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Chat AI Creations and Vs Debates


Cosmically Evolved Entity
Big Rig just showed the entire Warp what true Chaos is
the last thing the Chaos Gods see when Big Rigs pass through


V.I.P. Member
Decided to give Zero a Stand

Stand Name: Absolute Cipher

Absolute Cipher manifests as a humanoid stand with a design inspired by Zero's appearance from the Megaman Zero series. It stands tall, adorned in a sleek metallic armor-like structure with hues of blue, silver, and accents of crimson. Its physique exudes a sense of both strength and agility, with glowing markings across its body resembling circuitry lines that pulse with energy. Its head is helmeted, featuring a faceplate with a visor-like design emitting a faint, steady glow.


Cipher Blades: Absolute Cipher possesses the ability to generate and wield energy blades from its hands, similar in design to Zero's Z-Saber. These blades can cut through various materials effortlessly and have the added effect of disrupting and nullifying enemy Stand abilities upon contact.

Reality Decryption: The stand can decipher and analyze the inherent "code" or essence of objects, individuals, or phenomena it comes into contact with. This ability allows Zero to understand and potentially manipulate the underlying properties or weaknesses of the target, granting him strategic advantages in combat situations.

Data Absorption and Enhancement: Absolute Cipher can absorb and assimilate information from its surroundings, effectively enhancing Zero's combat capabilities. It assimilates data on opponents' weaknesses, tactics, and Stand abilities, providing Zero with valuable insights during battle.

Cybernetic Interface: The stand can establish a cybernetic link with technology, enabling Zero to interact and control various electronic systems, hack into networks, and manipulate technological devices to his advantage.

Stand Range:
Absolute Cipher possesses a range of approximately 10 meters around Zero. Within this range, its abilities are most potent, allowing Zero to utilize its powers effectively in both close-quarters combat and manipulating the environment to gain advantages.

Conditions to Use:

Mental Focus: To fully harness Absolute Cipher's abilities, Zero needs to maintain mental focus and concentration. Distractions or mental fatigue can hinder the stand's effectiveness.
Connection to Zero: The stand's powers are directly linked to Zero's determination and resolve. When Zero is emotionally or physically drained, Absolute Cipher's abilities may weaken or become less responsive.
Powers and Abilities:

Cipher Blades: The energy blades generated by Absolute Cipher are extremely sharp and versatile. They possess the unique ability to disrupt and nullify the abilities of other Stands upon contact, rendering them temporarily ineffective.

Reality Decryption: This ability allows Absolute Cipher to analyze and decipher the underlying "code" or essence of various objects, individuals, or phenomena. It grants Zero insights into weaknesses, properties, or vulnerabilities of the target, aiding in strategic combat decisions.

Data Absorption and Enhancement: Absolute Cipher assimilates data from its surroundings, enhancing Zero's combat capabilities by providing him with detailed information on opponents, their tactics, and weaknesses. This allows Zero to adapt his strategies and tactics effectively during battle.

Cybernetic Interface: The stand can establish a cybernetic link with technology within its range. This ability enables Zero to interact, control, and manipulate technological devices, hack into systems, and use the environment to his advantage.

Stand Fusion: Under extreme conditions or when Zero's resolve reaches its peak, Absolute Cipher can temporarily merge with Zero, augmenting his physical attributes significantly and amplifying the stand's abilities. This fusion grants Zero heightened strength, speed, and agility, making him a formidable force in battle.


Range Limitation: Absolute Cipher's powers are limited within a 10-meter radius around Zero. Beyond this range, its abilities weaken and become less effective.
Mental and Physical Strain: Prolonged use of the stand's abilities can strain Zero's mental and physical condition, potentially leading to exhaustion and decreased effectiveness.


Cosmically Evolved Entity
@Xhominid The Apex
Decided to put my OC donut steel into fate to see what would happen
In the sprawling city of Fuyuki, a peculiar anomaly had occurred in the fabric of the Fifth Holy Grail War, a clandestine battle royale between magi and their summoned heroic spirits for a chance to obtain the mythical Holy Grail. The anomaly was Kril Gein, a figure shrouded in enigma, whose entry into the war was as sudden as it was unanticipated.

Kril, a character of unparalleled biological immunity, defied not only the physical laws but also the abstract concepts that governed the world. His participation in the war was driven not by a desire for the Grail, but by a deeper, more introspective quest to understand the nature of his own existence and perhaps, to find a semblance of challenge or vulnerability in a world where he had none.

