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  1. Derpmaster9000

    VS Battle The Millennium Earl (D.Gray Man) vs Father (Fullmetal Alchemist)

    True, but with the recent reveals from the manga, it might not have even been the Earl and the Heart bearer themselves who caused the end of the world directly, and I think you know what I'm talking about. Then again, it could always be revealed that the cross we see which caused it was the Earl all along, which would have interesting implications, so I'll hold off on that, for now. And true, even over time, causing 3 days of darkness that is essentially DGM's great flood event would definitely be above anything seen in FMA. Shame we don't have that shit shown on-panel to allow it for the Earl, as the full context is necessary, I'd say, for that lore feat to be givable.(Others may disagree, but that's how I see it.) Also, if it's on the other forum, it's prob gone by now. Even so, Waybackmachine might be able to snatch it up. Maybe. :wow
  2. Derpmaster9000

    VS Battle The Millennium Earl (D.Gray Man) vs Father (Fullmetal Alchemist)

    I did consider using that, but was uncertain about doing so, given the destruction/life-wipe sorta sounds like it may have been a chain-reaction, and since the feat itself, coming as a result of the Earl's battle with the Heart bearer, has never been shown directly on-panel, it makes the whole thing kinda iffy, at best. Also, knew I was missing something when it came to Father with Truth. :kobeha Had no idea that tiny sun creation feat nets island level(any chance I could be shown the calc that gives it that?). If that's the case, then leaving aside Earl's lore feat(and any potential shit he might get in the next number of years, provided Hoshino doesn't have another hiatus, which she prob will, unfortunately, even with a quarterly schedule:wow) Father should have the power advantage in that scenario. Speed... Probably still in the Earl's favor, though with Father being the more powerful one, the Earl can't out-muscle him, and with the PSs, due to a change in this MU, now having...
  3. Derpmaster9000

    VS Battle The Millennium Earl (D.Gray Man) vs Father (Fullmetal Alchemist)

    Still gets washed. At most, the homunculi are destroying level 2 Akuma. Level 3s and 4s will still be too much, due to upscaling from Allen and Kanda's town level feat. All this means, is they last way longer to their inevitable death, due to being immune to Akuma poison, in that scenario(Or resistant, I should say. Exorcists can very much still be infected by it, after all.) You also mentioned nothing about prep time in the OP, but even with that, there's just nothing they can do to stop the Earl and the Akuma. The stats gap, combined with the numbers, is too much. Amestrians just get rail-roaded, is what happens. For your round 3, that's where things get a little tricky. Father's only real feat while Truth is absorbed, before Hohenheim pulls the uno reverse card on him, is creating a mini-sun that fits in his regular-sized hand. With Truth absorbed, theoretically, he should be able to fuck with the universe itself, as Truth is one with all in the universe, but he never...
  4. Derpmaster9000

    VS Battle The Millennium Earl (D.Gray Man) vs Father (Fullmetal Alchemist)

    He nuked Edo Japan with his Dark Matter, which I believe is city level or higher. And that was done casually, mind you. In terms of raw power, without Truth, I'd say the Earl takes it.(he should also take speed, unless I'm mistaken, as I'm pretty sure DGM just has better speed feats than FMA, reaching well into the hypersonic range, but maybe someone can correct me on that, as I don't really recall anything from the FMA series that's all that impressive speed-wise.) In round two, it goes even worse for FMA, as none of the homunculi or alchemists, sans maybe Pride, due to his nature, have a resistance against the kind of poison that Akuma have, which literally causes disintegration shortly after contact with flesh(this includes with fumes emitted from level 1's missile attacks), with the only thing known to purge it, for the most part, being Innocence, the power used by Exorcists, due to it being the direct counterpart and opposite of the Akuma's main power source of Dark Matter...