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  1. Kaigainiki

    Love you too, you insane bastard. :Ollie:

    Love you too, you insane bastard. :Ollie:
  2. Kaigainiki

    Significant increase if you donate, just saying. :Rushia:

    Significant increase if you donate, just saying. :Rushia:
  3. Kaigainiki

    Oh my. :Baelz:

    Oh my. :Baelz:
  4. Kaigainiki

    The "Free" Games and Deals Thread

    https://vgperson.com/games/ This one person has done many English translations of Japanese RPG Maker games, free to download. It's great. :Nina:
  5. Kaigainiki

    User smiley's are now here! Upload your own fabulous icons from the comfort of your account settings!

    :Korone: :Rushia: :Matsuri: :ironmouse: :Nina: :Coco: :Pikamee: :Ollie: :Baelz: :Roberu: :Snuffy: :Kson: @Disquiet help me take over the world lol
  6. Kaigainiki


    g...got em...? :Korone:
  7. Kaigainiki

    User smiley's are now here! Upload your own fabulous icons from the comfort of your account settings!

    Also if we can actually get this working well, I would love for people to be able to use my dumb emote ideas. :Coco:
  8. Kaigainiki

    So, in other terrible news.....best wishes to Rushia... :catcry

    So, in other terrible news.....best wishes to Rushia... :catcry
  9. Kaigainiki

    I feel you about scraping by, dawg. I kinda just feel like I'm....existing, and not much else...

    I feel you about scraping by, dawg. I kinda just feel like I'm....existing, and not much else. It's all the uncertainty that's killing me. :Pikamee: I wish you all the luck and support out there as well, my friend. :Nina:
  10. Kaigainiki

    How things going, my dude? Been well? :Shuba:

    How things going, my dude? Been well? :Shuba:
  11. Kaigainiki

    A-Z Video Games

    Donut County
  12. Kaigainiki

    A-Z Movies

    T - Tron
  13. Kaigainiki

    A-Z Bands

    J - Jackson 5
  14. Kaigainiki

    A-Z Video Games

    Ace Attorney
  15. Kaigainiki

    A-Z Movies

    R - Rango
  16. Kaigainiki

    General Chat Lounge Convo: #1

    How about -30°F at night with the window down delivering newspapers? Fun time in New York a few years back feeling like I was gonna die. :life
  17. Kaigainiki

    Screenarchery thread

    Ah yes please, get me that newest issue of Pain&Suffering. :gura
  18. Kaigainiki

    Event Post and I'll give you your personal spirit beetle

    Let it be Ringo. :smugnon
  19. Kaigainiki


    Are you remembering the tv ads? Because this def got drilled into my head, despite me not having really discovered the internet yet. lol
  20. Kaigainiki

    TV Series Kitchen Nightmares

    Yeah, as was stated about the original UK episodes of Kitchen Nightmares, it's quite a different tone of a show, but I actually really liked watching those on BBC America in syndication. Like Ramsay still aptly and harshly gets his fucking points across, but he's often much more soft-spoken and passive-aggressive about it, and it's kind of amazing to see. Like no matter what volume he's at it's beautiful. :skully