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  1. El Hermano

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    Dr. Strange 2 was forgettable and contrived. It should've been a series if anything.
  2. El Hermano

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope
  3. El Hermano

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    Based. Sounds like proper use of those cards. @Crimson Dragoon Maybe you didn't go too far after all.
  4. El Hermano

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    Bruh. You went too far, man.
  5. El Hermano

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    Overwatch has more playerbase than I have attention span, I ain't playing no card game. I just want the Murata fanart with bad dialogue.
  6. El Hermano

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    It's time, then. Don't let your dreams be dreams. Buy some cheap Demon Rush merch, take pics. Make history!
  7. El Hermano

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    And yet, no new chapter for over 4 months. Where is my confidence boost??? I need it.
  8. El Hermano

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    "Name someone who went through more pain, then her. I'll wait." Off the top of my head - Guts. Oh, and for some reason I have to mention Wanda.
  9. El Hermano

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    I also think one of the reasons Cameron held off so long aside from the techonological aspect is that he knew and could pretty much see from miles ahead the insane influx in superhero movies and let everyone be fed shit CGI before he pulled up with something that will make these insanely expensive and successful blockbusters look like a floating turd, visually speaking.
  10. El Hermano

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    I think the whole point of Avatar 2 and the franchise in general is to create a notably different, much higher level CGI experience that people could actually appreciate by making it stand out from all the other garbage they've been fed in the past decade. I'm actually expecting a big surprise for how good it's going to look. I highly doubt it took Cameron so long and was given so much time and funding without having something serious up his sleeve to justify it. But who knows? Only time will tell.
  11. El Hermano

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    There's still time until it releases so who knows. That's the point - if shitty CGI movies like Black Panther look "good enough" something on a far higher caliber, with much more emphasis and passion on its visuals has the potential to look jaw droppingly good and be more of an experience than an actual movie, which is one of the main reasons the first movie found so much success despite the writing that everyone pretty much agreed was lacking and forgettable. I've seen plenty of people get excited for it after the teaser release. If the movie delivers on what people expect to be ground-breaking visuals people will flock to theaters to watch it.
  12. El Hermano

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    Fair enough. I was on the same boat but it does look very visually appealing, it makes me kinda curious what big visual spectacles they might be be keeping out of the trailer. But obviously, I'm going to hold my horses and give it a couple of weeks before I go see it(if at all). People will care if it's going to be the visual breakthrough It promises to be. I can see it grossing about 1bil in China alone. Also, definitely going to have some crazy marketing campaigns in the next few months. They put too much money into this franchise to not shove it down everyone's throat. I admittedly shit talked the sequels in the past but I just have this feeling this shit is going to blow up and provide with a good experience as long as you know what to expect. Hint: It's definitely not the writing :skully I think Avatar was/is made solely with the cinematic experience in mind, specifically shit like IMAX, and would probably be very underwhelming if you watched it on your TV screen/PC...
  13. El Hermano

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    Most likely. It's going to be just pure visual orgasm. It's still kinda hard for me to get over the fact that just like the first movie, it's probably going to be very mediocre writing wise. Hopefully this time around I could appreciate the visual spectacle that it should be more than I did with the first movie.
  14. El Hermano

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    This shit makes my blood boil. Worthless human waste.
  15. El Hermano

    OBD Convo #12: the law of the victory, is courage and hope

    Israeli TV at its finest. They already made a whatsapp sticker of that moment where he clings onto the big dude.