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  1. Vermiform

    Weebs of the forum (so basically all of you) I need help with my imminent damnation

    I started The X-Files, so adding another month. The fucking "fireflies" episode is embarrassingly bad when I saw it now... It was my fav as a kid.
  2. Vermiform

    Weebs of the forum (so basically all of you) I need help with my imminent damnation

    Oh yeah forgot to finish this... alright maybe tonight, need to finish my latest LOTR re-watch. So maybe in a month.
  3. Vermiform

    Weebs of the forum (so basically all of you) I need help with my imminent damnation

    Passed the hours of moaning and panting, the porn stache guy showed up stealing the show for me. The naughty doc fixed the stray dog and now they locked him up while some little fox girl is mysteriously and silently stalking from the alleys.
  4. Vermiform

    Weebs of the forum (so basically all of you) I need help with my imminent damnation

    Well, colour me hooked like a worm to a canine's heart. Gave it a third (lucky) strike and I got in.
  5. Vermiform

    Weebs of the forum (so basically all of you) I need help with my imminent damnation

    Hook me in a sentence. No really. The only thing worse than grown ass men drawing cute underage girls and boys is grown ass men wearing paper mache costumes pretending to be cute underage aliens and mutants.
  6. Vermiform

    Weebs of the forum (so basically all of you) I need help with my imminent damnation

    Brain Crusher is my dominatrix. Right after SHODAN ofc. I'm her insect. Sweating and panting towards her digital heart.
  7. Vermiform

    Weebs of the forum (so basically all of you) I need help with my imminent damnation

    Also I might get some hate for saying this but... Edgerunners was the worst experience I've had with anime in the last decade or more... so bad I actually almost gave up on getting back into anime after seeing it. Something about the loud over the top style, over-reliance on high school emotional drama and a sense of immature violence that falls flat even for a setting stuck in perpetual 80s cyberhell made it deeply painful for me to get to the finale. Sorry if this upsets someone on here but it's my own personal opinion and frankly I'm not exactly experienced with anime so my opinion means jack shit.
  8. Vermiform

    Weebs of the forum (so basically all of you) I need help with my imminent damnation

    Growing up with Maya The Bee, Pokemon, YGO and Digimon makes one associate good anime with hand drawn faulty art style as opposed to that semi-cell shaded look that's splatted all over modern anime.
  9. Vermiform

    Weebs of the forum (so basically all of you) I need help with my imminent damnation

    Thing is... I vaguely remember trying to watch it way back in 07 alongside Ergo Proxy and Lain but for some odd reason I stopped... Which is odd because I also watched Naruto back then and the style there is exactly what i can't stomach nowadays.
  10. Vermiform

    Weebs of the forum (so basically all of you) I need help with my imminent damnation

    I really REALLY wanna get passed the art style of Texhnolyze cause it looks promising... but those character designs... feels like that Linkin Park video all over again.
  11. Vermiform

    Weebs of the forum (so basically all of you) I need help with my imminent damnation

    I have yet to get to DBZ but I did some research on Cell for my fictional bugs projects. Guy's a cicada but has certain p. wasp and beetle features.
  12. Vermiform

    Weebs of the forum (so basically all of you) I need help with my imminent damnation

    Idk man, Cell's ovipositor looks delicious.
  13. Vermiform

    Weebs of the forum (so basically all of you) I need help with my imminent damnation

    I honestly thought all the pedo jokes and memes about anime to have been a recent development headed by the internet... what I got was the truth instead.
  14. Vermiform

    Weebs of the forum (so basically all of you) I need help with my imminent damnation

    I know. Lots of kid dicks btw. Didn't expect so much sex jokes in what I thought was the so called "saturday morning cartoon experience".
  15. Vermiform

    Weebs of the forum (so basically all of you) I need help with my imminent damnation

    P.S. I used to find Ergo Proxy the pinnacle of anime, now I realise I have indeed not skipped the very dreaded teen emo phase that penetrated my country shortly after the fall of the soviet union.
  16. Vermiform

    Weebs of the forum (so basically all of you) I need help with my imminent damnation

    I marathoned Neon Genesis Evangelion in 3 days. I'm halfway through rewatching Serial Experiments Lain. I started Dragon Ball for the first time in my life. I am planing to get into Bubblegum Crisis. Gunbuster has giant alien bug spaceships that parasitise entire stars. That is all for now :syshocked:
  17. Vermiform

    Weebs of the forum (so basically all of you) I need help with my imminent damnation

    This was my top top tooooop fav one. Ofc it was in bulgarian as I yet had to learn english back then. But this cover was just superb and the monster did deliver in the end, some gruesome grisly deaths too, I often got my "character" killed on purpose just to read what happens :skully