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  1. Adamant soul

    Bleach Thread

    I would agree that it's a cop out. I don't think Kubo had all the details concerning Isshin in mind when writing the Arrancar arc or we would have at least had a moment where Rangiku and/or Hitsugaya see Isshin or note Ichigo's resemblance to someone they know (which could be mistaken for Kaien to hide the fact they actually mean Isshin). It's the same as how Rukia would have obviously spotted the similarity between Ichigo and Kaien, but there's nothing to indicate that in Chapter one to explain her otherwise inexplicable behaviour (telling Ichigo anything instead of just memory replacing him on sight).
  2. Adamant soul

    Bleach Thread

    It's not really a retcon actually, Rangiku at least was in the manga version of the flashback as well. I know this because people complained about not getting the panel where her boobs are all sweaty in the anime. Kubo confirmed in a Q+A that Rangiku and Hitsugaya recognised Isshin during the Arrancar arc but simply chose not to say anything out of respect. Not really what I would call a retcon anyway.
  3. Adamant soul

    Bleach Thread

    Kubo has confirmed at least one ENTIRELY NEW fight for cour 2 of the TYBW anime. I'd ask for a Chad fight but I'm not holding my breathe on that, knowing my luck it'll probably be Yumichika or some other shitty character like that.
  4. Adamant soul

    Bleach Thread

    Episode 12 - 8/10 More Isshin x Masaki goodness was nice to see and honestly I liked Ryuken and Katagiri, although one part confuses me. Urahara says that Masaki's condition (meaning the Quincy and Hollow powers) will "always be inherited". Isshin already went into the Gigai that made him lose his Soul Reaper powers and effectively turned him human before Ichigo's birth and yet Ichigo still inherited them. So wouldn't Karin and Yuzu also have inherited the powers of all three races, not just the Quincy powers as is suggested by others? There's no reason that I can see, why Ichigo would have inherited Soul Reaper, Quincy AND Hollow powers and they would not have. Now Kubo did say that how Uryu survived Auswalen will be survived so hopefully he keeps his word on that front. Although it's an amusing irony to me, that he is basically the "son" that Mustache did not want. The impure child of two Quincy who acted in defiance of him, that he could not easily dispose of, to the point...
  5. Adamant soul

    Bleach Thread

    Yeah I understand that now, it's hilarious how badly they'd get stomped. More than implied now with Masaki being able to disperse White's cero and kill it with a single arrow. I find it doubtful that current Ryuken would be weaker than Masaki 20 years ago. :maybe And it's hilarious because I've always put him at that level and FV Bleach posters kept saying I was nuts for doing so. :kobeha
  6. Adamant soul

    Bleach Thread

    Well you see, I thought you were questioning why Ryuken didn't get involved, so I thought I'd explain it. So used to most people who talk about this arc just shitting on it, largely unfairly IMO as it's a good arc.
  7. Adamant soul

    Bleach Thread

    Aw shit, sorry about that man, it slipped out. Which would have been really cool if it happened, arc should have played into the Vampire tropes a bit more IMO.
  8. Adamant soul

    Bleach Thread

    I didn't say that he didn't, merely explaining why he would have avoided getting involved with the Bounts unless absolutely necessary. I don't even think he's that bad a Parent all things considered. He tried to warn him off Quincy training to try and keep him safe from Mustache or from getting involved in spiritual nonsense. Yet when he lost his powers, he was also smart enough and knew his son well enough to know he'd involve himself at that point WITH or without powers, ergo he decided that he might as well arm/train him and make him as capable as he possibly could. In the grand scheme of anime/manga parents, Ryuken's pretty cold but otherwise not bad all thing's considered.
  9. Adamant soul

    Bleach Thread

    Shit Uryu killed Yoshi when he was having trouble controlling his powers and even had Kariya on the ropes. Ryuken would have slaughtered them. :kobeha
  10. Adamant soul

    Bleach Thread

    I mean Ryuken is also the guy who allowed Uryu to go to Soul Society and Hueco Mundo, the latter being in direct defiance of their deal with regards to him returning his Quincy powers to him. :maybe The Bounts also needed Uryu alive and Ryuken knew Ichigo and co would go to save him. He would only have directly interfered if Uryu's life was in direct danger.
  11. Adamant soul

    Bleach Thread

    Great episode this week, I'll give it a 9/10. Masaki: To me, "taking better care of myself" means doing what I can, when I can. If I followed customs and let someone die today when I had the chance to prevent it, I know my future self will never forgive me. Me: That Masaki is what makes you...A True Quincy. :maybe Also Ryuken being a chad and putting Masaki's happiness before anything else, good lad. 👍 Not even the presence of Aizen and Tosen, could make me take the cheesy grin off my face after seeing the scene where Masaki introduced herself and Isshin didn't give a fuck about her being a Quincy. I could only imagine old Soken and how happy he would have been when he found out about that, living proof that his dream is not a fool's errand, that Quincy and Soul Reaper could truly co-exist. Hopefully the next episode gives us some reaction from him concerning their relationship, even if it's only a 2 second cameo, I'm not asking for much here. Mustache: That dream is dead...
  12. Adamant soul

    Bleach Thread

    Agreed Everybody killed it in episode 7 (still the best episode of this series by far), with Johnny Yong Bosch giving Morita a serious run for his money with the sheer rage he gets across in Ichigo's voice. Honestly I prefer Raiden Mustache to his Japanese counerpart, the voice suits him a lot more. It really is just a shame that Ichigo didn't instinctively switch from Blut Vene to Blut Arterie when he attacked Mustache. Would have done A LOT MORE than just burn his arm is all I'm saying. Not sure on the pronunciation of Haschwalth's name (or on Blut Vene for that matter) but those are minor nitpicks.
  13. Adamant soul