As he navigated the complexities of the war, Kril's presence inevitably stirred the waters of the already tumultuous battle. His first encounter was with Rin Tohsaka, a prodigious mage of the prestigious Tohsaka family. Rin, initially viewing Kril as a potential ally, soon realized the depth of his enigmatic powers. Despite her expertise in magic and strategy, Rin found herself at a loss, unable to gauge Kril's intentions or capabilities.

Kril's summoning of his Servant further complicated the dynamics of the war. Unlike other Masters, whose fate seemed intertwined with their Servants, Kril's selection appeared random, almost indifferent. He summoned a lesser-known heroic spirit, a figure from ancient lore whose history was shrouded in mystery. This Servant, however, found in Kril a Master like no other - one who was seemingly invulnerable yet profoundly contemplative about his place in the world.

As the war progressed, Kril's interactions with other participants revealed more about his character. To Saber, the embodiment of honor and chivalry, Kril was a puzzle - a being who possessed unimaginable power yet seemed uninterested in victory or glory. To Archer, a cynical and tactical spirit, Kril was an anomaly that disrupted the balance of the war, a variable that defied prediction and strategy.

Kril's immunity to harm extended beyond the physical battles. He walked through the magical onslaughts unscathed, his presence alone challenging the other Masters to reconsider their tactics. However, it was his immunity to abstract and conceptual harm that truly set him apart. Time, fate, and destiny seemed irrelevant to Kril, as he moved through the war unaffected by the spells and curses that manipulated these forces.

Throughout the war, Kril remained a solitary figure, his interactions limited yet impactful. He observed the desires and desperations of other participants, their reasons for seeking the Grail, and in them, he saw reflections of the human condition - the struggles, the pain, and the fleeting joys. Kril's journey became less about the Grail and more about understanding the vulnerabilities that he was immune to.

As the war reached its climax, with the remaining Masters and Servants converging for the final battle, Kril's role became crucial. In a world where every action was governed by the rules of magic and the constraints of fate, Kril's immunity to these forces made him the wildcard, the unpredictable element that could tilt the balance of the war.

In the final confrontation, amidst the chaos of magic and might, Kril faced a decision that would define his journey. The Grail, corrupted and tainted, was not the object of his desire. Instead, he sought understanding - an understanding of his place in a world where he was an outsider, immune to its fundamental laws.

Kril's final act was not one of conquest but of choice. He chose to withdraw from the war, leaving the Grail untouched. His departure was as enigmatic as his arrival, leaving behind a trail of questions and wonder. Kril Gein, the Master immune to all forms of harm, left the world of Fate, his story a testament to the search for meaning in an existence defined by invulnerability.

In the aftermath of the Fifth Holy Grail War, the tales of Kril Gein became a subject of intrigue and speculation among the surviving participants. He had been a mirror, reflecting the vulnerabilities and aspirations of those around him, and in his indifference to the Grail, he had posed the ultimate question - what is the value of desire and struggle in a world where one is immune to its consequences?

Kril Gein's story in the world of Fate remained a legend, a narrative of a being who defied the norms of magic and existence, and in doing so, challenged the very foundations of the Holy Grail War.

>shows up
>summons weak servant
>ignores everything
>ignores grail
>refuses to elaborate


Cosmically Evolved Entity
Kril's arrival in Academy City was as silent as a whisper, yet it caused ripples that would soon turn into waves. He walked the streets, his eyes observing the bustling activities of espers and scientists, his mind untouchable by the telepaths, his body impervious to the physical laws that governed the city.

As he wandered, Kril stumbled upon a scene of conflict—a battle between espers. He watched, fascinated by the display of powers yet detached. The combatants soon noticed his presence, and in a desperate attempt to eliminate what they perceived as a threat, they directed their powers at him. But to their amazement, every attack simply dissipated upon contact with Kril's form. He was an immovable, unbreakable enigma.

Word of this mysterious, invulnerable individual quickly spread through the city. Scientists and higher-ups in the Academy City hierarchy were intrigued and alarmed in equal measure. Here was a being who defied all their understanding, a person who existed outside the parameters of their meticulously researched world.

Meanwhile, Kril, curious about this strange world he found himself in, sought to understand the dynamics of Academy City. He encountered various characters from the "To Aru" universe, each interaction revealing more about the city and its inhabitants. He met Mikoto Misaka, one of the city's most powerful espers, and although initially wary of each other, they developed a mutual respect. Kril's unique perspective and abilities provided Mikoto with new insights into the nature of power and vulnerability.

