Action, New York World's Fair Comics #1. Not sure if I'll eventually cover that. - This is also the first time Superman is defeated (unless it also happened in New York World's Fair Comics #1), although the defeat is temporary Feat Catalogue: - The cover shows Superman stopping a train with one hand. However, covers are generally not considered canon unless the scene on the cover actually occurs in the comic itself. - He is shown lifting a truck one-handed in the intro page, although this has nothing to do with the story. - The...
  5. E

    Pre-Crisis Superman Overview

    Action Comics #9. Notes: - Another non-Superman cover, although there is a text box on the cover reading "In this issue: Another thrilling adventure of Superman!" - A bounty of $5,000.00 is put on Superman's head in this issue. Using the inflation calculator, in 1939 that would be worth more than $100,000.00 today. Feat Catalogue: - The opening narration mentions him running faster than a bullet and rending steel with his bare hands - Similar to the locomotive in issue #7, here Superman is shown lifting and smashing a tank, but this has nothing to do with the actual story - Jumps downwards off a skyscraper and saves a man who was trying to commit suicide by jumping from another building across the street - Two people trying to capture Superman jump at him at the same time, and manage to knock themselves out by colliding with him Weirdness: Superdickery: - In a nice and previously unprecedented act of continuity, Superman is actually being held responsible for his actions of...
  6. E

    Pre-Crisis Superman Overview

    Action Comics #5 Notes: - Another non-Superman cover - This is the first issue where we actually see that Clark is wearing his costume underneath his regular clothes, although he returns home to take them off. - Lois kisses Superman for the first time in this issue. This also marks the point where she falls in love with him, not knowing that he's really Clark Kent. Feat Catalogue: - Narration refers to Superman as "The strongest man on Earth". There wasn't nearly as much competition for that title back then as there would be later. - Uses his super jumps to catch up with a train long after it left, and beat it to its destination. - Narration says that he moves at the speed of light, but at this point in his career, this is almost certainly a hyperbole. Still, this will be the first scan of this thread, as it's notable as a claim, at least. - Braces a collapsing bridge long enough for a train to pass over it, then he lets it go and it collapses. - Tries to hold a crumbling dam...
  7. E

    Pre-Crisis Superman Overview

    ...1938) Notes: - The first issue, and the most valuable (and probably famous) comic book of all time. - This was actually an anthology comic, featuring the debuts of many characters. The version I have only has the Superman story, and not the others, which is a shame since I would have liked to see the debut of Zatara (now mainly known as Zatanna's father), too - This initial version of Superman's story has many differences from what you might be familiar with. Such differences include: * Krypton (which is not named here) was said to be destroyed by 'old age', rather than an unstable, exploding core * Instead of landing on the Kent farm, Superman's rocket lands near a road, and he is found by a passing motorist and given to an orphanage, where he grows up. * The whole red/yellow sun thing hadn't been established yet, so the explanation given for his strength was that his (as of yet unnamed) race was millions of years more evolved than humans, which gave them these powers. It...
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    Pre-Crisis Superman Overview

    ...Infinite Earths, in 1985. So the Golden, Silver, and Bronze ages. This won't be a comprehensive respect thread like my Fantastic Four and Avengers* threads, instead it will be in a different format: - I'll go through each issue and simply take notes in text form regarding feats, events...
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    You might know me. Really I'm only here so I can host my respect threads somewhere else as a backup. I'm not really interested in actual debating nowadays. Hope the formatting makes it easy to transfer them. I'll be starting my with Pre-Crisis Superman thread, which is still ongoing (I have...