• We are currently rolling out incremental alterations to the forum. Don't freak! You aren't going crazy.

A Hoi-Poi Capsule has been opened! THE OLD OBD WIKI THREAD



Have fun. Let me know what you find. And if you have questions, you know who to go to

Just read their profiles :dankpepe
Damn, good job finding these. The heyday of my Lurking.

Planet level+ Goku at mach 1000+ speeds. :mjlol Dear lord, how the times have changed.:hestonpls

Planet level+ Superman as well. DC fanboys get up in arms these days over a solar system rating. I can't imagine how much of a sperg out they'd have over that rating. :russ
Ah yes. That classic
How was SM Naruto only listed as large building level?

The FRS explosion spans over kilometers.


I'm fairly sure the even crater made by IA Naruto's 50% FRS was calced at around 1 kiloton.
Chaos calced a crater Sasuke made in Part 1 vs Kakashi as Building level, which got numerous characters upgrades in that same arc and made KN0 Naruto punching Haku through the Ice Mirrors even more impressive

Naruto got upgraded a bunch with every continuing calc. It was a work in progress. Not something that gave you instant results.


🍌 Banana Joe 🍌
V.I.P. Member
Chaos calced a crater Sasuke made in Part 1 vs Kakashi as Building level, which got numerous characters upgrades in that same arc and made KN0 Naruto punching Haku through the Ice Mirrors even more impressive

Chaos actually upgraded the fireball from building to MCB level, result is around 160 tons. KN0 was also breaking the mirrors with just his chakra output alone, you'd need MCB dura just to get near him.

Naruto got upgraded a bunch with every continuing calc. It was a work in progress. Not something that gave you instant results.

Yeah, I get that. As I said in the following post, it's the fact that the crater made by Immortals arc Naruto's FRS was calced at 1+ kiloton that confused me the most on that. However, said calc was probably just made after mid 2010.

I also forgot how bad the quality of the scanlations was back then in comparison to today. Thinking back on it, I'm not sure if we could even make out the mountains around the CT crater for a proper calc or to even eyeball the size of the crater and explosion.


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
"These posters and OBD'ers (I use that term lightly and loosely) are the clowns of the Outskirts Battledome. Jplaya is a very frequent and popular troll who annoys the regulars with his nonsense such as Itachi beating Galactus because only Sharingan Users can beat Sharingan Users in can(n)on or Phenomenol's crew of trolls who state that Goku is a universe buster and uses his proof through non-existing articles of information."
I'm sorry but, the fact that something that trolls were saying and was once laughed at has now become true made me laugh once I saw this.


V.I.P. Member
Apparently so. Almost feel bad for Endless Mike. Spent so long dealing with folks wanking Goku back in the day, only for the wank to become reality and put those some people in the right over him retroactively. :mjlol Ya literally can't write that kind of shit right there.
And we have Death Battles to thank for all this.


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
And we have Death Battles to thank for all this.
Not really, but its funny as shit to think that Toriyama would've gotten butthurt enough over Goku dying twice to finally bust out some feats for the canon series, and not just smack us with unproven statements.