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Game Ranked Castlevania animated series Mafia - Game Thread

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I don't really know if I agree Nibel should be read based on the quality of his observations or whatever, to be blunt - he's very much a space cadet and this feels like an easy way to leverage a scum read on him.

The latter is a very poor proxy for reading someone as well

I looked back on his most recent scum game here and it seems like the main difference is he is constantly spilling his spaghetti all over the place. I don't quite get that impression here, I think he's no sold what suspicion he has gotten easily

Hans Tweetenberg

I mean even if I didn't correct that read, can you deny it would be useful to know Lethals alignment so we can go look at how people acted around his wagon? Ykno, seeing as it was a big talking point for much of d1?

You're not new to this game man, you know what I'm talking about, this conversation is just silly


Vote lynch Tweet

I'm going to call a bluff here early, because I believe it'll be most effective - I think tweet's reaction to his wagon comes off as posturing, possibly breadcrumbing that he has a decent role and he's going to claim Magic's or something.

Hans Tweetenberg

Fair, could be that I'm just expecting too much of him after he had those really good vig games

What about Fuji?



I do think this is fair though

Hans Tweetenberg

I on the other hand think you're just eager to get a cheap claim from me and going back and forth with how ballsy you wanna be about it

I'll say this much - my role is proven so I'm not about to claim the janitored role

Hans Tweetenberg

Ok nvm this votehopping looks anything but coordinated lmao

But reading someone like Ultra town based on something like that is so 3Head hmmmm
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