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  1. Ral

    Do you agree with stoves being banned

    Not to mention the repair costs for a simple fender bender in a Tesla is outright maddening.
  2. Ral

    Do you agree with stoves being banned

    Let's keep in mind that electricity takes more time to produce heat than natural gas. I should know lol I had an electric stove and oven down south and as soon as I came back up north it was back to gas stoves. It would take 30 mins to an hour more to cook something in a electric oven on Thanksgiving than it would to be to throw the bird in a gas oven. Though I could be wrong scientifically, but the electric stoves that were place in the apartments I lived in took a hot min to bring water to boil (c wut I did thar?) I'd also like to mention that I now live above the largest gas line in the USA and I don't pay for natural gas like elsewhere lol