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  1. Vermiform

    What are you currently reading now?
  2. Vermiform

    What are you currently reading now?

    If there's a single spelling mistake give it one star on every online store.
  3. Vermiform

    What are you currently reading now? Current goal is finish these before 2025 🍄
  4. Vermiform

    What are you currently reading now?

    Started a Bruce Sterling marathon after reading his short story Swarm, was one of the best and most refreshing takes on hive minds I've ever seen in fiction and honestly yes somehow I missed out on this one through the years only to now be introduced to it after the new Love, Death + Robots trailer dropped and I'm both excited and somewhat cautious as to how exactly they'll manage to adapt the story without simplifying or outright butchering it in the name of visual innovation and style™ :hm