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  1. E

    Respect Composite Superman

    Overpowers Superman and defeats him again, as well as defeating Batman. Notable is that Superman said that he wasn't holding back, yet he still got one-shotted: - No-sells a "full-power anti-energy blast" from Wildfire, which he claims could hurt Mon-El, Ultra Boy, or Supergirl: - No-sells a combined attack from Lightning Lad, Sun Boy, and Wildfire, then defeats them all with super breath:
  2. E

    Respect Composite Superman

    Sun Boy - Gives him the ability to emit and manipulate intense heat and light, as well as being immune to virtually all forms of heat and radiation. Phantom Girl - The ability to become intangible at will. Supergirl - All of Supergirl's powers. Notably, all of his powers stack, which is why he is over 3 times as strong as Superman is. He is also immune to the effects of Green Kryptonite. As mentioned, all of these powers stack, and he can use all of them in concert. He is also immune to many of the Legionnaires' weaknesses, like lead and Green Kryptonite, and Ultra Boy's limitation of only being able to use one power at a time. His powers should scale to any feats by any of the Legionnaires in question (at their normal power levels), but I'll have to cover more Pre-Crisis LOSH stuff before I can give a good estimate on their maximum capabilities. Other Abilities Fighting Skills: As mentioned in his bio, "While possessing these powers the Composite Superman is an...
  3. E

    Respect Composite Superman

    Triplicate Girl (continued) Elastic Lad - Actually Jimmy Olsen, when he got powers and joined the Legion. This power is stretching, a la Mr. Fantastic, you probably know how it works. Bouncing Boy - The ability to inflate his body into a balloon and bounce around at high speed, without taking significant damage. Hey, not every power can be a winner. We only saw him use this once, as I guess he realized that it wasn't all that useful, with all of the other powers he had. Invisible Kid - The ability to become invisible at will. Notably, this makes him completely undetectable even to Superman's many vision powers.
  4. E

    Respect Composite Superman

    Mon-El - Grants him all of Mon-El's Daxamite abilities (basically the same as Superman, except his weakness is lead and not Kryptonite). However, unlike Mon-El, the Composite Superman is immune to the effects of lead (he wears a lead mask and it doesn't harm him at all). Matter-Eater Lad - Gives him the ability to eat and digest anything, even substances that are invulnerable to Kryptonian super-powers. We never saw him actually use this power, but we know he has it. Starboy - Gives him the ability to temporarily increase the weight/mass of objects and people. Element Lad - Gives him the ability to transmute elements and matter. Notably, he is able to use this to turn ordinary matter in to Green Kryptonite and back, and he also demonstrated the ability to transform things into tin, diamond, antimatter, and other substances. Light Lass - Just like Starboy, except in reverse - the ability to make things lighter. The two powers combine, much like Shrinking Violet and...
  5. E

    Respect Composite Superman

    Saturn Girl (continued) Colossal Boy - This power allows him to increase his size and return to normal. I'm not sure of his maximum size, but it should be at least that of Colossal Boy himself. It can probably also be assumed that his super strength scales up accordingly as his size increases. Cosmic Boy - Gives him the ability to manipulate magnetism and magnetic fields (basically think Magneto, except maybe without some of the mutant's more exotic abilities). With this, he was able to dig up vast amounts of iron, gold, and silver from underground and transport them across the world to build himself a castle. Shrinking Violet - Allows him to shrink in size and return to normal. Combined with Colossal Boy's power, this essentially gives him full size-changing. Again, his minimum size is unknown, but it should be at least as small as Shrinking Violet's minimum. Lightning Lad - Allows him to generate and manipulate lightning and electricity. He can notably use this to...
  6. E

    Respect Composite Superman

    Chameleon Boy (continued) Saturn Girl - Telepathy. As noted below, he should be capable of any feat she can do, but he mostly used this for mind reading, such as figuring out Batman and Superman's secret identities, learning their plans and strategies, and anticipating their every move.
  7. E

    Respect Composite Superman

    As previously mentioned, he has the combined powers of the Legion of Super-Heroes. This doesn't mean he has the powers of every Legionnaire ever, though, just the ones represented by the statues in the museum exhibit. But still, that's quite a lot. Let's go over them one at a time: Brainiac 5 - He has this Legionnaire's power of 12th - level super-intelligence. His mind works faster and more efficiently than a supercomputer, and he has a vast knowledge of all types of science, giving him the ability to Macgyver together super-gadgets at will. Feats he has shown with this power include: Coordinating the use of all of his powers together, and learning how to combine them in new and unique ways The knowledge to sabotage a bunch of rockets so they would fly where he wanted them to After regaining his powers and memories, he instantly figured out how he gained the powers and why he lost them last time As Xan/Amalgamax, he built a device that absorbed the power from the Legion...
  8. E

