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  1. Worst

    What is your favorite and least favorite programming language?

    I've tried MongoDB and i really really liked it, but i prefer postgres, i don't feel like jsonb has much to envy, and i can easily combine both so can practice sql and nosql at the same time ( ofc i'd abuse nosql most of the time xD ) I tried java as well for the backend, but i felt like i had to write an essay for everything xD, i kinda liked kotlin, like definetly an easier syntax to grasp especially when i tried spring boot i literally had to write 80% less code on some things compared to java ( at least on a basic level ), but i saw the community was still divided cuz java was starting to incorporate some of the " syntactic sugar " of kotlin so there is this debate that java might take the best of kotlin in a couple of years and no one will use it anymore so i didn't felt like jumping into it , would have probably liked it more than C# + netcore as a combo if it wasn't for this uncertainty I'm also interested in what will Webassembly will bring on the table, i tried Blazor...
  2. Worst

    What is your favorite and least favorite programming language?

    I really like Javascript(Typescript) ( yea i know it's an hell for many, for me as well but it's my hell and i love it :catcry ) I've been working as a front end developer for a couple of years, and now i'm looking to learn some more backend as well ( i'm really interested in NOSQL ) it's actually my new year's resolution. I tried a couple of languages/frameworks last year and did a bunch of projects for fun kotlin, python , php, c# ,nodejs i really liked php ( with laravel ), it just feels so easy to get started with , C# + Netcore is also a very good combo, it's a very nice ecosystem. ( i'll still end up using nodejs though :catsob ) I've been also wandering in the mobile world , i really like Flutter / Dart, Dart is very simple it feels like an better version of typescript , i had a lot of fun with it and will probably push to learn it some more as well :) If there is one that i really hate it has to be Visual Basic :catgun