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  1. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    Kakashi is as bad as Aizawa in every way possible and anyone who says the latter is a good teacher need to see some actual genuine sensei characters. Asians, primarily Japanese and Korean, got me down real bad. It's not the body type but more of the faces, really opens up my heart there and makes me melt.
  2. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    >Comes back to topic >Sees a pic of a huge ass(literally) of Mirko Can't be stopped.
  3. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    Frieza's actions are literally the reason the entire series happened, the hell is he talking about? Not all villainous actions need to happen during the series because the same shit goes for Aizen because he would be even less than a villain without it.
  4. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    Absolute first take isn't wrong though :mjpls
  5. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    I know, I keep forgetting that GameFAQs can be a massive cesspool of retardation to the point Reddit is genuinely better. I guess I was too used to it after being there for years so it's ingrained to try and be there.
  6. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    He was good at first then after the first patch, he became straight shit and never really recovered.
  7. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    That's a lie... most of the Strivzzzz Bridget fans don't even play the game :russ
  8. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    >Someone acts stupid over characters/lore/story >You clarify them how they are wrong about it >They then bitch at you and try and go full pseudo-intellectual >Seriously point out to them how stupid they are being >They call you an idiot and continue to be "meta" spouting idiots I honestly keep forgetting GameFAQs has a whole ass brand of retards like that. Between the rampant Sub Purists that pretend more than they know while not actually watching what they don't like, them acting as if they know characters/lore/story when it's literally them just being absolute idiots and then them ganging up on you for daring to tell them the obvious, I keep forgetting why GameFAQs is a dying breed of a site... then I'm reminded of stuff like that. Ironically, I can see them getting hosed everywhere else, even in certain places in GameFAQs itself because of that pseudo-intellectual BS. Seriously why I legit hate debating or even talking to them the most.
  9. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

  10. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    Class Act, liking this dude even more.
  11. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    The only thing in that list that will hurt is Sonic 3... that's it.
  12. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    :risigif Vince Russo is burying the hell out of him.
  13. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    Because what else they did was something even more boring and obvious.
  14. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    Yeah, that's pretty much how CM Punk was to most people, but it's easy to see he was always a dick but WWE masked it a hell of alot better than AEW did.
  15. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    Yep, they did it again... they tried WAY too hard there... It really feels lame as hell when you see it, let alone how it's described. Less is more, motherfuckers... less is more.
  16. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    Jim Cornette usually simps too hard for CM Punk... but he has a point here. CM Punk is a GODAWFUL fighter, you have security and wrestlers, how the fuck was you scared for your life?!
  17. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    Okay, I take it all back, this dude seriously needs to refind his balls for fuck's sake.
  18. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    You shitting me Tony? You fucking shitting me?
  19. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    @Derpmaster9000 @Claudio Swiss GameFAQS CM Punk fanboys are in absolute shambles stating that WWE would gladly welcome CM Punk due to his "record profits" from AEW Merch despite: The only people who say that is Tony Khan and biased sources for AEW. Despite the fact it's clearly obvious CM Punk is locker room poison to the max(Seth Rollins never say negative about anyone yet he blasted the shit out of CM Punk). People literally ignored that CM Punk was a commentator for a post Smackdown show before he went to AEW... yet he never wrestled at all during that point. Vince and Triple H was on recording stating "He's AEW's problem". Apparently the Stockholders will force them to hire CM Punk :kobeha Despite them literally seeing what he did during AEW as it's easily fucking accessible:risigif:jordangif Absolute Peak Delusion.
  20. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    I feel it's way too much to say WWE will take him back considering he's old, busted and absolutely will try and throw his weight around in the locker room like he tried in the past and in AEW. Vince may be the forgiving type but technically, CM Punk already royally screwed them over as they waited months before finally deciding to fire him for literally bailing because he wanted to be treated as the top guy without doing any of the top guy shit needed.