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  1. Rej

    Anime Convo #1 thread

    Guess this is just tastes clashing. I did not follow Ash's journey till the end because I looped out of it gen 3 or so. And the girls always changed. I just started this Pokemon Horizon series because I wanted to push the reset button for myself. Giving a modern and new aproach to Pokemon a try. For me it works and I love everything. About OLM, you can clearly see that their newer products are suffering from quality or refinement. I think Dark Gathering is an amazing story, but somehow the whole mix is a bit missed in this one. I guess that's where OLM shows yo it hurts. Considering, their Pokemon projects might have their own regulars and own funds, Pokemon Horizons seems to be futureproof.
  2. Rej

    Anime Convo #1 thread

    the animation is amazing and if you love the animation I suggest to watch "The Masterful Cat is Depressed Again Today". same studio but more faithful and less overloaded than the glasses girl. the glasses girl anime did compeltely revamp the manga, GoHands tends to use their own interpretation on art and such but it's not bad there are some anime out there that are kinda...covering a wide range of tastes and fans. Zom 100 is something amazing if you like zombies, but it is still airing idk what's wrong with it, you kinda sound like hating towards the pokemon anime in general The production values are probably peak OLM/pokemon at it's strongest, the outro is sung by the cast, this time the voice actors are AMAZING. The protags are so flexible but also so deep...they are 10 year old kids and seem lost or weak at times, but damn every episode the characters in some way or form progress, or you learn more about them. Dawg last episode...I would reflect on it and maybe give it one...
  3. Rej

    Anime Convo #1 thread

    anyone in here watching Pokemon Horizons? the chad Pokemon series of the century?