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  1. E

    Diablo (Fantastic Four) takes on ToAru

    What comic did he get the Destroyer armor in?
  2. E

    Pre-Crisis Superman Overview

    Action Comics #395 Notes: - There's an ad in this issue for Jack Kirby's then - upcoming New Gods and Forever People series. Awesome. Feat Catalogue: We see a flashback of how Superman first built his Fortress of Solitude in the Arctic We see a tour/layout of the Fortress, including the alien zoo, "security weapons", space communications room, robot storage room, Kandor, "secret identity vaults", super-weapon armory, "super-lab and workshop", super-computer (I thought he had more than one of those), trophy room, Krypton memorial room, and "friendship galleries" (with sections dedicated to Jimmy Olsen, Lois Lane, Perry White, Lana Lang, and Clark Kent) Using Kryptonian technology, he can apparently create "memory tapes" to record his memories and let him replay them with perfect fidelity (but I thought he already had a perfect photographic memory?) While heading back to Earth from a mission in deep space, he made a detour to a remote jungle planet because he spotted a wrecked...
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    Pre-Crisis Superman Overview

    Action Comics #393 Superman Story Notes: This story featured the "Star of Asia", supposedly the world's largest diamond. There actually is a "Star of Asia" in real life, but it's a sapphire, not a diamond. The actual largest gem-quality diamond in the world is the Cullinan Diamond. At the end of this story, there is a narration bubble simply saying "Kirby is Coming". I'm not exactly sure, but this may have been an announcement that Jack Kirby was returning to work for DC, as that happened around this time, shortly before he created the New Gods. Don't get your hopes up for seeing Darkseid in this thread any time soon, though. Feat Catalogue: Uses super hearing to detect a "supersonic signal beam" from a stopwatch in a stuntman's outfit, then uses X-ray vision to figure out how the escape mechanism works, in the split second before he uses it Uses heat vision to weld a suit of armor shut around him, then uses it again to get out, all without making it look like the armor was...
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    Super Sentai Respect Thread. (Feats and discussion)

    Is this particular Sentai series set/focused mostly on Earth, or does it also include space travel? That could be useful to determine whether that description implies the dimension is the size of the Earth or the universe.
  5. E

    Super Sentai Respect Thread. (Feats and discussion)

    It really depends. In the standard fictional usage meaning a different spacetime, it's usually considered smaller than a universe, but it can be that size or larger, or it could also be much smaller. If there's no statement about how large it is, your best bet is probably to use the visuals to find a minimum size.
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    Super Sentai Respect Thread. (Feats and discussion)

    It's good to clarify and correct false information like that which gets circulated on the internet, like I did for that Psi-Lord Big Bang feat in my Fantastic Four thread.
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    Super Sentai Respect Thread. (Feats and discussion)

    Is that a good series to watch? The only Sentai I've watched all the way through was Gokaiger.
  8. E

    Super Sentai Respect Thread. (Feats and discussion)

    Which series is he from? Or is it one of the movies?
  9. E

    Super Sentai Respect Thread. (Feats and discussion)

    Who would you say is the single most powerful character in the entire franchise?
  10. E

    Do we need a new Tiering System for Multiversal Characters and Beyond

    Probably not. Especially since as time goes on, I've been considering this stuff more and more pointless to try to quantify. I have my own tiering system but I even admit that it gets vague once you get past Herald Level, and lots of others have contradicting systems. There is no single system that can work for all of fiction, I'm certain.
  11. E

    Pre-Crisis Superman Overview

    Action Comics #391 Superman Story Notes: Another one of those "imaginary stories", later retconned to take place on a parallel world. First part of a multi-part story I think this cover was also featured on Superdickery. We see a "Hall of Ancestors" in the Fortress of Solitude, showing some of Superman's ancestors, although it's unknown if these are canon for the Earth-1 version. A response in the letters column says that Superman didn't continue to age as he traveled forward through time after he stopped using the defective time bubble in issue #385. Feat Catalogue: - As this is an imaginary/alternate universe story, the feats here aren't canon and don't really apply to the Earth-1 versions of the characters Weirdness: The premise of this story is that Batman and Superman both have teenage sons. We see the mother of Superman's son, but she isn't named, and doesn't even have her face shown. Batman and Superman live in two large homes connected to each other at the midway...
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    Pre-Crisis Superman Overview

    Action Comics #389 Superman Story Notes: The opening narration says "Everyone knows that Superman is the strongest, fastest, most superbly conditioned being on all the Earth!" The Flash and several others would probably have something to say about that... Apparently Metropolis has a baseball team known as the Majestics A group called the Intergalactic Police, or "Galactopol" for short, are mentioned in this story This issue also features a few pages showing Superman's rogues gallery, including several villains we haven't seen for a while like the Toyman, the Puzzler, and the Prankster Feat Catalogue: Zooms into a stadium during baseball practice and catches a ball shortly after it was thrown When trying to hit a baseball with a bat, he swings it so fast that the ball makes a hole through the bat (very questionable physics here) Using a bronze bat, hits a baseball so fast into the sky that it catches on fire from air friction Outmaneuvers and defeats a professional British...
  13. E

