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Alley Agony Thread #I: From the Dumpster to the Dumps


Fuck the police
V.I.P. Member
Blob City would have gone like this
Blobs land from space, 16 people see it
Scatter to players
Blobs meet their players
Secret Villain hype
Blob improves players life
Blobs change colour turn into lifeless rocks
Blobs gain their powers

(Pokemon Stage)
They slowly get bigger as time passes
The players encounter each other
Villain plots against 4 of the players
Blob human teamwork highlight
Generic City gets rough
The urge to fight the others kicks in
Plots converge, everyone gets paired up for fights
I had mechanics to make fights work
8 1v1's, secret Villain is dodging 4 of them
After eight epic fights, eight of the sixteen players and their blobs will be dead
Survivors deal with some shit
Blobs get in and out of trouble
The Villain now plots against two of the players
players get a closeup and a maguffin
Generic City is dividing
The blobs out of nowhere force themselves down the throats of the players and merge with them

(Devil fruit stage)
Blob human hybrids are really cool
gelatinous people but still decently solid
Strength, speed and blobbery off the charts
The cute little blob they started with now lives comfortably inside their heads
The Regular cityfolk soon learn their place
Players take over the city
Villain instigates a turf war
4 1v1 matches to the death, villain interference on 2 of them
Absolute carnage battles, city gets rekt
4 more dead Players, the remaining 4 players call a truce
Blobs is global news
Generic City becomes Blob City live worldwide
Villain targets one player
The players are called to journey inside themselves to meet with their mind blobs
The blobs betray the players and take over
Now the players are small creatures inside the blobs minds
With the blobs now in charge they begin to grow into huge beast forms

(Beast Stage)
berserk beasts run amok
They still squishy
Total massacre
Villain unleashes master plan
Villain vs player he targeted
Villain loses, not dead
Beast forms find each other
Players struggle for control
2 1v1 beast fights
Spectacular battle
2 dead, 2 alive
1 gains control of beast form, other goes on rampage
Villain offers you deal, either end them or join them here
Player in control gets access to maguffins
Rampage player finds them, fucks everyones day up
Loses even more control and transforms into a kaiju blob beast hybrid

(Kaiju Stage)
Control player is at peace with inner blob and achieves transformation
Final round of tourney
Battle of all battles
Millions of casualties
The winner takes it all, the lone champion reverts back to human form and spits out the blobling
All is right with the world, you're human again and the blobling is incapacitated
Don't celebrate to early, final player gets a big fuck you
The blobling recognises you as a mighty warrior and will communicate for one last plot twist
Blob secret agenda revealed
Blobs are an alien race that takeover planets and kill everything
They send bloblings to fresh planet, they bond with vessels, grow strong, have elimination deathmatch tournament, best blob wins the planet then extinction
It then reveals that you and it are one now, the seperation between blobling and person is just a blob trick
The blobling discombobulates into a puddle of goo, the player does the same.
The puddles merge and out of it grows an unstoppable blob monster the size of a skyscraper

(Titan Stage)
The player is dead, the blob titan devoured them
now we have the remnants of humanity vs extinction via blob
Maguffins are back baby, all the readers get in on picking which maguffin to save earth with
Nearly finished, savour the momento
At the end of it all the outcome to who wins between mankind and blobkind would of been decided by a coinflip