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  1. Top59

    Processing speed of some things in ToAru
    Threadmarks: Accelerator calc all air particles flow in the city Well, this may be the craziest feat in Accelerator's reactions, so I would understand if a discussion arises, especially since it is a feat from the first volumes and that no one calculated it to date. Result Accelerator calc speed= 9.3229728e+35 calc/s
  2. Top59

    Processing speed of some things in ToAru
    Threadmarks: Accelerator hacking the Last Order's brain

    Well I'm not sure if the calculation speed is accepted here as a feat, I think so but at least I found it fun to calc the calculation speed of Accelerator... Results Accelerator pre-headshot calculation speed= 5.2e-14 seconds Accelerator post-headshot calculation speed= 10.4e-14 seconds
  3. Top59

    Processing speed of some things in ToAru
    Threadmarks: Tree Diagram processing speed

    Well, I am going to seriously try to calculate the calculation capacity of the Tree Diagram. According to the quote and the manga, the Tree Diagram can calculate the entire month’s movement of each air particle on the planet once a month. It is not clear how long it takes, but it is known that it is less than a day since it repeats the process daily and sends hundreds of reports per day, so it also does other calculations but I have no way of calculating them. So for the low end I will use one day of time frame and for the high end I will use one hundredth of a day. Now the number of air particles on the planet is 1.04e+44.,of%20faster%2C%20smaller%20integer%20operations. Now I need to know how many floating point operations it takes to measure the motion of a particle. According to this...
  4. Top59

    Processing speed of some things in ToAru

    In other threads I tried to measure the calculation speed of Accelerator and a super computer from academy city, as the results are quite large I am going to copy and paste here to see more opinions on whether I made a mistake or if those calcs are working good.