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  1. R

    OBD Convo #45: Roll For Initiative

    Too bad my broader area has hardly any Pizza Hut near me that I know of. Just Dominoe's, Papa John's, Singa's, and even Little Caesar's. As far as the big chains go.
  2. R

    OBD Convo #45: Roll For Initiative

    the only time I don't go "Full America Mode" with my Pizza Toppings is if I'm in Italy or at a more Authentic Italian restaurant.
  3. R

    OBD Convo #45: Roll For Initiative

    Yep just stick with the most classic and standard toppings. Stay Pure America Mode whenever you consume pizza no matter where you are in the world.
  4. R

    OBD Convo #45: Roll For Initiative

    And on my 13-hour flight back, I also watched movies like The Last Samurai (amazing), The Marvels (shit, slept through halfway), Coco (decent/alright), Five Nights at Freddy's (not a FnAF fan by any means, but it was mildly interesting for something to watch on a plane while sleeping), and the latest Crayon Shin Chan movie: New Dimension! Great Psychokinetic Battle ~Leaping Handmade Sushi~ (I like watching Shin Chan as an anime series and even though this wasn't my most favorite Shin Chan film and didn't care too much for the CGI animation, it was pretty touching in some ways). I had two meals: fried pork cutlet on rice and chicken pasta I think. A cup of tea. With a cup of Sprite. And a cup of Orange Juice. And I did my Hello Kitty art coloring game with some of the characters as the last thing I did on the plane up to the point my IPhone SE ran out of battery.
  5. R

    OBD Convo #45: Roll For Initiative

    Hey y'all... what's up dudes and bros? I'm officially back home in America as of last Thursday night. We arrived at the airport at around 8:40 PM and because we had to wait a super long line at the US Customs and Border Protection terminal and waiting for our luggages (we bought those new cases at a Macy's last December) and calling car service out on a rainy night, we ended up coming home past 10:30 PM and didn't sleep until past 1 to 2 AM. And we're still just beginning to deal with our jet lag week back from a trip in the country of my family that we spent slightly more than 3 full weeks in.
  6. R

    OBD Convo #45: Roll For Initiative

    Cool. Btw when it comes to my Pizza Hut or Domino's in a foreign country, I always stay Yankee Doodle American when it comes to the toppings, while my grandma and my aunt just shoots for something more exotic and atypical like seafood.
  7. R

    OBD Convo #45: Roll For Initiative

    Too bad I neglected to tell my aunt to order soda on the side. And even worse, she's the type of person who isn't exactly too fond of soda herself. Guess I'll have to stick with my Japanese Green Tea bottle and my Taiwanese Bubble Green Tea to drink with my pizza.
  8. R

    OBD Convo #45: Roll For Initiative

    And today is my last morning here before we head to the airport back to the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. And everytime I leave my grandma's house on the last day, I always have my aunt order pizza from either Domino's or Pizza Hut for our final lunch together. A tradition initiated by me if you will.
  9. R

    OBD Convo #45: Roll For Initiative

    Well tomorrow I'm spending the last hours in my grandma's before packing all our bags and heading for the airport back to the States at 2:30 PM. Wish I could stay here for at least a day or two longer. I played a nice goddamn light gun shooter, Monster Eye, at a mall on the floor of a cinema (where I saw Totto-Chan: The Little Girl at the Window this year) in the late morning after McDonald's breakfast and later in the end of the afternoon and throughout the early night until minutes past 6 PM, I played some damn fine classic arcade games on my last full day of this trip and recorded my gameplay of them on my IPhone SE tonight.
  10. R

    OBD Convo #45: Roll For Initiative

    Also I went to a Doraemon exhibit this past week. Amazing place, if only spoiled by a little dumb incident with a stranger after a nice and pleasant chat.
  11. R

    OBD Convo #45: Roll For Initiative

    I'm in the last and final week of my entire trip before heading back to the States. Five days after tonight and counting. Still much to do, so little time left.
  12. R

    OBD Convo #45: Roll For Initiative

    also on an interesting note, I just visited a Rilakkuma 20th Anniversary exhibit, Hello Kitty's 50th anniversary exhibit, and a conjuring universe tour exhibit and a 150th anniversary immersive exhibit on European art the other day here.
  13. R

    OBD Convo #45: Roll For Initiative

    Yeah I know, I just wanted to log onto this site and leave post while I'm still in this hotel before moving over to my grandma's house and living there for the rest of the trip like we usually did before COVID. Being in a hotel takes away even more of my laptop/computer time than being at a grandparent or relative's house ordinarily would.
  14. R

    OBD Convo #45: Roll For Initiative

    Also the one thing I hate about this year's trip is still being unable to access the WiFi at my grandma's after my aunt changed the password and forgot and having to transfer all these videos and files (thousands of them) from like 2-3 days ago from my IPhone SE to my laptop and having these goddamn transfer issues along the way and still lagging behind updating my trip's current status. It's my biggest headache of this trip so far. [/vacation rant]
  15. R

    OBD Convo #45: Roll For Initiative

    Plus my grandma is currently suffering from alzheimer's and 2024 might probably be the last year we spend time with her should her health status get even worse than expected. Not even the chaos and insanity of the upcoming election here in America is going to upset me nearly as bad as this. Sorry had to let that one off my chest.
  16. R

    OBD Convo #45: Roll For Initiative

    Hey everybody, sorry for my sudden absence and lack of responses here on this site let alone this thread for approximately the past two weeks or so. We got pretty busy packing for travel and I'm still on an overseas trip somewhere far away from the land of Uncle Sam to see my family and do our usual vacay. And due to my hotel's wifi being shit in the first week (before we switched to another room with better wifi) and having extremely limited time to access my laptop for nearly the first half of this entire trip, I wasn't able to be active online outside of Facebook, YouTube, and Google on my IPhone. Hope I didn't miss anything significant around here while I was gone. God I hate living in the hotels.