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  1. Flower

    Game Unranked All Fiction Favorites Mafia (GAME THREAD! GAME OVER!)

    Town: Xenos, Xadlin, Pein, Ekko, Sigismund, Nevermind, Flower, Psychic, Aries, Tweet and Oneiros. Pro Town Indie: Ultra. Survivor: Gramma. Pro Town/Pro Mafia Indie: OLU. Serial: Ratchet. Pro Mafia Indie: Retro. Mafia Team Maroon: Mango, Goth Boy, CP. Mafia Team Red: Doddsy, Lethal, Fujishiro.
  2. Flower

    Game Unranked All Fiction Favorites Mafia (GAME THREAD! GAME OVER!)

    I asked Fang and he said his abilities should work, so I locked that in lol.
  3. Flower

    Game Unranked All Fiction Favorites Mafia (GAME THREAD! GAME OVER!)

    Arianrhod is cool btw. Kinda makes me wanna get into Kiseki.
  4. Flower

    Game Unranked All Fiction Favorites Mafia (GAME THREAD! GAME OVER!)

    You had rolecrushes for this reason lol.
  5. Flower

    Game Unranked All Fiction Favorites Mafia (GAME THREAD! GAME OVER!)

    Gramma was Silver Chariot Requiem.
  6. Flower

    Game Unranked All Fiction Favorites Mafia (GAME THREAD! GAME OVER!)

    Your wincon: Defeating all hostile factions to Town. Eliminating mafia. Your primary active ability is Slayer: You may communicate with each other at all. You may also invite a third player to neighbor/chat them privately for that night phase, though it will interfere and stop any action their taking even if its aimed at another player. The host will create a new chat for the person if they accept and your attempting to neighbor them will take priority over that player's action. Your passive skill is Mortal Champions: Your bodies if killed cannot be jailed or hidden unless a super-kill is applied that has an ability modifier to hide or destroy your corpse beyond a regular one. Your voting power: You have one vote power shared between you two when casting it during the day phase toward a lynch. Even if one of you is killed or has their "vote power" taken, you can still vote.
  7. Flower

    Game Unranked All Fiction Favorites Mafia (GAME THREAD! GAME OVER!)

    Thank you. I‘m always a bit strict with those things. Thread should look neat when it gets locked.
  8. Flower

    Game Unranked All Fiction Favorites Mafia (GAME THREAD! GAME OVER!)

    @Aurelian can you threadmark the Endgame post when you‘re around, please?
  9. Flower

    Game Unranked All Fiction Favorites Mafia (GAME THREAD! GAME OVER!)

    Overall a fun game, though. Town played really well this game. Thanks for the game @Aurelian !
  10. Flower

    Game Unranked All Fiction Favorites Mafia (GAME THREAD! GAME OVER!)

    Almost from what I could see lol.
  11. Flower

    Game Unranked All Fiction Favorites Mafia (GAME THREAD! GAME OVER!)

    Split was 11 Town and 11 non Town.
  12. Flower

    Game Unranked All Fiction Favorites Mafia (GAME THREAD! GAME OVER!)

    OLU was really unfortunate. He almost won and was a Survivor until Pein voted him and turned him hostile to Town.
  13. Flower

    Game Unranked All Fiction Favorites Mafia (GAME THREAD! GAME OVER!)
    Threadmarks: Endgame Writeup

    AND THERE WAS PEACE… @Fujishiro (Solaire of Astora, Mafia Team Red) was lynched. With all Mafia factions eliminated, @One Last Username can no longer win and was endgamed. With this, Town, Survivor (@Grammaton ) and Pro Town Independent (@Ultra ) are victorious! Mafia Team Maroon, Mafia Team Red, Serial Killer (@Ratchet ) and Pro Mafia Independents (@Retrolize , @One Last Username ) have lost the game. Thanks for playing!
  14. Flower

    Game Unranked All Fiction Favorites Mafia (GAME THREAD! GAME OVER!)

    Please no more posting. Endgame WU incoming.
  15. Flower

    Game Unranked All Fiction Favorites Mafia (GAME THREAD! GAME OVER!)

    Vote Count: Xenos: Xadlin > Fujishiro. Tweet: Fujishiro. Oneiros: Fujishiro. Gramma: Fujishiro. OLU: Fujishiro. Fujishiro: 5. End Day: 5.
  16. Flower

    Game Unranked All Fiction Favorites Mafia (GAME THREAD! GAME OVER!)

    If you want to end the day early today you may [Vote End Day] btw.
  17. Flower

    Game Unranked All Fiction Favorites Mafia (GAME THREAD! GAME OVER!)

    @Hans Tweetenberg @Grammaton @Ultra @One Last Username @Xadlin