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  1. Pericolo

    What was your first forum? And how many forums did you frequent before arriving here?

    Times were different then and being a teenager is horrible cuz you'll say the dumbest shit I had a phase where I spoke like an exaggerated noob in a mmorpg where everything would just be l33tz0r and awfulsauce please punch me in the face I FEEL THIS the days when you used shit like "ur" and then you almost tried with a once in a while "u're" english wasn't my first language but i have to say that thanks to people on nf it improved to the point i can hold conversations with english-speaking people very well now, written or otherwise that's the power of forums IMO
  2. Pericolo

    What was your first forum? And how many forums did you frequent before arriving here?

    My very first forum was for an illegal server of tibia way way way back, I don't even remember the software it was running but it was pretty awful haha First forum I kind of cared about was SaiyanIsland back when Ino posted links to dragonballz episodes, after the main website had to officially take them down Good times, I was a piece of shit back then and would probably kick myself in the dick if I met 2004 kenneth