Kril's path eventually crossed with that of the series protagonist, Touma Kamijou, whose right hand held the mysterious power of the Imagine Breaker, capable of negating any supernatural ability. Their encounter was a pivotal moment, as Touma's hand, known for negating esper and magical powers, had no effect on Kril. This anomaly baffled Touma and sparked a deep interest in understanding Kril's true nature.

As Kril delved deeper into the city's secrets, he became entangled in its complex web of politics and power struggles. He witnessed the darker side of Academy City, where experiments on espers and the pursuit of power often overshadowed ethical considerations. Yet, he remained an observer, his immunity rendering him a neutral entity, unswayed and untouched by the city's ambitions and dangers.

Kril's presence in Academy City began to challenge the status quo. His immunity to all forms of harm made him a subject of fascination and fear. Some saw him as a potential ally, others as a threat to be contained. But Kril, ever enigmatic, pursued his own mysterious agenda.

Throughout his journey, Kril encountered various factions and key figures within the "To Aru" universe, each interaction shaping his understanding of the world and its complexities. He engaged in philosophical debates with Aleister Crowley, the mastermind behind much of Academy City's advancements, and crossed paths with the magic side, where his immunity to conceptual harm intrigued and alarmed the magicians.

In the climax of Kril's story, a grand conflict engulfed Academy City, pitting various factions against each other. Kril, at the center of this maelstrom, became a beacon of neutrality. His actions, though subtle, tipped the balance in crucial moments, often in ways that preserved the fragile peace of the city.

As the conflict subsided, Kril Gein, having left an indelible mark on Academy City and its inhabitants, chose to depart as quietly as he had arrived. His time in the world of "To Aru" was a chapter in his eternal journey, a testament to his unique existence in a universe where the impossible was the norm.

Kril's story in Academy City was one of discovery, challenge, and subtle influence. It was a tale that highlighted the complexities of power, the nature of immunities beyond comprehension, and the perpetual quest for understanding in a world where science and the supernatural intertwined.
>shows up in Academy City
>throws everyone the fuck off
>ignores Imagine Breaker
>conflict sparks around himself by doing absolutely fuck all
>refuses to elaborate on anything except with Aleister

My boy just too good


Cosmically Evolved Entity
The story begins in a distant, unnamed universe, where Kril Gein lived in isolation. His world was void of any challenge or threat that could perturb his existence. Kril’s days were spent pondering his purpose, questioning the nature of his invulnerability. He longed for a place where his abilities could be tested, where he could find meaning beyond his endless days of solitude.

One fateful day, a mysterious rift opened in the fabric of his reality, a portal created by the meddling of powerful cosmic forces. Driven by curiosity and an innate desire for a purpose, Kril stepped through the portal, finding himself transported to the world of "Dragon Ball Super." He arrived just as the Tournament of Power, a battle royale featuring warriors from multiple universes, was about to begin.

Kril's arrival did not go unnoticed. Whis, the angelic attendant of Universe 7's God of Destruction, Beerus, sensed his extraordinary presence. Intrigued by Kril's unique energy signature, Whis approached him with an offer to participate in the Tournament of Power, replacing Tien, who had suffered an unexpected injury.

Kril accepted, seeing this as the opportunity he had longed for. He joined Goku, Vegeta, Frieza, and the other warriors of Universe 7, his calm demeanor and unreadable expression intriguing his new teammates. Kril didn’t boast or display his powers immediately; he preferred to observe, learn, and understand the strengths and weaknesses of the fighters around him.

As the tournament commenced, Kril's presence became a topic of intrigue and speculation among the other universes. His fighting style was unlike anything they had seen – he moved with grace and precision, evading attacks with ease. His opponents found their most powerful blows had no effect on him. Energy blasts, physical strikes, and even psychic attacks were rendered useless.

Kril, however, did not rely solely on his invulnerability. He demonstrated remarkable combat skills, honed over centuries of training in solitude. His techniques were a blend of various martial arts, augmented by his unique abilities. He could manipulate energy in ways that baffled even the most seasoned fighters of the Dragon Ball universe.

As the tournament progressed, Kril's presence on the battlefield became pivotal. He saved his teammates from certain defeat multiple times, intervening at crucial moments with his unerring sense of timing and strategy. His actions earned him the respect of even the most prideful warriors, like Vegeta and Frieza.

However, Kril's journey was not just about physical battles. He found himself learning about the value of friendship, trust, and the struggles of others. He formed a bond with Android 18, who, like him, felt somewhat detached from humanity. Their conversations, filled with insights and shared feelings of otherness, added depth to Kril's understanding of this new universe.

