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  1. Adamant soul

    Bleach Thread

    He did but again, she was missing Sora that badly in that moment that it'd be unlikely that this would occur to her, at least not in time to actually do anything about it. It works well enough for me. Yep even as a fan of the Bount arc, I admit there's a reason it lasts 46 episodes and it's certainly not because it needed to, it does drag in places and this intro sequence with the Mod Souls is one of them. I would stress though that once the Bounts themselves appear, it does start getting really good IMO with several of this arc's characters being borderline or outright top 10 worthy characters. Hell this arc has Orihime's best scene and one of Chad's best scenes, it's funny how they only get a chance to shine in filler arcs. :maybe No it's the Bount Arc, trust me on that one.
  2. Adamant soul

    Bleach Thread

    I think this can be excused because she was already thinking about how much she missed her brother (because she saw Rukia get saved by her brother) and so she's not really going to think all that through clearly when her brother seemingly walks through the door. Never mind that I'm not sure she has all these mechanics down yet since she's only recently been introduced to them. Yeah I get the point of those episodes (and they work well for what they're supposed to do) but like much of that arc, they drag out longer than they should have. The Bount arc is still good shit despite this and it's the weakest of the filler arcs IMO. :maybe
  3. Adamant soul

    Bleach Thread

    Watched Episode 2 Dubbed, still good overall. So they're ALL going to pronounce it WA - DEN - REICH rather than VA - DEN - REICH are they? At least both Luders and Mayuri so far have said it that way and I don't like it, but it is a nitpick so I'll let it slide. Kisuke sounds...off to me. I know it's a different voice actor but it sounds to me like he's trying too hard to sound like the original dub VA. I don't know, that could just be me. I still don't like that Nel pronounces Ichigo's name right in the dub. Her getting it wrong emphasized her child-like nature and how much her brain was affected by the regression after Nnoitra's attack, it was part of her character. Granted that's more on the original anime's dub, I can't exactly fault this one for sticking to that decision. Now considering that Quilge was elevated largely off the quality of the Jap VA's performance, Xander Mobius had a lot to live up to. It is my duty to inform you all that...he did just fine, good job...
  4. Adamant soul

    Bleach Thread

    If you're gonna show filler while listing Byakuya's big fights, Byakuya vs Kariya should have been there as well now come on. :maybe Also might just be me, but Sasakibe's bankai just looked TERRIBLE to me, didn't like the effect on that at all. It only looked decent when it was on his sword but still, massively underwhelming for a Bankai. I also think they should have just shown Grimmjow, since it doesn't take a genius to work out who that was and this would be their only opportunity to show him in this chunk of episodes.
  5. Adamant soul

    Bleach Thread

    Best Episode so far, especially with regards to dispelling popular myths. Like confirmation that As Nodt had simply been lax in his of Blut Vene when Senbonsakura cut his hand, as it is immediately followed by him tanking a full body attack from it and then taking a concentrated burst on his head, even his eyes were unaffected as was shown in trailers. The other being Komamura straight up tanking the explosions of two of Base Bambietta's arrows, dispelling the myth that they ignore durability. :maybe People complaining about the fast pacing of the invasion when this is ALL supposed to happen really fast in-universe. Even the episode itself notes the "1000 dead in seven minutes" line. The Soul Reapers are getting literally blitzkrieged by the Nazis and the anime is getting that feeling across pretty nicely IMO.
  6. Adamant soul

    Bleach Thread

    https://www.fanverse.org/threads/bleach-calcs-ct123-edition.1233115/ Covers most of the big feats. There's an argument for planet level Soul King but even that is iffy as fuck.
  7. Adamant soul

    Bleach Thread

    More that they don't think the Espada got stronger and therefore Allon hurting Quilge means he and by extension FB Ichigo aren't that strong. OR that Allon is stronger than the Espada and was simply always that strong. :maybe
  8. Adamant soul

    Bleach Thread

    It seemed to me like Kubo just didn't like the idea of showing bow and arrow fights in general from: > Uryu's fight with Renji being off-panel > Uryu's fight with Mayuri being one of the shortest major fights in the series > Uryu losing his powers after the 1st major arc of the series. > Uryu being given a sword to use immediately after regaining his powers > Most of the Nazis not using bows and arrows which are supposed to be the main weapons of the Quincy. So of course he didn't focus on that dynamic, since he seemed to want to Uryu to fight as little as possible. But my problem is that I don't think they DO mirror each other, at least not based on what we actually see. Nothing we saw from Tosen's character suggested to me, he'd be the type of guy who would go out of his way to stop a friend from going down a self-destructive path. Or be such a bro that he could endure said friend's betrayal and still be able to fight him with no ill-intent or hate of any kind. Despite the...
  9. Adamant soul

    Bleach Thread

    Which unfortunately he never really gets. Sure Ichigo and Uryu "team up" to fight the Hollows, but then the Urahara store crew basically do their job for them and Ichigo solos the Gillian class Menos. I'm hoping for at least a PORTION of the Mustache fight to be an Ichigo/Uryu team up, before Mustache gets plot arrowed but maybe I'm expecting too much on that front. If I believed for a second that Kubo gave enough of a fuck about Komamura, to expand upon this particular plot point in order to make the transition even a LITTLE more believable for me, maybe I could hold on to hope for that much but I doubt it. Yeah I get the point of it but it still makes Yamamoto look like a bitch and he doesn't really get a real fight at any point in the series. Like you, I'm just hoping he goes down swinging as opposed to getting one-shotted.
  10. Adamant soul

