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  1. Vermiform

    Relationship Advice Thread

    I was told by... "friends" to tone the morbid tone down so I'll paraphrase this to "gently knock her unconscious with a broom" and "use a non-lethal dose of sarin to soften him up".
  2. Vermiform

    Relationship Advice Thread
  3. Vermiform

    Relationship Advice Thread

    Break her legs. Break his spine.
  4. Vermiform

    Relationship Advice Thread

    Beam it to Netflix and it will be.
  5. Vermiform

    Relationship Advice Thread

    In this time and age that's a guaranteed ok time :smugsloth
  6. Vermiform

    Relationship Advice Thread

    I have peeps trying to get me to watch it based on my sci-fi tastes. Idk man...
  7. Vermiform

    Relationship Advice Thread

    Is that a reference cause I have enough self dignity to skip any Marvel high art post-endgame and I'm out the loop.
  8. Vermiform

    Relationship Advice Thread

    I fell in love with a girl I barely knew once, she was beautiful, sexy and smart. She shared all my interests and desires which threw me off at first since I don't believe in fate just coincidences and this was one hell of a coincidence. She didn't talk much and whenever she did it always happened to be at the same moment I tried to say something, it was cute and we both blushed. We would discuss topics ranging from philosophy and science to art and just goofing around with strange outlandish news, she always used to comfort me that we are not a pretentious couple or anything, it's as if she could see into my very soul and mind. We did some kinky stuff as well, nothing too wild as she is a delicate flower and I didn't want to root her out. We were so happy together, it was surreal... So what happened you ask? Turned out she was me.