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Borderlands feats & lore discussion

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Because Imgur cannot be trusted as an image hoster anymore, I've archived this thread to the Archives.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Time for this thread to rise up once more! To start with, we have a canon size and distance and orbital speed for Pandora's moon of Elpis; that being a rough radius of 808 miles (or 1300.34995km, giving a total size of 1616 miles, or 2600.6999km). The Crackening brought up lava from Elpis's molten core to destroy the moons aatmosphere (which would imply that most of Elpis is full, even if the very core is hollow).
Elpis is noted to weigh 'a fex sextillion metric tons' (10^21). More importantly though; Lilith didn't just mark the Firehawk brand on the moon (as I originally thought), but teleported herself and Elpis away across time and space. If she survived this or not is unknown (although Ava threatens anyone who tries to follow her telepathically, by warning she would teleport them into the nearest sun).

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
The Eye of Helios Laser shakes the entire moon of Elpis, and with multiple blasts, has the power to destroy Elpis (which would take out a good part of Pandora too).

The Eye of Helios laser as seen from space.

Elpis before Zarpedon started using the Eye of Helios against Elpis (although the moon is still damaged after the Crackening)...
...And after.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Randy Pitchford confirms that Lilith did infact teleport the entire moon of Elpis (perhaps with the power of the Eridium within) to somewhere else, and she will be wherever Elpis is (which no doubt will be revealed in a future game).


Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
At last! Direct confirmation that Moonshot canon rounds can take mere seconds to reach the targeted location on the planet (from The Worlds of Borderlands).
The Worlds of Borderlands said:
These Loader and Constructor bots could serve as quick ground assault forces almost anywhere on Pandora or Elpis, sometimes arriving in a matter of mere seconds!

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Further confirmation that Lilith either teleported the entire moon of Elpis across both space and time or erased it from existence. What's more, it's also said that the fight between the original Vault Hunters and the Destroyer (or at least the small part of it that came through the Vault) fractured the planets mantle.
The Worlds of Borderlands said:
There, Lilith helped defeat the Destroyer, the apocalyptic abomination unleashed from within. The titanic battle fractured the planet's mantle, sending an alien mineral called Eridium surging upward through Pandora's crust. Lilith found that this substance significantly enhanced her Siren powers.
The Worlds of Borderlands said:
Lilith was last seen levitating towards Elpis, after which she and the moon both disappeared...leaving only her Firehawk sigil emblazoned across the Pandoran sky. Some believe she teleported Elpis somewhere else in space and time. Others think she phased the moon entirely out of existence, sacrificing herself in the process. As of this writing, nobody knows for sure.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
The damage done to Pandora by the opening of the Vault, being great enough to fling huge country-sized chunks of the ground up into space.
It should also be noted that this Vault opens every 200 years so as to feed and tame the Destroyer, so that it would be sated, and there's no evidence of the planet's surface being ripped apart the other times too.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
A POWER LOADER breaks through the thick concrete into Rolands prison, and Roland then bowls this robot over and tears its gun hand off (remember that POWER LOADERS can withstand being fired from Helios to Pandora in seconds; also, even ignoring all that, it's a big machine made of metal).


Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Hyperion's mining operations to uncover the Vault of the Warrior creates large-scale earthquakes that are felt from many many miles away (note also the fragments falling from the ceiling).


Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
The Pre-Sequel guides say that Torgue weapons are there for when you need to "put down 200 Kilotons of violence" (page 302).
Explosions don't go out of style, When you need to put down 200 Kilotons of violence, you're not gonna go to Dahl. Jakobs is still trying to work its way out of the stone age. And Maliwan is too busy developing pretty apps for their weapon systems. I've heard that they have a new model coming out later this year; it has rounded corners. Ohhhhhh: WHO CARES!!!
You didn't come here for looks or efficiency. Screw that, we TRY to waste more ammo per shot, because it's loud. You're here to buy explosions, and that's all we have. Our bullets blow up. Our rockets blow up ... more. That business card I left out for you, well, don't give it to your kids.
Primary Feature: High Damage, Explosive Damage Type, Slow Bullet Velocity