    Respect Marvel Comics' characters

    Very underrated and broken character... one of my favorites.
  14. E

    Pre-Crisis Superman Overview

    Action Comics #388 Notes: This issue was made to be as intentionally weird as possible (see Weirdness section) We see "the latest Apollo mission" landing on the moon, but it's not made clear which one it is. Going by the publication date of the comic, it was probably meant to be either Apollo 12, or the then-upcoming Apollo 14. A response in the letters column says that the iceberg near Metropolis in issue #384 was created by the Flash villain Captain Cold. This is probably just a joke, though. Feat Catalogue: Blitzes the duplicate Mxy, moving him so fast he doesn't realize what is happening He was off visiting another galaxy, which is why he wasn't on Earth when it was duplicated Creates and polishes a giant mirror (not stated what materials he used, though) Creates a duplicate of the duplicator ray and uses it to return Earth to the proper dimension, sending the duplicate Earth back to that other dimension. Weirdness: Some scientist created a weird duplicate Earth...
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    Pre-Crisis Superman Overview

    Action Comics #387 Superman Story Notes: Continuation and conclusion of the story from the previous issues I had seen scans of some of the feats from this issue in respect threads before, but I had always assumed, due to lack of context, that they were from some alternate future timeline (due to the aged Superman) and thus not canon. However, if you've been following the story of the last few issues, you'll see that this is indeed the same Superman we've been following, and even though this timeline is eventually undone at the end of the issue (maybe, it's kind of unclear), these feats are still applicable to him. Back in issue #300, Superman also traveled to Earth a million years in the future, but there was still some life there, as opposed to this issue where it's entirely dead. I guess that was a different future timeline, which does make sense since time travel and reality warping is constantly shifting these things around. A response in the letters column clarifies that...
  16. E

    Pre-Crisis Superman Overview

    ...in a single direction. Said explosion was caused by "nutanium - the most powerful explosive element in the universe". Apparently it was at least powerful enough to have destroyed future Metropolis (which had skyscrapers many miles high) He then travels dozens of more centuries into the future Feat Catalogue (non-Superman): The Time Trapper was spying on Superman in the past and is still monitoring him in the future He is even able to monitor him while he is traveling through time **** - A future Green Lantern, despite being old and his mind not being sharp enough to use his ring that effectively anymore, flies to "the outermost sectors of the galaxy" to grab a super-dense "magna-meteor" and bring it back to Earth Weirdness: He claims to have aged 120,000 years, even though he only aged 100,000 years due to the defective time bubble, and traveled the remaining 20,000 years using his own power, which shouldn't have aged him On Earth, "cosmic fission" created a...
  17. E

    Pre-Crisis Superman Overview

    Action Comics #383 Superman Story Notes: - First part of a multi-part story Feat Catalogue: Uses a combo of heat vision and ice breath to disintegrate a falling satellite and freeze and preserve its data recorder simultaneusly Scans every square inch of an area in Metropolis to find a pickpocket (he only fails because the guy was disintegrated) Notices a guy's heartbeat increase out of nervousness with super hearing Uses X-ray vision to quickly scan all the documents in a file cabinet, looking for criminal evidence (but doesn't find any) Is hit by a "death-touch" that knocks him back but doesn't hurt him due to his invulnerability. The same ability was previously shown to make a desk fade away into nonexistence. Weirdness: - Ready for another crazy premise? An alien criminal is being transported through space on a prison ship, piloted by a single alien cop. The ship accidentally flies into the tail of a radioactive comet, and the radiation is so lethal that it...
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    Pre-Crisis Superman Overview

    Action Comics #381 Superman Story Notes: Another cover that was featured on Superdickery, for obvious reasons Continuation of the story from the last issue Red Kryptonite radiation can't penetrate lead, either. I don't recall if that was established before, although it probably was. Feat Catalogue: Shreds all of the flags at the United Nations building, then uses two flagpoles as knitting needles to weave their remnants at super speed into a giant Superman flag, and uses heat vision to melt all the flagpoles together into a giant flagpole to fly it Tricks the villains by incorporating an electronic satellite monitoring device into the giant flagpole to spy on them (after taking the device from the Fortress so fast the villains couldn't see him do so) Flies from the UN to the Fortress of Solitude and gets there before the villains can escape in their spaceship Throws the villains (in their ship) back into space Weirdness: The villains randomly decide to describe the...
  19. E

    The Outskirts Battledome Respect/Lore Thread Compendium

    Might as well post mine here: https://onelastforum.com/threads/pre-crisis-superman-overview.2327/ - Pre-Crisis Superman Overview https://onelastforum.com/threads/respect-drang-the-destroyer-dr-supernatural-obscure-dc-silver-age-villain.4015/ - Drang the Destroyer/Dr. Supernatural https://onelastforum.com/threads/respect-composite-superman.4876/ - Composite Superman I have more on other forums but I don't know if you want me to link those here too.
  20. E

    Respect Composite Superman

    Weaknesses - As mentioned, he is unaffected by lead and Green Kryptonite, and can use all of his powers (including all of Ultra Boy's powers) simultaneusly. However, he does have weaknesses, the main one being that his powers are temporary. They seem to last for a certain amount of time before wearing off and needed to be recharged. The time limit is unknown, but we do know that it's longer than 12 hours. Xan as Amalgamax mitigated this weakness by creating a portable recharging device, however he doesn't carry it with him (probably so his enemies can't steal or destroy it). He keeps it in his ship and returns there if he needs to recharge. It's also worth noting that when his powers wear off, any changes he's caused (such as transmuting elements) are undone, and revert to the way they were before. Also, Joe Meach lost his memories of having the powers shortly after they wore off, although this didn't seem to apply to Xan (I'm not sure why). - Another weakness is that his...