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  1. Ruffles

    Can order and chaos coexist harmonically or rather do they even need to?

    Definitely order through chaos. Living as a human in within this society that we've created, order is a must. We need order to function. In that case, it's easy to assume that everything else needs it too. The concept of order is our own creation though, and the rest of the universe doesn't know or care about what we think. The fact that we're even here at all is a result of chaos. The universe didn't put earth where it is on purpose, with the intent of giving humanity a place to come into being. This goes against what most religions say, of course, where there's a rhyme and reason for everything. Keep in mind, though, every religion was founded by a person, and people need order, so I think religions are a bit biased in that regard. In short, chaos made us, and we made order, so chaos made order.