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OBD Convo #50: outskirts nakama dome


Man of Atom
niggas trying to shit on mr beast again for giving 1k people in africa homes



V.I.P. Member
Again? I don't watch Mr Beast and know nothing about him other than he's a Youtuber with a chocolate line, but why exactly is this a bad thing? :AmOh:

The internet has a weird hateboner for Mr. Beast. He paid for a bunch of people to cure their blindness, planted like a billion trees, and dug a bunch of wells in Africa.

The reaction was to berate him for making Africa look bad.

It's really stupid.


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
Just finished up with the Akropolis(plus the museum) and the Parthenon, as well as the temple of Zeus. Got some snapshots of the temple of Hephaestus too.

Sadly couldn't record or take pics of as much as I'd like, due to either low battery, or the peeps in those locations(such as the museum) not allowing videos or pics to be taken.(I managed to sneak in quite a few though, and recorded like over 25 minutes of footage of the inside of the museum behind their backs, lol. Wasn't even the only one doing it, either. Pure, lazy security for the win. Just don't be obvious when in their line of sight, and you're good.) :mjlol

I swear guys, a game I'll be making, outside of one based on Irish myth, is going to be based on Greek Myth, and fuck it if I ain't getting some wild shit in there, like the Titanomachy and Gigantomachy, etc. It'll take me years to get there, but I'll get there, eventually.:mshad

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
So AEW Forbidden Door was an alright PPV that had some serious problems dragging it down into outright bad territory, particularly in the second half.

I mean the fact it started with a complete filler match in MJF vs Hechicero didn't help matters, then you've got Mercedes Mone's match happening way further down the card than the Women's World Title match which is nonsensical (not just because Toni vs Mina was a better match anyway), but the big offender was that pathetic excuse for an IWGP World Title match.

At least Mercedes vs Stephanie was still a good match, it just had some weirdness with the crowd seemingly being won over by Stephanie (as there were "CEO" chants before the match) then SUDDENLY there's a guy in the crowd with a Boston Celtics shirt getting the crowd riled up...seemingly to provide the commentators a reason for the crowd turning on Mercedes (as the boos for her got louder after this), other than them just being won over by Stephanie. I don't know, the timing there just felt very suspicious to me. :really

As for Jon Moxley vs Tetsuya Naito, all I can say is WHAT IN THE BLUE FUCK WAS THAT? :scust

It was slow, it was boring, it was one-sided as Moxley dominated most of it. The crowd was fucking dead by the end of this match and had to be resuscitated by the main event. The only positive for it is they gave Naito back the title but it seemed like Tony, or Jon or both were almost resentful of the fact 'cause they had to have the Ref seemingly help Naito by not counting a pin (it did look like he got his shoulder up for a moment). Yet he also prevented Moxley from disqualifying himself with a steel chair even though that would have lost him the title as well (this was under New Japan rules) so they weren't even being consistent on Red Shoes being biased if that's what they were going for.

EASILY the worst wrestling match I've seen since I've started watching again, I don't understand it as I've seen both men put on better matches. Whatever the case, it was shit and it dragged down the whole show considering it was the semi-main event. Moxley vs Evil at Dominion wasn't great but it was better than this.
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Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member

Zeus easily, the much more personal beef between him and Kratos alone would push him ahead of Odin (whose really more Atreus and Freya's villain than Kratos'). So much so you still at least want to see Kratos get his hands on Zeus, even as you see the Greek world die around him the more Gods he kills.

Odin they almost tried too hard to make him "deeper" and therefore more interesting but didn't really come up with anything of substance, meaning that he isn't really all that memorable. Wanting all knowledge (even if it's specifically what happens when they die) isn't really all that different from just wanting power, especially as that's largely what Odin's pursuit of knowledge amounted to.

And yeah there's no sense in even bringing up boss fights as a category, Zeus goes out with a bang, Odin with a whimper.


V.I.P. Member
Again? I don't watch Mr Beast and know nothing about him other than he's a Youtuber with a chocolate line, but why exactly is this a bad thing? :AmOh:
The internet has a weird hateboner for Mr. Beast. He paid for a bunch of people to cure their blindness, planted like a billion trees, and dug a bunch of wells in Africa.

The reaction was to berate him for making Africa look bad.

It's really stupid.

I work with people who know Mr Beast personally. There’s more than meets the eye regarding him but people take it too far in berating him