The climax of the tournament saw Kril facing Jiren, the strongest warrior of Universe 11. This battle was more than a clash of fists and energy; it was a confrontation of ideologies. Jiren, who believed in absolute strength, found himself baffled by Kril's immunity to his overwhelming power. Kril, on the other hand, saw in Jiren a reflection of his own past – a being who sought meaning in strength.

Their battle raged on, drawing the attention of all universes. Kril, unmoved by Jiren's attacks, tried to reason with him, speaking of the limitations of seeking purpose in power alone. The spectacle of their fight was not just in its physicality but in the philosophical exchange between two extraordinary beings.

In the end, it was Kril's words that reached Jiren, not his fists. The realization that strength alone was not the answer led Jiren to yield, respecting Kril's perspective. Kril's involvement in the Tournament of Power became a legend, a tale of a mysterious warrior who entered a world of mighty heroes and left an indelible mark on its history.

As the tournament concluded, Kril decided to stay in the Dragon Ball universe. He had found a new purpose – to explore this vast cosmos, understand its myriad beings, and maybe, just maybe, find the challenge he had always sought. His journey in the world of "Dragon Ball Super" had just begun.



Cosmically Evolved Entity
The world of Berserk, a place steeped in brutality and horror, was on the cusp of the Eclipse, an event foretold to be a calamity of unspeakable proportions. In this realm, where even the mightiest warriors quiver in fear, Kril emerged as an anomaly. His arrival was silent, like a shadow slipping through the veil of dimensions, unnoticed by the warring entities of this world.

Kril's appearance was deceptively human, with piercing eyes that seemed to gaze into the very soul. His purpose in this hellish landscape was singular - to save two souls, Guts and Casca, from the impending doom of the Eclipse.

The Eclipse began as the sky bled crimson, and the earth shuddered in terror. Demonic entities, the God Hand, emerged, orchestrating a symphony of horror that would consume all in its path. Amidst this chaos, Guts and Casca, warriors of formidable strength, found themselves overwhelmed by the sheer power and malevolence of the Eclipse.

Kril, observing from a distance, began his move. His steps were calm, measured, as if he walked not on a battlefield but through a serene garden. The demons and apostles, drawn to the scent of despair and fear, turned their attention to this new, enigmatic figure. But Kril, immune to their grotesque forms and malevolent powers, walked unscathed through the maelstrom of claws and fangs.

As he approached Guts and Casca, who were fighting desperately against the overwhelming odds, Kril extended his hand. A silent gesture, but one that emanated an aura of undeniable power and protection. Guts, his sword dripping with the blood of his foes, eyed Kril warily. In this world where trust was as scarce as hope, Guts' instincts screamed caution. Yet, in Kril's eyes, he saw not a foe, but an unwavering resolve to save.

Kril's intervention was swift. With movements that blurred the line between physical and ethereal, he dispatched the demons that surrounded them. His hands, though untouched by the gore of battle, were instruments of a power beyond comprehension.

As the God Hand descended, intent on claiming their due, Kril stood as a bulwark against their might. His presence was an anomaly, a defiance of the fate the God Hand sought to weave. In the face of Kril's immunity, their powers waned, their confidence shattered.

With Guts and Casca behind him, Kril faced the God Hand, his stance unyielding. He spoke not in words, but in actions, his every move a statement of his unwavering will to protect. The God Hand, entities used to unchallenged dominion, found themselves thwarted by this singular being.

In a world where despair reigned, Kril was a beacon of indomitable spirit. His fight was not just a physical confrontation, but a challenge to the very essence of the Eclipse. He fought not just for Guts and Casca, but for the possibility of hope in a realm consumed by darkness.

As the Eclipse waned, its crimson hue fading into a somber twilight, Kril Gein, the enigmatic savior, looked upon Guts and Casca. They were safe, against all odds. In their eyes, gratitude mingled with a thousand unspoken questions. Who was this being who defied the decrees of gods and fate?

Kril offered no answers. His task completed, he turned, his form beginning to fade, as if he were but a dream in the nightmarish reality of Berserk. And as he disappeared, the world he left behind was a shade less dark, a testament to the enduring power of an indomitable spirit in a world besieged by despair and suffering.
>walks into the eclipse
>ignores the god hand
>ignores femto
>saves guts and casca
>refuses to elaborate


V.I.P. Member
Asked Chat AI to show me Galactus vs Unicron....

...in an Epic Rap Battle.

