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  1. Astaro

    Dragon Ball Discussion Thread: MBXX Ultra Ego

    It’s Dragon Ball, it will sell no matter what. As bad as the writing and characterization gets, the Super manga still does the main thing fans expect in Dragon Ball these days: Big transformations and cool fight scenes. And I will say, reading through the whole Moro or Granolah arcs at once rather than waiting monthly for each mediocre chapters makes them a bit more enjoyable. My opinion hasn’t changed for Gas or Moro: Both some of the weakest villains in the whole series, both canon and non-canon. Toyotaro should start using the Demons like the ones used in Heros and Xenoverse for a change. That’d be interesting over these overdone space aliens from nowhere that add nothing to the series. That and Demons in manga just being objectively badass and pretty hard not to do right.
  2. Astaro

    Dragon Ball Discussion Thread: MBXX Ultra Ego

    If I’m going to be honest. Piccolo needed something like Piccolo Orange if just for not having any major transformations yet Gohan Beast is neat but Id have been fine with just him perfecting his Ultimate state which was already solid SSB level
  3. Astaro

    Dragon Ball Discussion Thread: MBXX Ultra Ego

    Yeah, besides the anime having that lame twist of him being evil and the manga just not doing anything at all with him, he was also weak as hell. Getting bodied by Goku and Vegeta using just their Super Saiyan forms. A good member of Frieza’s race is such a neat idea too. Perhaps their sick of Frieza giving their kind a bad rep and actively seeking out to do good to show not everyone is like Frieza. Wish Toriyama went with something like that for Frost
  4. Astaro

    Dragon Ball Discussion Thread: MBXX Ultra Ego

    Might as well with what a disappointment Frost turned out to be
  5. Astaro

    Dragon Ball Discussion Thread: MBXX Ultra Ego

    Anyone else but me want Cooler to be re-introduced? Him being Frieza’s older brother at this point would probably be too much of a plot hole but something like him getting the Broly treatment and re-introduced as a good member of Frieza’s race would be neat Like what Dragon Ball Heroes did
  6. Astaro

    Dragon Ball Discussion Thread: MBXX Ultra Ego

    I want a Broly arc, focusing on him learning to control and better use his powers is a great thing to build up on
  7. Astaro

    Dragon Ball Discussion Thread: MBXX Ultra Ego

    Got fucking robbed of seeing a properly Fusioned older Gotenks. Between Broly now training with Goku and Vegeta and Piccolo and Gohan’s latest Zenkais, hopefully moving forward these 3 will be added to the future plot to spice things up over just Goku and Vegeta all the time
  8. Astaro

    Dragon Ball Discussion Thread: MBXX Ultra Ego

    And saw the movie. As a Piccolo and Gohan stan, I was not disappointed here. Good amount of world building and old school Dragon Ball nostalgia for long time fans to pick up on. I appreciated the slow beginning and focus on story telling this time around. I liked Gama 1 and 2 a lot more than i thought I would. Hope to see Gama 1 make a return. Cell Max I feel no different against but… having now seen him entirely in action, I can see why they chose to make him based off Semi-Perfect Cell. First forms lacks the facial expressions to convey pure rage and between Semi and Perfects, Semi’s more brutish appearance fits more. That said, it would have been cool if Cell Max absorbed 18 or one of the Gamas to achieve of Perfect state with sentience and throw down with Gohan Beast to really make it a call back to Android Saga. CGI was excellent. While I prefer hand drawn, this was done so well I honestly won’t be disappointed if the next film or even tv anime implements this so long as...
  9. Astaro

    Dragon Ball Discussion Thread: MBXX Ultra Ego

    Going to be watching Super Hero tonight. Can’t wait
  10. Astaro

    Dragon Ball Discussion Thread: MBXX Ultra Ego

    The design was at least uncommon. But a Wizard fighter that uses magic in tandem with combat is pretty dope
  11. Astaro

    Dragon Ball Discussion Thread: MBXX Ultra Ego

    Agreed. His initial design was quite unique both young and old. Than they just plastered Cell’s face on him and made him a hodge podge of past villains powers instead of focusing on the wizard aspect of his powers
  12. Astaro

    Dragon Ball Discussion Thread: MBXX Ultra Ego

    And make this series x-rated :tupac
  13. Astaro

    Dragon Ball Discussion Thread: MBXX Ultra Ego

    LOL I just took a quick glance and assumed it was power rankings without really seeing it. My bad
  14. Astaro

    Dragon Ball Discussion Thread: MBXX Ultra Ego

    Now the question is, how would Gohan Blanco do against Cell Max completed with how he utterly bodied incomplete?
  15. Astaro

    Dragon Ball Discussion Thread: MBXX Ultra Ego

    I’d say probably enough to force Broly to go into LSS and win after a good fight Incomplete Cell Max and Broly are both fighters considered too powerful for either Goku or Vegeta to handle and not much else to go by
  16. Astaro

    Dragon Ball Discussion Thread: MBXX Ultra Ego

    If he was complete, Cell Max > Broly. As he was, Gohan and Piccolo were unsure if Goku and Vegeta could handle him
  17. Astaro

    Dragon Ball Discussion Thread: MBXX Ultra Ego

    Wouldn’t be much of a conflict if it was Gohan would it?
  18. Astaro

    Dragon Ball Discussion Thread: MBXX Ultra Ego

    I am. Just because I’m interested doesn’t mean I’m expecting a sudden improvement. Just hoping for it while wanting to see what they come up with
  19. Astaro

    Dragon Ball Discussion Thread: MBXX Ultra Ego

    Honestly not a bad chapter, I’m a fool to get my hopes up at this point but I am interested in what the next will be with this set-up. Mainly because of this part Please, just don’t make the new opponent suck even half as bad as Gas did.
  20. Astaro

    Dragon Ball Discussion Thread: MBXX Ultra Ego

    Just glad a real villain, even if an old one long over-used, stepped in to finally get rid of that joke. Goodbye Gas, you wont be missed. Clown shit right there even with their fighting style.