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Game Ranked Better Call Saul Mafia Game Thread [Game End - Serial Killer Victory]

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Dr. Watson

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"Expression of exhaustion for whatever fucking reason here" :p
Anyways, have a good rest ^-^
Yes, but you voted Flower reluctantly and somewhat begrudgingly.
My point is how you got to there.

Walk me through your thought process here


Or do I even bother reading? Seems minds are made up even if votes aren’t in. It’s reasons like this I hate playing here. Champs was fun without agenda lynched.

You can play games on MU. You'll need to get some pronouns in your bio and figure out which type of rainbow flag to put on your profile though

Dr. Watson

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Vote Luka

Vote Lynch Luka

Eh what its 6


Kinda surprised that Lethal is still alive. Barely made the minimum post requirements and has not gotten their hands dirty in any votes not wagons. As if they are trying to not gain attention. In fact, they are in this thread so little time that they act as if my post restrictions is new. Dude had 3 days to ask me this question.

Vote lynch Lethal

For for being a petty with a prior.

Marco Pastrnak, vote stealer. Flavour says I used to pull scams with Jimmy and targeted drunk folks.


Vote Lethal

Votes thus far


No you're really not much better if you cry over being suspected in a mafia game and then throw instantly under the slightest bit of scrutiny
It’s not slight. Decisions are made. I’m not wasting time reading back or doing anything productive when the writing is on the wall.

I am really stupid enough to pull this as godfather.

Dr. Watson

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Oh No What GIF by Washed Media
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