    Bleach Thread

    I mean it doesn't really work as spite when the old man gets himself killed by enemies, he would have otherwise easily crushed. :maybe Though I suppose it did mean that he died with his honor as a True Quincy intact. Let the Nazis use their new bullshit, you do you old man. :awesome Still surprises me how many people deny that he got stronger. Though the worst one in that case is people actually thinking Sajin's assassination transformation didn't make him any stronger. I just want Yamamoto to get a better send off, at least give the man a good fight that isn't just a one-sided spectacle, before he gets fucked.
  11. Adamant soul

    Bleach Thread

    I did like that they eliminated all doubt by having Quilge state the GULF IN POWER between Letz Still and Vollstanding is like heaven and earth. Since there were actually some idiots who still believed the former was more powerful, while Vollstanding was just better in general. It also eliminates confusion on weather or not Mayuri got stronger between the start and end of the series, since he doesn't get insta-fucked by Vollstanding like he did Letz Still. People are complaining about the 1st invasion scenes going by too fast, but I honestly didn't have much of a problem with it, as long as it's to make room for expanding the fights between the actual non-fodder characters. :maybe I gave it an 8/10 I thought it was the best episode so far.
  12. Adamant soul

    Bleach Thread

    I think it's more people say that a random Sternritter COULD have done it, I don't think most people deny it WAS Mustache. The denial is in that fact being impressive, given Mustache's propensity to just sit on his ass unless he's actually needed for something or someone else attacks him. "But he fought Ichigo in the 1st invasion hurr durr" Because HE specifically wanted to be the one to recruit the guy who he masterminded the birth of. Also Ichigo attacked him so. :maybe A fight for each of the surviving Espada would be best but Grimmjow's contributions will probably be kept the same, given he already gets to kill two Nazis. MAYBE he'll get an expanded sequence vs Askin but I'd doubt it. Hilarious that people are bitching about the removal of hype dialogue for a character who did fuck all the entire manga. :kobeha The scene was honestly better without it.
  13. Adamant soul

    Bleach Thread

    I remember Quilge stating it was Mustache in the manga as well, maybe my memory's playing tricks on me. Well I'M personally hoping to see a Harribel vs Nazi fight at some point, though I agree there was no point in showing that particular one. A flashback showing at least part of Driscoll vs Sasakibe would be nice at least, given the impact the character's death is meant to have. Like at least show us his Bankai release sequence, before it got taken away.
  14. Adamant soul

    Bleach Thread

    Well we were at least DIRECTLY SHOWN that Harribel survived at least one attack, which left a sizeable crater in the wall behind her. That alone is an impressive feat considering the attack came from Mustache himself. :maybe BUT on FV they didn't even acknowledge that and just treated it the same as they've always done. IE. "Not sure why Yhwach even bothered with her himself when several Sternritter could have done the job." I did actually like that they eliminated the confusion from the manga, by giving Quilge a title card, giving away his Sternritter status. Something the manga obviously didn't until he used his schrift/vollstanding. It just means less confusion for confusion's sake for 1st time viewers.
  15. Adamant soul

    Bleach Thread

    Kickass Form Kickass Theme Kickass Speech Kickass Film It may not be the best form (only beaten by H2), nor canon, but it still deserves to be acknowledged damn it. :awesome
  16. Adamant soul

    Bleach Thread

    Like I probably will end up watching this at some point but I still don't really have high expectations for it. I did like As Nodt dodging Byakuya's shit because it destroyed the argument people pushed of him being slow, because he only blocked them in the manga (so people could pretend Espada could beat him). It's almost like there's a big difference between not dodging something and couldn't dodge something. :maybe
  17. Adamant soul

    Bleach Thread

    I love that scene, it's one of my favorite scenes in Bleach in general and that remix of Will of the Heart is SO fucking good. :awesome . The only problem is, even with the great animation they had for this fight, it's a little short. At least in terms of when Ichigo gets involved (the fight only lasts a few minutes after that), although the stuff with the Karakura Crew fighting him before that was good. I just think in terms of final arc battles, it is beaten soundly by Ichigo vs Kariya and Amagai, the latter IMO being the best final fight of any Bleach arc, aside from Ichigo vs Byakuya in SS.
  18. Adamant soul

    Bleach Thread

    It kind of did. The Aizen and Gin scenes were pretty much adapted wholesale, the fact both go so hard to try and sell you on this is why it hits some people so hard. Though when I first watched it, I already thought Aizen felt a little too good to be true and that his "death" was more than a little suspicious. So I at least had an inkling and wasn't completely surprised by the reveal. I wont deny it's executed well though. The only thing I remember the anime actually expanding is the Renji and Rukia flashback, showing more of them in the Rukon and being way more blatant that Renji was head over heels for her.
  19. Adamant soul

    Bleach Thread

    Yeah the anime is heavily censored in terms of the gore, it's probably the biggest legit issue it has. Yep Unfortunately I do generally prefer the sub VAs so i stick with that version, but Bleach does have the benefit of having a pretty good dub. Including Johnny Yong Bosch (Black Ranger) as Ichigo, which is always a plus. Though there are still scenes that just work better subbed.
  20. Adamant soul

    Bleach Thread

    You can connect the dots on it, but it's not really obvious per se, more of a blink and you'll miss it kind of thing. Like how I'm going through Fate at the moment and when Archer hands Rin back the pendant (despite already knowing the Archer = Shirou twist) I didn't put 2 and 2 together on it not actually being the same pendant (well it is but you know what I mean) until I thought about it later, at which point I went "Oh that's clever". 👍 Kubo still could have made it clearer though IMO or gone into more detail in the manga.