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  1. Disquiet

    Favorite game?

    I really liked Fable 2, but not so much 1 and 3. Is that an unpopular opinion? :hm
  2. Disquiet

    Favorite game?

    I'll admit to having a soft spot for all of those in one way or another (Shadow is a playable mess, I kind of like some of Silver's and Shadow's stuff in '06, I honestly love the Boom aesthetic and writing, and I think Forces' setting had promise) but they're all a lot worse than Heroes for sure. The only genuinely unsalvageable Sonic game IMO was Sonic Blast (on the Game Gear). It looks and plays like a bad bootleg.
  3. Disquiet

    Favorite game?

    Anyway, this is my 3x3 thing from sometime last year, and I don't think there's anything to update about it:
  4. Disquiet

    Favorite game?

    As a long-suffering Sonic fan of sorts, I can state with conviction that Sonic Heroes is definitely a game.