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  1. Adamant soul

    OBD Convo #47: You Still Wanna F*** With Me?!

    "I'm surprised the swords aren't getting through." Really Shad and co? Those helmets are designed to take high speed crashes and you're surprised a sword isn't going through it? :maybe Sure the polearms are another story but there's a reason those things dominated battlefields even when knights were in full armour. :mjpls
  2. Adamant soul

    OBD Convo #47: You Still Wanna F*** With Me?!

    Yeah it's funny they're trying to throw shade at other pervert characters but not at NNT's MUCH more suspect shit involving either actual children or characters who genuinely look like children. :mjpls
  3. Adamant soul

    OBD Convo #47: You Still Wanna F*** With Me?!

    And then you get the Sanji situation where, it's more a problem of how Oda draws female characters in that you would NEVER assume these characters were minors 'cause Oda draws them all like they're adults. Same as most manga authors, particularly shonen ones do with teenage characters in general. The closest thing anyone brings up there to actual pedophilia is Roshi asking to see 16 year old Bulma's panties. It's definitely iffier than anything the other two did or said. Obviously none of them are pedophiles in the sense these people are implying.
  4. Adamant soul

    OBD Convo #47: You Still Wanna F*** With Me?!

    Don't I know that feeling, being a FFXIII fan. :kobeha
  5. Adamant soul

    OBD Convo #47: You Still Wanna F*** With Me?!

    https://www.fanverse.org/threads/whos-the-bigger-p-dophile-jiraiya-sanji-or-roshi.1317595/ Jiraya: Konan I can tell YOU'LL BE a real beauty. Come see me again when you turn 18! Long Nose: Clearly Jiraiya is a pedophile. :facepalm Mate he said that she WILL BE a real beauty, not that she IS ONE right now. The future tense makes a big fucking difference here. He even adds the request for her to come see him again when she's 18 (and therefore legal in most places). How the fuck does anything in this page make him a pedophile? Sure the Naruto thing is weird as fuck but still, the form Naruto assumes when performing that Jutsu clearly isn't the form of a minor (again still weird as it is any other time Naruto causes nosebleeds because they should still know it's him and he's a 12 year old boy). Still not sure how you get pedophile from any of this.
  6. Adamant soul

    OBD Convo #47: You Still Wanna F*** With Me?!

    Cloud in the original game is a top 5 FF protagonist, like the fact that the dude is such a mentally broken basket case at the start (to where he it's unclear what is really his personality and what is just him copying Zack) and yet manages to work through that shit to become a reasonably well functioning human being by the end of the game is a top tier FF character arc. I remembered his character arc for the most part before playing the game. The compilation seriously fucked him over by making him just "emo pretty boy". If a protagonist has a chance of being elevated in my mind by my current playthrough, it'll be Squall as I'm playing through FFVIII (remastered) as well, given that I remember significantly less about that game as I do about VII. Though it must be said that the grindy nature of getting magic in VIII is already wearing thin on me (especially when you have to sit in boss fights for minutes at a time getting certain spells or when characters refuse to use the rare...
  7. Adamant soul

    OBD Convo #47: You Still Wanna F*** With Me?!

    Wow even as someone who has NEVER liked Sephiroth to begin with, I can't help but cringe reading this shit. :kobeha Dude's gonna end up WORSE than Ultima at this rate, which would be extremely ironic considering how obviously they were trying to make Ultima like Sephiroth. It's also fucking saying something considering the only two main villains I consider worse than Ultima are Cloud of Darkness ('cause she isn't even really a character) and post-DLC Ardyn for obvious reasons. It's especially sad because I've been playing the original FFVII and, while I don't like him as a villain, I can't deny how good the build up for Sephiroth is, specifically because he DOESN'T appear very often and every time he does he makes a big impact.
  8. Adamant soul

    OBD Convo #47: You Still Wanna F*** With Me?!

    Joseph Joestar
  9. Adamant soul

    OBD Convo #47: You Still Wanna F*** With Me?!

    Oh? Well then I don't know, I'm waiting until the Fate Stay Night remaster comes out to get back into Nasu stuff.
  10. Adamant soul

    OBD Convo #47: You Still Wanna F*** With Me?!

