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  1. Solar Sailor

    OBD Convo #18: There's a Hurricane Tonight

    Bro you should have learned the first time with Haku
  2. Solar Sailor

    OBD Convo #18: There's a Hurricane Tonight

    Wanna know why it got cancelled? because they completely changed the dynamics between characters, made it mostly comedy for the first half, and changed certain characters completely it’s literal only saving grace was the fluid animation yeah no shit people didn’t watch it. It was basically Teen Titans Go! Nickelodeon edition for the first half of the series. Wanna know why people changed their minds later? When they started going back to the serious storytelling and came back closer and closer the OG TMNT dynamic.
  3. Solar Sailor

    OBD Convo #18: There's a Hurricane Tonight

    People have short attention spans because I remember hearing nothing but complaints and disinterest when the show first started.
  4. Solar Sailor

    OBD Convo #18: There's a Hurricane Tonight

    the bass goes HARD in this promo. Optimus Prime presenting Superman