    Respect Composite Superman

    Another wacky but insanely overpowered Pre-Crisis DC villain. As you can tell by the title, this guy has a lot of different names (in fact, this thread actually covers two separate characters, but they both have the exact same powerset, so anything one of them did could easily be accomplished by...
  9. E

    Super Sentai Respect Thread. (Feats and discussion)

    If that was stated somewhere...
  10. E

    Super Sentai Respect Thread. (Feats and discussion)

    I like how the lasers suddenly become bullets.
  11. E

    Super Sentai Respect Thread. (Feats and discussion)

    That would be planetary range, with the right conditions (worldwide broadcasts).
  12. E

    Pre-Crisis Superman Overview

    Action Comics #379 Superman Story Notes: This story implies that Superman's invulnerability would have made him immune to a magic curse, but as the "curse" turned out to be fake, this can't be taken at face value One character declares Clark Kent to be "America's most prominent news personality" in this story For some reason, the Superman story in this issue is separated into two parts, in the same issue Feat Catalogue: Stops liquid oxygen leaking from a truck by squeezing the damaged valve shut Attempts to perform CPR on a guy but fails because he's already dead, but at least it shows that he knows how to do so Superman's form couldn't be copied by some alien shapeshifters No-sells a "death-blast" from an alien that could project himself as any form of energy. Not really quantifiable since it's unknown what type of energy a "death-blast" is, and he thought Superman was one of the other shapeshifting aliens in disguise so he was using what would be considered sufficient...
  13. E

    Pre-Crisis Superman Overview

    Action Comics #377 Superman Story Notes: Continued from the story in the previous issue The narration says that only lead can stop Kryptonite rays. I think we saw other things stop it before as well, like Brainiac 5's forcefield, though... Feat Catalogue: The narration on the splash page claims that "only one substance... Kryptonite" can kill Superman. Obviously there are other things that can, though... so don't take this 100% literally. The narration on the first page again says that Green Kryptonite is "the only substance in the universe that can destroy Superman". While dying from Green K poisoning, Superman manages to use the last of his remaining strength to propel himself out of the ring of Green K dust and grab on to a space capsule, then ride it back down to Earth as it re-enters the atmosphere (being far enough away from the Kryptonite dust now so his powers return, at least to an extent) We get a recap of some of his feats from the last issue (resisting the...
  14. E

    Super Sentai Respect Thread. (Feats and discussion)

    To answer your question, that would depend what was meant by 'spreading it around the planet'. What kind of global effects did that have?
  15. E

    Super Sentai Respect Thread. (Feats and discussion)

    I'm just saying that if you can react and punch at lightspeed, then throwing only 100 punches a second would subjectively seem like throwing a punch, then waiting around for a few weeks before deciding to throw another one.
  16. E

    Super Sentai Respect Thread. (Feats and discussion)

    That's kind of weird, as at lightspeed you could throw hundreds of millions of punches per second.
  17. E

    Respect Marvel Comics' characters

    Sersi actually has a crazy feat that I covered in my Avengers thread, where she was able to shield a room and everyone in it from a device that could delete the entire universe when operating at only one sextillionth of its maximum efficiency.
  18. E

    Respect Marvel Comics' characters

    I didn't say they were completely worthless, just that you should take them with a large grain of salt.
  19. E

    Respect Marvel Comics' characters

    Just FYI, you shouldn't put much stock in the handbook stats and statements, since they almost always tend to lowball the characters greatly when you compare it to their feats from the comics. The power grids are even worse, as often they give Street levelers and low Metas the same or better stats than Heralds in certain areas. The people who write those things don't really do the same kind of powerscaling and feat analysis that vs. forums do, and they even admit the handbooks are full of BS:
  20. E

    Pre-Crisis Superman Overview

    Action Comics #375 Superman Story Overall Notes: - There's a one - page feature in this issue recapping the history of the somewhat obscure character Sargon the Sorcerer. Interestingly, it directly names the Golden Age of comics, showing that such a distinction was a thing even back then in the Silver Age. Notes: Continuation and conclusion of the story arc where he lost the memory of his Clark Kent identity Clark Kent's address is shown in this issue to be "E-76-125 APT. 51" (as close as I can tell, it's kind of hard to make out) Batman is one of the few people who knows the precise location of the Fortress of Solitude A response in the letters column has a reader point out the same error that I did in issue #369, regarding Mount Chimborazo Feat Catalogue: Looks over all of the photo files at the Missing Persons Bureau at super speed to see that none of them look like him A memory deep in his subconscious causes him to dress just like he did as Clark Kent, despite...