    What story about vampires?
  11. Adamant soul

    OBD Convo #47: You Still Wanna F*** With Me?!

    https://www.fanverse.org/threads/saitama-vs-perfect-cell.1317447/ I see and why is that Fused? "Oh, so you thought you could train and surpass me? Surprise I get stronger by sheer anger and pull new abilities completely out of my ass like space cutting scythes and clones." "Oh so you thought you could seal me away? Well guess what, we made Goku forget the sealing tag in an uncharacteristic display of stupidity and incompetence." "Oh so you thought my fusion with my non-immortal half would fuck up my immortality and allow me to be killed? Nah I'm back and merged with the universe and shit, just luck lol." Goku's cells mixed with his when he regenerated following the explosion, come on this isn't even that stupid. Plenty of characters replicate techniques after seeing them enough times and guess what, it happens far more in Super than in Z. :maybe Need I remind everyone of Trunks pulling a spirit bomb out of his ass (an ability he has NEVER even seen canonically mind you)...
  12. Adamant soul

    OBD Convo #47: You Still Wanna F*** With Me?!

    I got DBS Broly, yeah eventually something's gonna set the guy off and then I'm getting puny-godded into the next millennium.
  13. Adamant soul

    OBD Convo #47: You Still Wanna F*** With Me?!

    Potions (Final Fantasy XIII) - "Potions are effectively rendered redundant the second characters gain access to the medic role. Even with the Doctor's code, there's simply no reason to use them over simply switching roles." The hell there isn't! :whatisthis Doctor's Code (which you get at the end of chapter 2 just before you get magic) + Potions gives you 300hp for the entire team for a single potion, for NO ATB cost and without needing to waste time switching paradigms, allowing you to stay on the offense and finish fights quicker. On the contrary, this combination effectively makes MEDIC redundant until HP levels start to rise by a lot into the multi-thousands, which isn't until like Chapter NINE, of THIRTEEN. Yes potions (even with the Doctor's Code) are eventually power crept into uselessness in Final Fantasy XIII, but nowhere near as quickly as he suggests. Especially in comparison to something like the regular potions of Final Fantasy X, wherein they unironically ARE...
  14. Adamant soul

    OBD Convo #47: You Still Wanna F*** With Me?!

    Huh? looks at my post...Oh shit sorry, it was actually XIII that they said was the worst which I disagreed with, not XII.
  15. Adamant soul

    OBD Convo #47: You Still Wanna F*** With Me?!

    Final Fantasy I - Skipped over...the correct answer is Garland though. :maybe Final Fantasy II - Firion...again though the correct answer is the Emperor, do villains not count as characters or something? Final Fantasy III - Luneth...don't know enough about this game to complain. Final Fantasy IV - Cecil Harvey...oh look they got the correct answer this time. Final Fantasy V - Lenna Charlotte Tycoon...don't know enough about this game to argue. Final Fantasy VI - Celes Chere...I'm given to understand it's basically between her and Terra for this game so okay. Final Fantasy VII - Tifa Lockheart...can't fault the choice but I'd go with Cloud from the OG game, Zack from the compilation. Final Fantasy VIII - Seifer Almasy...oof that's a hard nope, he's alright but for VIII the best character is Zell IMO. Final Fantasy IX - Zidane Tribal...way to get back on track with another correct answer. Final Fantasy X - Auron...like Tifa not a choice I can fault but Yuna will always be the best X...
  16. Adamant soul

    OBD Convo #47: You Still Wanna F*** With Me?!

    Which one, the pedophile or the mother?
  17. Adamant soul

    OBD Convo #47: You Still Wanna F*** With Me?!

    While I still REALLY don't like the ending of this game (and frankly have problems with most of the third act, largely stemming from Ultima being boring at best and outright lame at worst, resulting in the side quests carrying the shit out of the third act) I can't deny the closing moments of the actual Ultima boss fight are up there for one of the hypest moments in FF. Still The Rising Tide REALLY needs to either give us an alternate ending or at least confirm Clive's survival 'cause him dying adds nothing to the ending and just seemed to be done for the sake of people who would otherwise complain the ending was too cheesy or optimistic.
  18. Adamant soul

    OBD Convo #47: You Still Wanna F*** With Me?!

    I'm in the same boat with yours as I pretty much only know the LWA girl there by name. So who is the December girl?
  19. Adamant soul

    OBD Convo #47: You Still Wanna F*** With Me?!

    Aww shit! Rest in Peace mother Metatron. He really should take a break but I respect him not doing that if this is what helps him through it.
  20. Adamant soul

    OBD Convo #47: You Still Wanna F*** With Me?!

    I got Yoruichi, I'm good. Not my favorite Bleach girl but definitely a lot better than the months before that got.