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Game Ranked Better Call Saul Mafia Game Thread [Game End - Serial Killer Victory]

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It says eliminated. That includes lynch and night kills.

I. Don't. Fake. Indie.

You. Have. Evidence. I. Went. Nowhere. And. My. Story. Is. Accurate.

Do I have to repeat it over and over?
1. Probably hostile
2. You went nowhere because you were jailed.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Ask Ratchet, ask Ultra, ask Fuji, hell even ask RDK (who accepts it despite hating me). I'm simply non hostile. We can't all be scums buddying each other.

The Orca

Oh akshully maybe buys


I gotta review who claimed what
Ratchet- jail, Flower N1

Psychic- track Flower N1 nowhere

Flower- hunted survivor, suicides to choose town, note giver, super passive alert watch, saw Ratchet and Flower visit her through the jail, but her note to Fuji failed to be delivered

Guillo- claims to do nothing N1


Cubey- Seraph
Aurelian- vanilla
Melkor- was janitored


Flower doesn't destroy all ftr cred by doing this in a random OLF game she doesn't seem very interested in FWIW
Well if that’s the case, further reasons to lynch her. Her using her truthtells is cheating and shouldn’t be allowed in ranked games. Should be autoban by mods and lynched day 1 everyday until the message is received in her head, that cheating is not allowed in mafia games, this isn’t worstgen, it’s OLF and a ranked game. GTFO of here.

Polar Bear

Fuji - DV


Based af

We ain't lynching her tho, pick another game to set a precedent



Honestly if I take her claim at face value you can make a case that she blatantly threw here because she didn't like her assigned role as well, I don't think she even tried to reach wincon claiming on Day 1. Anyone else who did this would probably be getting a warning over this behavior. Sad!
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