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  1. Disquiet

    Steam Winter/Christmas Sales

    Nothing this time. I spent all my game money on PS4 games (FF7R and Bloodborne) like some sort of degenerate console nerd. My Steam wishlist isn't quite what it used to be, regardless. It's still hundreds strong, but I've already bought most of the really exciting things on it.
  2. Disquiet

    New Years Resolutions

    I don't make resolutions per se, but I do need to sort my life out. I need to exercise more. Maybe I'll do something productive for a change, or at least creative. Perhaps I'll start writing again. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.
  3. Disquiet

    Your Favourite RPGs

    RPGs and JRPGs are my favourite genres, though they're also technically very different genres (and kind of nebulous, when you include things like Dark Souls). I think I just like pushing numbers around. A non-exhaustive list of favourites: Skies of Arcadia Bravely Default Pretty much the entire Etrian Odyssey series (EO3, if I have to pick just one) The entire Dark Souls series (I guess the first game, if I have to pick just one?) Grandia II Panzer Dragoon Saga Shining Force III (scenario 3 is the best, but it's all technically one game) Morrowind Fallout: New Vegas Nier: Automata KotOR II And I realise it's no longer trendy to admit FF7 is my favourite FF game, but it absolutely is. Something about the setting, pace and design aesthetic of that game really works for me. None of the other FF games would come close to my list.
  4. Disquiet

    What are you currently playing?

    Finished Hellpoint. There were clearly mountains of cryptic stuff and presumably some sort of true ending I missed; going for NG+ now. Game's pretty decent. Worth playing for sure. It's occasionally very frustrating for dumb reasons - sometimes awful camera, sometimes janky level geometry, jumping puzzles - but it rises above its problems. It does a better job at emulating the Souls tone and presentation than most soulslikes, while putting an interesting eldritch sci-fi spin on it. Anyway, I managed to acquire a PS4 through arcane wizardry, so I'm now playing FF7R as well. So far it's mostly pretty good, but I already don't like some of the story changes they made. Combat is fine; it's ten trillion times better than FF15, thank goodness. Soundtrack is great. And Bloodborne is in the mail :catsalute
  5. Disquiet


  6. Disquiet

    Unofficial Screaming Thread

    Christmas is like that sometimes. :catfeels
  7. Disquiet

    What are you currently playing?

    I haven't yet, but I do plan to at some point. I've heard mostly positive things about it. :hm
  8. Disquiet

    What are you currently playing?

    Yeah. The setting kind of carries it. There's something to be said for the atmospheric sound design too, even if it's kind of hit (ominous space horns) and miss (why do my feet squeak so much in this armour?).
  9. Disquiet

    What are you currently playing?

    GMG pretty much gave me a free copy of Hellpoint, so I started playing that. It's not bad. A janky soulslike with a semi-interesting sci-fi horror aesthetic. The setting has promise: some sort of space station orbiting a black hole filled with demons, or something, in the wake of some sort of implicitly deliberate cataclysm. There's some kind of mysterious mystery going on. Definitely worth playing if you get it for free. Maybe worth playing otherwise too. I'll see how it goes.
  10. Disquiet

    What are you currently playing?

    I knew I recognised your avatar from somewhere. :faputa
  11. Disquiet

    What are you currently playing?

    I heard pretty mixed opinions about FF7R (in general, not the port). Most people seemed to think it was fantastic up until the point where the plot starts diverging from the original, at which point people were either basically okay with it or absolutely hated it. Given what I've heard about it, I suspect I'd fall into the latter category. Still, I'll play it once I hear the port issues are ironed out, and perhaps once it doesn't cost seventy cocking pounds.
  12. Disquiet

    Surviving a ball assault

    Alternatively, have some backup testicles attached so you have redundancies to fall back on As a bonus, you can point to them as objective proof of your numerically superior manliness
  13. Disquiet

    At least you're technically filling your head with new information. Half my time is spent...

    At least you're technically filling your head with new information. Half my time is spent watching clips of cute anime girls playing Minecraft.
  14. Disquiet

    Gaming Convo Thread #1: Here's Your Continue Screen

    Yeah, the last Pokemon game I really played was Y and it was already clear that this was the direction they were taking.
  15. Disquiet

    Surviving a ball assault

    Spoken like a man who has never had to rely on ball assault survival techniques.
  16. Disquiet

    Your favorite gacha game?

    Jesus. But if that's money you can afford and you're having fun with it, then power to you. I can see the appeal of the rush gacha gives, even if that rush is being exploited for nefarious money purposes. A rush is a rush.
  17. Disquiet

    Gaming Convo Thread #1: Here's Your Continue Screen

    I only ever really got invested in one Pokemon game, the first one I played (LeafGreen). Every other Pokemon game since has left me cold because they just feel like the same thing again, but with a less iconic set of Pokemon. I dunno. I remember I bought and finished Pearl, but only because my girlfriend at the time bought Diamond and wanted to complete her Pokedex. :whatevs
  18. Disquiet

    Your favorite gacha game?

    It's Genshin by default, on account of it being the only one I've played extensively (albeit only for two or three months). It was surprisingly good while it lasted. I only spent something like £10 in the end - on two months' worth of whatever the daily primogem allowance was called - so I guess it was worth it, relatively speaking. Cute anime girls (and sometimes fellas) may be a weakness of mine, but I'm pretty careful with money. I tend to resist gacha.
  19. Disquiet

    Anime Convo #1 thread

  20. Disquiet


    Okay, I bought the latest Stellaris DLC because I am a sucker for this dumb space game. New DLC has dolphin people. My aesthetic (well, close enough). I've heard pretty mixed opinions about that one, but I haven't tried it. I tend to find even the "good" Tales games hard to get into, though. Combat is a little weird.