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  1. Disquiet

    Games You Like, But Are Not Great At Playing

    The greatest walk cycle in gaming:
  2. Disquiet

    Games You Like, But Are Not Great At Playing

    Also, while I did finish it, I suppose I never really got good at Sekiro the way I did at Souls. But damn, is it satisfying to play.
  3. Disquiet

    Games You Like, But Are Not Great At Playing

    It's like this thread was made with my relationship with fighting games in mind. I love them, but they don't love me. They beat me up and take my lunch money, and I keep coming back to them. I stopped even trying to play online years ago. But I still enjoy them. Even the somewhat technical aspects of them. I like that they're complicated; I like that you basically have to learn a whole new language just to understand what's happening in them; I like the feeling I get when the planets align and I actually do something cool. I suppose I love neat character designs most of all. Fighting game characters have lots of great little design quirks in their animations. There's so much creativity in them.