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Game Ranked Better Call Saul Mafia Game Thread [Game End - Serial Killer Victory]

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One Last Username

Maybe 99% is a bit generous, I think I would put it at about 90% or so. He has to be among living players or was Melkor's role that was janitored. The former would be weird since scum would almost certainly try and claim the main character tho.

Technically there's nothing that says he should or shouldn't be here @Whicker
It dues seen, you petty with a prior, that mafia didn’t actually use the janitor ability. Even if it was a lusted one they played like they didn’t. Perhaps because we outed them so quickly or they actually flopped as a team.

The Orca

not going to hold you, in a complete vacuum I'd say Whicker's the odd man out here. Who the fuck is dr caldera

But I believe he drove a kill off me
Looks like a cameo from Breaking bad. He is a vet that puts criminals in contact with each other


One thing that's making me hesitate on tweet a bit here is that if he's not town it means town has way less roles than I would normally expect them to I think


Flipped power roles:

  • x1 Seraph (Cubey)
  • x3 Tracker (Psychic)
  • x1 Vote Steal (Lethal)

Claimed power roles:

x2 Refill (Ultra)
Even Night x-shot Bus Driver (Whicker)
Odd night x-shot vig (Tweet)
x3 Cop (Orca)

If one is fake that means game has only 6 power roles total which is kinda meh

If Melkor was a power role kinda squares it but then it begs the question of what he was


So either all of the above are real and the game has a respectable amount of Power Roles and OLU is the odd man out

Or Melkor was a power role...and scum never claimed anything outside their roles for ??? reasons

One Last Username

So here’s a thought. I had a refill as scum on Pokemon mafia and because I was a petty with a prior I offered to use the refill to town in the same way that Uktra has.
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