Cat Ninden Teyandee/Samurai Pizza Cats



A series from Tatsunoko that I watched recently and has decent feats. They don't have planet or universal level threats but their mecha destroyed a comet in the last episode.

The characters in this series are called Animaloids. This means they are robotic anthropomorfic animals. The protagonists are called Yattaro, Sukashi and Pururun and they are part of a clan called Nyankees.

Pururun has an ability that allows her to attract her enemies. Pururun has shurikens that can burn giant robots made of paper and her enemies. The dragon destroyed a building by smashing its body made of paper.


Sukashi's parasol can emit light and can hypnotise his enemies with it.


Nyankees survived being kicked by giant robots that can destroy small houses with a stomp.

Yattaro was ok after being hit by a tendril from a giant robot that destroyed several walls from a building.

The Nyankees are very durable. They survived being smashed into a wall by the giant robot Sasanishiki Nº 4, who is the strongest robot the Karakara Clan had in their arsenal. Sasanishiki Nº 4 was able to destroy houses and buildings in a single hit.

Nyankees also survived a explosion that destroyed the pizza restaurant where they work.

In two different episodes, Sukashi cut in half a robot who has the same size of a large tower and cut in pieces a giant robot. Yattaro can also do this with Nekome Slash.


Nyankees are also very fast. They were able to dodge lasers shoot from space. The robot that shoots the lasers is Haisense Nº 9, a robot that has the ability to block the sun on certains areas. The robot uses solar light to shoot the lasers.

Yattaro escaped from a light attack from the giant robot Zenny Nº6, a giant robot that can turn Animaloids into coins. Pururun and Sukashi used the Toritsukkun armors to save a tired Yattaro from the light dome. Karamaru can carry Koon no Kami, an animaloid whose weight is 25 kg.


In the last episode, Pururun was able to destroy a big rock with a punch, despite being hurt.

The Nyankees have in hteir arsenal a sentient giant robot called Nyago King. Nyago King is summoned by a signal sent out by Yattaro's Masamasa sword. The signal is only activated when Yattaro's life is in danger.

Nyago King has inside his mouth the Toritsukkun, armors that give the Nyankees the ability to fly and make them stronger. With the Toritsukkun armor, Sukashi and Pururun destroyed the arm of a giant robot with a kick. With these armors, they are faster and can dodge lasers. Nyankees can breathe in space. Karamaru also survived in space and was ok after entering the atmosphere.




Karamaru and Yattaro survived entering the atmosphere and landing on Earth again in the last episode.

In the last episode, Yattaro and Karamaru piloted Nyago King. Yattaro and Nyago King fused their minds and used Nekome Slash to destroy a comet that was about to crash on Edoropolis. The comet was destroyed and Yattaro and Karamaru survived. But it is uknown if Nyago King survived the attack.


Nyankees's power source is solar light. They will loose energy if something blocks the sun. But, to counteract this, they always use emergency batteries.

Their enemies are the Karakara Clan, a group of crow ninjas supported by the corrupt politician Koon no Kami, who wants to be the ruler of Edoropolis. The Karakara clan has in their arsenal giant and human-sized robots. The giant robots are able to smash buildings easily. They also have a missile able to create thunder clouds and a robot called Himawari Nº 2, who is able to change between seasons. They also have a human size robot called Tokiokakeru Nº4, a robot that has the ability to time travel.







The Karakara clan has in their arsenal a machine that allows them to redirect comets.

There is another Animaroid called Omitsu. She is not a fighter, but she can shoot missiles when she is angry or sad. Her missiles destroyed part of a building when she was inside it and damaged a giant robot.


In the last episode, Omitsu launched a giant missile when she is happy. This missile destroyed Edoropolis.

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