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  1. Stocking Anarchy

    The Elder Scrolls Feats and Discussion

    Looking back into the ESO cinematics again... The Ascendant Lord withstands being blasted through a stone wall. The Ascendant Lord snaps the Nord heroes axe haft then overpowers him. The Ascendant Lord counters the Altmer hero and sends her flying with enough force to shatter stone (he seems to do this by countering her magical attack). The Altmer hero drops an arch of heavy stones onto the Ascendant Lord. The Heroes of Fate watch a volcano erupt. The Ascendant Lord survives having tons of stonewalk fall directly on him.
  2. Stocking Anarchy

    Movies What movie did you watch today?

    A Quiet Place: Day One
  3. Stocking Anarchy

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    "Soulsbourne characters cannot be fast because you, the player, react to them" :AmOh:
  4. Stocking Anarchy

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    I could go on about how so much here is wrong, but How exactly can you tell through gameplay that Nirn isn't a tiny universe? How can something so apocryphal be proven or disproven via the gameplay? You don't even see all of Nirn in Skyrim, but apparently it's very clear in the gameplay. :Luluco:
  5. Stocking Anarchy

    The Elder Scrolls Feats and Discussion

    Another interview! This one, with fore Loremaster Lawrence Schick. Lawrence Schick says that the lore of TES is delivered from an in-universe perspective, unlike A Song of Ice and Fire and The Lord of the Rings (although in the example he uses with The Silmarilion, this isn't entirely true, as that is also an in-universe mythological recounting of events, and even older versions of the mythos were considered something like older myths IIRC; but I digress). https://www.shacknews.com/article/100159/elder-scrolls-onlines-lead-lorekeeper-on-story-collaboration-and-history When asked for an example of differing worldviews in TES, he brings up how even gods & godlike beings have their own opinions, such as Vivec and Almalexia and Azura. All three have slightly varying versions of the same story (with Vivec sometimes contradicting hirself, and with Azura's version shining a more negative light on the Tribunal for taking the adoration of the people of Morrowind away from her and killing...
  6. Stocking Anarchy

    The Elder Scrolls Feats and Discussion

    Good news everyone! I found a fantastic interview with Leomon Tuttle, where he goes into lots of deep ideas. To start with, almost all of TES's lore is given from an in-universe perspective, and the bias that comes with it. https://writteninuncertainty.com/podcast/loremaster-interview/ Following directly from this, this brings about how the Monomyth is the story that everyone is adjacent to, even if there are different interpretations of how it all happened. With the antiquities system, the team sought to blend gameplay and lore, as well as to show people things that they loved from places & eras ESO hasn't really visited (such as the Alessian Era), as well as showing them something new all together. Some things they'd want to keep a mystery, but they'd always be happy seeing people get excited about certain lore they put in the game. With TES, they seek to combine the great cosmic issues with the everyday mundane issues (the secrets of the Universe, who are bricks made, etc)...
  7. Stocking Anarchy

    Movies What movie did you watch today?

    Wonderful! I wouldn't say it's heavy so much as it's bittersweet, but I would still recommend.
  8. Stocking Anarchy

    OBD Convo #50: outskirts nakama dome

    Again? I don't watch Mr Beast and know nothing about him other than he's a Youtuber with a chocolate line, but why exactly is this a bad thing? :AmOh:
  9. Stocking Anarchy

    The Elder Scrolls Feats and Discussion

    There is a pickaxe embedded in stone in the room with Lilou within the Mines of Khuras. 10:40
  10. Stocking Anarchy

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    Nah not retarded. Utterly dishonest and a hypocrite instead, which is magnitudes worse. You can't use feats from ESO because that's a different game with different gameplay set centuries ago, but it's ok to use feats from different Dragon Age games even when they have different gameplay styles and are set ages apart. Oh yeah this same poster has no issue using Oblivion which has different gameplay and is set centuries before Skyrim to try and downplay Skyrim. https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/a-frost-troll-the-elder-scrolls-vs-a-polar-bear-real-life.1126196/?post=96624413#post-96624413 Curious that now we can use the Prima's as guides but not when they say anything else.
  11. Stocking Anarchy

    The Elder Scrolls Feats and Discussion

    A Legion consists of around 5000 soldiers. Around half of the Legion (including their siege weapons) suddenly fly into the sky to combat Umbriel, while the rest remain on the ground to fight the wormies. Lightning and flame fills the sky during this battle. However, the forces of Umbriel win, and the army is wiped out. The Synod magic'd almost 3000 soldiers and their siege weapons into the air in order to fight Umbriel, as well as a hundred other magics, but all failed.
  12. Stocking Anarchy

    The Elder Scrolls Feats and Discussion

    From Lord of Souls, Hierem places wards to prevent anyone from lockpicking or prying, which can be countered with a soul-maze (such as those made by the Aylieds). Hierem laces wards and enchantments on Attrebus & Sulæß prison cells to prevent them both from escaping. It takes Colin half an hour to deactivate the wards keeping Attrebus and Sul prisoner.
  13. Stocking Anarchy

    Elder Scrolls: The Discussion Thread

    Ryuko Kui (the creator of Delicious in Dungeon) is a fan of the Elder Scrolls!
  14. Stocking Anarchy

    Delicious in Dungeon

    Ryoko Kui is a fan of The Elder Scrolls, Baldur's Gate, Pathfinder, Divinity: Original Sin, Pillars of Eternity & Dragon Age!
  15. Stocking Anarchy

    Trigger-verse feats, lore & respect discussion

    When Simon is thrown into the Labyrinth, we see many alternate versions of him. This is the case in the show (which is within the Anti-Spiral's pocket universe) and in the movie (which is somewhere else in the cosmos).