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  1. NostalgiaFan

    OBD Convo #48: WAGA TAMASHII

    Speaking of which
  2. NostalgiaFan

    OBD Convo #48: WAGA TAMASHII

    I was wondering if anyone else would notice.:russ
  3. NostalgiaFan

    OBD Convo #48: WAGA TAMASHII

    Another example of a Green haired girl making niggas question if they are gonna get paid a visit from the police.:maury
  4. NostalgiaFan

    OBD Convo #48: WAGA TAMASHII

    Don't know if dead even but he should be more on par now then he was during Super.
  5. NostalgiaFan

    OBD Convo #48: WAGA TAMASHII

    Should be fine and happy Goku is already stronger then Gohan now but for some reason that is not enough so you need him to be stronger then he was back in the Buu Arc.
  6. NostalgiaFan

    OBD Convo #48: WAGA TAMASHII

    Gordo, just because you really want Goku to be stronger then Gohan to "dunk on them Gohan fans" does not make your argument any less disingenuous and full of holes. Just stop this and get over yourself.
  7. NostalgiaFan

    OBD Convo #48: WAGA TAMASHII

    I have no clue who the hell June is.
  8. NostalgiaFan

    OBD Convo #48: WAGA TAMASHII

  9. NostalgiaFan

    OBD Convo #48: WAGA TAMASHII

    Damn you got my personal pick. Good job man :mshad And yes she fixes the issue with the child form so don't worry about the authorities.:russ
  10. NostalgiaFan

    OBD Convo #48: WAGA TAMASHII

    June-bros eating good
  11. NostalgiaFan

    OBD Convo #48: WAGA TAMASHII

    Lol I'm gonna make a whole lotta niggas envious for having my birth month be June.:trolling
  12. NostalgiaFan

    OBD Convo #48: WAGA TAMASHII

    One of them, not the "real source", there is plenty I hate about Homelander just like I hate the Boys in general and it is more to do with him being a combination of tropes I hate rather then a single one. As for being "abrasive" you were making a lot of assumptions on me and why I don't like Homlander that felt really close to trying to paint me in an unfavorable and bias light that really did not sit well with me, so I obviously start to hit back against those points because doing that is really aggravating to people in general, me included. In summery yes. Garth was a contentious edgy try hard from his early days to now where he would just make a lot of cringy edgy shit that was only there to shock the reader while having no other point then that. Even his humor was just gross and honestly offensive for the sake of it and nothing else. I can enjoy Dark Humor when it is well done or not too overbearing, but Garth takes it to an unbearable height where it just feels juvenile and...
  13. NostalgiaFan

    OBD Convo #48: WAGA TAMASHII

    He sucks because he is just another dark ultra subversive Superman Expy like we already had with Irredeemable, Injustices Supes, BrightBurn, and various other "dark and gritty" takes on the character that we actual fans have more then gotten sick of. it sounds like you have never even heard or watched those others if you seriously think anything he does is unique or well written, he's just a shallow character who does edgy evil shit because that's all he is, from the comics to even the show. His actor is all he has to redeem it because he gives him something of an actual charismatic attitude that he lacked beforehand. :chill Dude, don't even try that shit. I hated that character from the days I first saw pics from the comic and the show does nothing to change what he is or make him anything better. He was always pushed as a living straw man of the USA itself and it's leaders by the Brit Bong writer who despised Super Heroes and made that comic as just a immature fuck you to the...
  14. NostalgiaFan

    OBD Convo #48: WAGA TAMASHII

    As well as a big FUCK YOU to overly pessimistic and nihilistic Brit writers who just love to deconstruct said American Super Heroes that was common at the time of the original Comics release. Hence why the character Supes is talking down to is a amalgamation of said Smarmy Brit bongs.
  15. NostalgiaFan

    OBD Convo #48: WAGA TAMASHII

    There is nothing interesting about Homelander, he is the main example of overly edgy garbage alts for Supes that just feels like a try hard attempt at being edgy. The only reason his Tv show version is even liked is due to his actor. Not like we even have a lot of good Live action versions of Supes right now since they either write him poorly or are done in cheap tv shows.
  16. NostalgiaFan

    OBD Convo #48: WAGA TAMASHII

  17. NostalgiaFan

    OBD Convo #48: WAGA TAMASHII

    I read that too fast and thought it said "The Jews of Hell Christening" :risigif
  18. NostalgiaFan

    OBD Convo #48: WAGA TAMASHII

    Why wouldn't you? my reactions are meant to be seen Cubey. :heston
  19. NostalgiaFan

    OBD Convo #48: WAGA TAMASHII

    I remember as a kid when my mom was teaching us his story at co-op with a book made about his life and I will never forget the moment in the book where after finding some thief trying to steal his horse after he won a tournament, he swung his sword so hard from sheer fury that as it hit the dude's head with the broad side of his sword it knocked out one of his eyeballs. :banderas