    Bleach Thread

    I can't rate it lower than a 6/10 'cause it does do some things really well. I really can't rate the episode too highly though, both because they still wasted Unohana's potential as a character by making her just fem Zaraki, and the stupidity of killing her off so early when she could have been an enormous asset against the Nazis. I do appreciate the fight itself for the choreography of it, it's pretty good now (Still not as good as earlier Zaraki fights but we take what we can get), and the fact it was more clear on how Unohana's Bankai actually works with the blood being acidic and shit and her being able to freely manipulate it. I also thought the tonal whiplash between going straight from Unohana's death scene - a goofy comedy scene with Oetsu and the Zanpaktou was massively jarring. Oetsu's part in and of itself was a pretty good to set up Ichigo going back home to get the truth from Isshin about his origins though.
  14. Adamant soul

    Bleach Thread

    Watched episode 6 dubbed. Both VA's put in some really good work, still a top tier episode.
  15. Adamant soul

    Bleach Thread

    Pretty good episode and already adding new stuff to Zaraki vs Yachiru to at least give it some good choreography, it's a nice start. Probably was the only one this happened to but Ichigo asking if they should really be eating at a time like this reminded me of Final Fantasy X after Sin destroys Kilika. With Tidus (who has the same Jap VA as Ichigo) questioning if they should be playing a game after so many people just died, though Wakka similarly shut him down because it helps keep the morale of the people of Spira up. Just triggered my nostalgia so I give it an extra point. :maybe Unohana is still just gonna be fem Kenpachi by the look of it so I don't except them to enhance her character at all and Shunsui's line basically confirms she's still gonna die, so still a huge waste but I suppose that's next episode's problem. Did like her deflecting Zaraki's swings with her hands and feet though, can't wait for people to try and argue it's still just skill she beats him for this...
  16. Adamant soul

    Bleach Thread

    My big issue with it is that Unohana had been hyped up since Soul Society, then she only gets ONE fight in which not only is it revealed that she's just Kenpachi but with tits, but she is then killed off without even getting to help fight off the Nazis in the second invasion. She was less an actual character and more of a plot device who existed solely to prop up Zaraki and keep him relevant going into the rest of the final arc. I would have preferred that she survive and go on to have at least one fight in the Second Invasion where she could then die, sticking to the theme of the Nazis' existence being the fault of the OG Gotei for not completely killing them all and therefore have all the OGs die. Hell Unohana would have been a good way to show off Haschwalth, since he never really gets a chance to live up to his hype. I just felt Unohana was WASTED and should have gotten a lot more for all the hype she had and how long we had to wait for the payoff.
  17. Adamant soul

    Bleach Thread

    5/10 Just kind of a meh/average episode this week. We've passed the peak of the arc and are kind of reaching the point shit's gotta start majorly changing or we're gonna be watching the anime equivalent of a train wreck from now on. :maybe Hopefully Unohana actually survives and gets a chance to actually be her own character and not just a shitty plot device to keep Zaraki relevant...but I doubt it. I did like how even Tenjiro was pointing out that she should be fucking fighting. Oh well, at least I've still got Rukia's Bankai to look forward to.
  18. Adamant soul

    Bleach Thread

    Yeah there's some good comedy with those two, though I do wish they got to actually do more. I mean he had to get away from the water somehow. :maybe She doesn't have her powers back ENTIRELY yet, so she was likely trying to avoid using too much power if she could help it. This also explains why she doesn't use her Shikai in this arc (other than they obviously didn't want to spoil the reveal of it in the Arrancar arc). I think he meant literal FIRE-power given they were dealing with water but I see what you mean. You're coming up on one of my favourite moments of the arc which is when Uryu gets to have a conversation with Yoshino (that's the female Bount with the fire doll Goethe). It's where the story really started to intrigue me and made her one of my favorite characters.
  19. Adamant soul

    Bleach Thread

    Yes now THIS I have pretty much NOTHING negative to say about it, EASILY the best episode so far and the only one (so far) I will rank the maximum 10/10. Ichigo displaying a RAGE that even dwarfes what he displayed against Tsukishima, really gets across how much he cares about the Soul Society and the friends he's made there, and therefore how much what Mustache has done DISGUSTS him. This is Ichigo at his best, when he's just pissed off and fucking shit up. Extending this fight was much needed as it makes Ichigo look a lot less like a bitch after being built up so much for the entire invasion. While I would have liked either Hollow Ichigo or a H2 transformation, I'm actually happy with what we got here. The brutality of the original Gotei was about what Mustache described yeah, and having Mustache get back-stabbed by Chojiro actually explains a lot about how easily Yamamoto beat him before (and how little he knew of Yama's Bankai). Yes obviously there is still the "twist" but...
  20. Adamant soul

    Bleach Thread

    Considering this was one of the TWO moments in this arc that I was genuinely looking forward to seeing animated, it did well on that front. Although even I have to say removing the flashback explaining Royd and Loyd's ability and the difference between them, was pretty damn stupid as this will perpetuate the myth Royd also copies powerlevels which he explicitly doesn't. It was also a much better way of revealing the twist that he wasn't the real Mustache than just having the real one turn up. I did like that they showed Royd was powerful enough to disperse Yama's shikai flames, thus showing that he actually NEEDED to use his Bankai, unlike in the manga where that wasn't really clear. Royd got some huge gains in this episode (still don't think he beats any of the elite but him vs Gremmy). :maybe I also get that they wanted to give Aizen screen time, but you'd think they'd use that scene to give us some kind of hint that Aizen used Kyouka Suigetsu there, considering this IS...