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Game Ranked Better Call Saul Mafia Game Thread [Game End - Serial Killer Victory]

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Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Your role was egregiously bad Ultra, you were allowed to basically just play for town with 0 consequence. I think it was worse than the Magic role. I say this not to discredit, but to defend the complaints from the above players.
"0 consequences" is a huge stretch ratchet

if he picked literally anyone but watson, or if u guys did the kill with anyone but her (had opportunity to do kills with ratchet/fuji) he'd be dead by n4. even if u wasted a kill on him with watson, had you guys copped him n3 or n4 ud know not to send 2 more kills with watson.

or kill all town and lynch him, u guys almost had vote power to control lynch.

and thats disregarding ur ability to roleblock his refill if u got lucky, or strongmaning him if u happened to save the strongman

ofcourse during the game these calls r harder to make, but if any of the above happened ultra wud lose. they dont all need to happen, just 1.


By the time I subbed in it was 3 people, I was semi Outed because town took Fuji's meme Indie claim then full outed with Nibel's claim.

Then with the Lynch between only Watson and I, morale was completely shot and Mafia was fully solved. Especially from our pov after Novel and I had the exact same claim. There was no real thread play out of that

Also a point y'all couldn't know but we targeted you so often because we believe Tweet was the SK. Hence' Watson's outing post of him. We believed someone was just protecting you with the redirects of lying about ability usage rather than assume you were the SK


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
ATE is gray area. That applies to Whicker and possibly even Flower in my estimation (as noxious and pathetic as that was)

What Lethal did was straight up against the rules though, that shouldn't have even been a question
the problem with that is if i modkill him i give him what he wants, a free resolution from PoE

i wud either modlynch or let him be. maybe shuda modlynched., thing is he stopped after being warned so didnt want to punish unless he continues. might have been wrong call in a heindsight



You had 4/5 required majority votes and you literally didn't make a single post that day, and then took to chat and spent all your energy complaining about how impossible this scenario was without lifting a single finger

You needed to extract just a single misplaced vote from Orca/Polar/OLU or whatever. Extremely doable, if I was in your position I would have won probably 80% of the time

I would have a tad more sympathy if there was even a lick of effort put in, but if there was, you'd probably have won and we would be having a different conversation

@Emil scum chat plz


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
nibel claiming fuji's fake was pretty unfortunate. i think he's really burned out from randing scum multiple times so couldnt be bothered



That's not how you should be calculating decisions for people who break the rules though. If he wants it let him have it, then he goes to kick rocks and doesn't play again.

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
The question for me was "can I - as a player with history of poorly structured arguments - really save Nibel and Sig in the thread against a highly experienced player?"

What do you think the answer is to that, exactly
On a realistic basis, the answer is no

Again, not defending the decision as I regret it, although I wouldn't feel comfortable half passing either

If Fuji and Ratchet were still alive, it would be a different story

Sig wanting to give up spoke volumes to me so I lost momentum right then and there
Props to Nibel for fighting more than I did

We could've manipulated the thread to possibly gain control, but the likelihood of that was very very slim in my eyes after the botched claim that would inevitably be addressed aswell.

Like idk. You've been on a team where the chances of survival and thread control are an uphill battle. The difference is players like you and RDK can. I have very minimal influence and when I do it's rare.


Uh what? Are you confusing Day 5 for Day 4. Day 4 we got your Lynch on Luka, day 5 you first post To vote me and warn everyone to be careful with votes

There was not a point in day 5 where we had 4 votes on a non Mafia member

And I complained about your role until the mechanics were fully described. I said I still disagree with it but that's just a personal opinion


So yeah, 0 consequence because his role was designed to make him nearly impossible to kill.



The answer is you try and don't just throw in the towel when you're a nosehair away from winning?

I can't emphasize this enough - you weren't playing with a towncore of hard hitting mafia scholars. You were playing with Polar, Orca, and OLU, all players with 0 attention span who could very easily misplace a vote that could be piled on to win game. Your entire team just gave up then cried about how the host wouldn't allow to call game

WOAT display of play and sportsmanship

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
But we didn't. This is a theoretical which I agree with. It just isn't what went down.

It was partially due to unfortunate circumstances. Simple



You had 4/5 votes required to achieve majority

If a single person misplaces a vote, your team could all pile on and hammer. Requires some tight coordination, but very very easy. Especially if you, you know, play.

Can't complain about mechanics when you didn't even remotely try to play an honest game. Because the correct consequence of you cowering in scum chat should be a loss.

If you tried even just a little bit, you'd have a right to complain, and like I said, you probably would have incidentally won.


So yeah, 0 consequence because his role was designed to make him nearly impossible to kill.

You realize I would have been dead if I didn't pocket the town bus driver right

But you think Magic's role was kosher even though he could freely and infinitely protect himself and had an uncontested claim


Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
WOAT display of play and sportsmanship

Also Orca and Polar are wildcards

Again, I regret it. I was not ready or willing to make better calculations and progress our strategy

Still don't buy we were even close to winning this with you regardless of Orca/Polar/etc. Endgame we would eventually have to spar. Look at the attempt to out you going completely over looked

I'm not planning to throw in the towel ever again, fwiw.


You realize I would have been dead if I didn't pocket the town bus driver right

But you think Magic's role was kosher even though he could freely and infinitely protect himself and had an uncontested claim

I said it was worse, not that Magic's role was fine. Subtle nuance is wasted on you, I know.

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Requires some tight coordination, but very very easy.
Nibel's timezone made this even harder lmao

Time to make a policy where he has to stay online at all times and pee in a bottle if he has to go.
We can throw in a litter box for him, too.


"Everyone watch your votes this day phase"

All three of us where the only options discussed, all of us outed

Repeats this ad nasum in the thread

"It would have been easy y'all just need to hope someone misvotes and y'all and there all in time before someone unvotes"

Maybe if it was you sure, but again our Morale was shot and we believed you were the town core and you were then leading towns votes vs Us.

From what we saw there was no real hope. And I had work to do, so I did that instead

Not the best play, for Sure, but morale and who we were optimal play was never gonna happen then


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
But we didn't. This is a theoretical which I agree with. It just isn't what went down.

It was partially due to unfortunate circumstances. Simple
im aware, my point is the chance of it all going down this rabid hole is much much lower than the chance of ultra getting screwed up somewhere, therefore claiming "0 consequences" is a stretch

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Anyway I'm probably gonna hide this section from my view so I'm not tempted to sign up for any further games tbh
2 stronk 2 resist
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