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  1. Doddsy

    Game Death Note Mafia

    Jokes on you I said Micahel not Michael you've falled into my trap
  2. Doddsy

    Game Death Note Mafia

    I am Micahel Scofield
  3. Doddsy

    Game Death Note Mafia

  4. Doddsy

    Game Death Note Mafia

  5. Doddsy

    Game Death Note Mafia

    This feud is getting old just move on the both of you
  6. Doddsy

    Game Death Note Mafia

    My second option is Big Man. I will before I head out I guess. How long do we have left?
  7. Doddsy

    Game Death Note Mafia

    Well not anymore you can't. I am about to head to bed as well. No chance anyone wants CP instead??
  8. Doddsy

    Game Death Note Mafia

    Ah okay I misunderstood what you were saying, my b. I'm not comfortable putting all my eggs in the Big Man basket when I think CP looks worse off play
  9. Doddsy

    Game Death Note Mafia

    That operates purely on the idea that scum have the game sown up already. Also you don't consider if CP and his partner have just distanced well, which is the significantly more likely scenario
  10. Doddsy

    Game Death Note Mafia

    He doesn't look uncertain in any way. I encoruage you read back on his case and try to come to any viewpoint other than he's working backwards from a scum perspective. He picked me as his target, and examined other peoples posts about how they could be linked to me. He never examined any of my posts, or gave reasons as to link me to others, purely the other way around. What positions are you finding unplausible?
  11. Doddsy

    Game Death Note Mafia

    And he looks awful after this phase, what exactly is compelling you to have him town? He can be partners with whoever, I see practically no reason he can't. There's a reason 90% of these hypothetical teams never pan out. Bussing is a basic strategy and trying to work backwards from no flips doesn't work. See last game for example.
  12. Doddsy

    Game Death Note Mafia

    Because you practically made no comment on it and have CP town still, seems like you haven't factored it in at all
  13. Doddsy

    Game Death Note Mafia

    Bit of a stretch to describe that as a slip
  14. Doddsy

    Game Death Note Mafia

    I could use more from both of you than "gut" after the utter shite CP has thrown out today
  15. Doddsy

    Game Death Note Mafia

    My content being lacking is the regular. The thought process you are ascribing to me is also randomly needing to be taken on good faith, as it's not reflected by anything I have said. The point you are making is largely meaningless because there's nothing to support you're assertion that I should have voted Flower over Ekko, only how you have decided what my thoughts must have been. I don't feel this is worth discussing further tbh
  16. Doddsy

    Game Death Note Mafia

    Again, where have I placed Flower as my top suspect? You're taking my nothing for it instead and just making up fan fiction that Flower must be my top scum read for ??? My thought process is I thought Ekko had a woeful day 3, as I have mentioned already, which made me think he was the best choice at the time. I don't understand your thought process that if magically forgot who my reads were on, even if one of them was one of the main candidates for a lynch, and just randomly pushed elsewhere and must be scum because of it. And apologies for treating you like a loon, you're kind of treating me like a vegetable here so I have no idea how I'm meant to actually respond
  17. Doddsy

    Game Death Note Mafia

    :giogio Honestly what is with this day phase, I'm getting assaulted with just nothing pushes here what am I meant to do
  18. Doddsy

    Game Death Note Mafia

    I genuinely have no idea how to respond to this. Can I just start crafting fan fiction of people forgetting things with nothing to actually back it up and push them for it too?
  19. Doddsy

    Game Death Note Mafia

    Where did I state I had no interest in other wagons? I stated I prefer Ekko to the other 3 main options, because that was the case? I genuinely have no idea where you're pulling this from. Also what would the mistake again be? Why would I have been unwilling to vote Flower if that was my preference? Are you implying I just randomly forgot a preference and decided to vote at randmom?
  20. Doddsy

    Game Death Note Mafia

    I did have Flower as scum, that's not up for debate. Why does me having two people as scum mean I have to push one over the other in your mind? Where are you getting the assumption that I had Flower as scummier than Ekko? Also I did mention Flower earlier today and already explained my read on her