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Game Ranked Castlevania animated series Mafia - Game Thread

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Polarized Noob
ive literally said tempest is scum with nibel
if nibel flips sk then tempest can be town

also i was the one who brought up y tempest would cop nibel who was set to be shot by gad
i dbl checked to be sure only time youve responded to one of tempests posts is when he directly mentions u or is qouting u
hence what i mean by not commiting to the read, ur not engaging him whoch i find wolfier than not here


You've thrown enough bad faith arguments my way today for me to know you're scum, idc how it shakes out exactly. You're not town and need to die

What's bad faith about needing to ask you on repeat how the fuck a guy who was shot is alive and you coming up with fuck all

It's a question that needs to be answered dipshit, if you can't then why are you acting so belligerently confident. Is it performance or you can't just admit you're wrong or something?

I even gave you a window to prove me wrong and unvited you and you rejected it

The Orca

bc nibel is scum or the sk
ultra is town or the sk

think ultra is town but even if u think he might be the sk, ur odds r significantly better with lynching nibel
Best post of yours and maybe I agree in a vacuum. But the odds of Nibel being the SK are pretty low imo compared to Ultra and Ultra could just be mafia, though maybe lower odds than SK. Also there is a sizeable shift in Ultra's logic from last game where I had him as town and worked with him, to this game where I have had him pretty much lock scum from go. Town Ultra doesn't use faulty logic and basic scare tactics to get votes to go his way. Scum Ultra does use feigned ignorance and spin back on questions and thoughts


there is like a 1% chance of nibel flipping town here and thats banking on the chance that gad didnt shoot


Leprous Monarch
ive literally said tempest is scum with nibel
if nibel flips sk then tempest can be town

also i was the one who brought up y tempest would cop nibel who was set to be shot by gad
Yes and your verdict was that I "fucked up", which makes absolutely no sense with your theory that I'm scum and blocked gad who apparently I didn't know was going to vig nibel but also I did it to save nibel


i dbl checked to be sure only time youve responded to one of tempests posts is when he directly mentions u or is qouting u
hence what i mean by not commiting to the read, ur not engaging him whoch i find wolfier than not here

You're sitting in this fence so hard you're gonna shit splinters mang


if u think nibel isnt the sk, then how do u think he survived a shot from gad last night?

The Orca

if u think nibel isnt the sk, then how do u think he survived a shot from gad last night?
Did you see Gad visit Nibel? Did someone? You are assuming 1) he shot 2) he shot Nibel and 3) nothing was impacted via other moves. That is a big assumption that I don't adhere to. Especially with Gad


Leprous Monarch
Did you see Gad visit Nibel? Did someone? You are assuming 1) he shot 2) he shot Nibel and 3) nothing was impacted via other moves. That is a big assumption that I don't adhere to. Especially with Gad


Yes and your verdict was that I "fucked up", which makes absolutely no sense with your theory that I'm scum and blocked gad who apparently I didn't know was going to vig nibel but also I did it to save nibel
i think u did fuck up either way
if ur town, u fucked up by copping the guy who was going to be vigged
if ur scum, u fucked up by trying to claim that u copped nibel, shouldve just cut ur losses cuz u were doing fine before
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