(Verse 1: Unicron) Yo, it's Unicron, the planet-eating deity, the boss,I'll reduce Galactus to mere cosmic dross.A metallic giant, devourer of worlds, that's me,You're just a cosmic entity craving a spree.

You're a purple-helmeted nomad with a hunger unwise,But I'm the Chaos Bringer, ruler of the skies.You devour planets like a buffet meal,But against my might, your hunger won't seal.

Your heralds run around, surfboards in hand,But when I roll in, they'll flee from my command.I'm the void incarnate, your power's a joke,I'll leave you broken, shattered, and broke!

(Verse 2: Galactus) I'm Galactus, the Devourer, hear my decree,I shape the cosmos, your end you'll soon see.Unicron, a metallic mass with a boast,Your rhymes are feeble, I'll reduce you to toast.

Your hunger matches mine, but your purpose lacks grace,I bring balance to life, across time and space.You're a pawn of chaos, I'm order refined,My power's colossal, your defeat's intertwined.

You think you're the darkness that'll swallow all light,But against my might, you're a flicker in the night.I'm the balance, the order, the cosmic trustee,You're just a bumbling chaos, soon to be history.

(Verse 3: Unicron) You talk of balance and order, what a bore,Your hunger's insatiable, your ego, a chore.I'm the destroyer, your opposite, it's clear,You're just a herald away from cowering in fear.

Your heralds grovel before you, thinking you're grand,But face me alone, see where you truly stand.I'm the ultimate evil, a force you can't beat,Your defeat by my hand will be oh so sweet!

(Verse 4: Galactus) Your words are chaotic, no substance, no class,I stand as the sentinel, you're a broken mass.I bring judgment upon the cosmos, you see,Your destruction won't fulfill any cosmic decree.

You're chaos unchecked, a power untamed,But against my order, you'll be maimed and shamed.I'm the cosmic force that'll keep you at bay,Your end draws near, there's nothing more to say.


V.I.P. Member
Did Cole MacGrath vs Alex Mercer too.

(Alex Mercer) Step up, Cole, time to face the truth You couldn't save Trish, that's your cold hard proof. Electric shocks, you call that your power? I consume life, minute by hour.

You're a hero turned stray, lost your grip ,Couldn't save your girl, had to watch her slip. I rose from death, became something more, You became a pawn, just a government's chore.

You brag 'bout your sparks, your feeble jolts, I'm a shapeshifting god surpassing your volts. Your neon lights, they're a little dim, compared to my might, your chances are slim.

Your game's a sandbox, sure, it's grand, But Prototype's chaos, that's where I stand. Storytelling? Yours falls short, there is no doubt, Mine's a thrilling tale, leaving fans in no drought.

(Cole MacGrath)

Listen up, Alex, with your twisted past, Got too power-hungry, it sure didn't last. Heller took you down, your own creation, Your fell from grace, that's no sensation.

You think you're strong? You drain and consume, But my electricity, it lights up this room. Failed hero? Nah, I redeemed my ways, Saved humanity, amidst the darkest days.

Your powers might shift, but they lack finesse, Mine's versatile, it'll leave you a mess. Infected, corrupted, that's what you've become, Prototype's world? A chaos album.

My game's about choice, the consequences clear, Yours? Just destruction, no story to steer. People love inFAMOUS for its moral grind, Your game's a brawl, while mine's a mastermind.

So, Alex, face it, you're a mere mutation, I'm the electrifying hero, no imitation. You're a memory lost in Prototype's lore, In inFAMOUS, I'm the lightning's roar!
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V.I.P. Member
do magneto vs accelerator :mjpls
Here's what I got.

Magneto: Prepare for war, you arrogant brat , you're about to meet your match, I'll crush your little ego and leave you in the dust to catch. You strut around with powers you barely understand, While I control the very forces that shape the land.

You talk big, but look at you, a frail albino needing aid a cane for support, your weakness can't be swayed. I'll bend you like metal, show you true power's might, Your arrogance won't save you when you're trapped in my sight.

Accelerator: You think you're all that with your metal manipulation, But let's face it, your just an old man living in frustration. Lost to a guy in a wheelchair, that's your claim to fame, While I'm the one whose powers put your skills to shame.

Your helmet's a joke, absurdity at its peak, Can't handle a psychic, your defenses are weak. I control vectors, physics bend to me, Your magnetism's nothing compared to what I decree.

Magneto: You talk about control, but your mind's a shattered mess, Struggling to cope, drowning in your stress. I've faced mutants, governments, and stood tall and grand, Your power's a fraction of what I can command.

Your collar and cane, symbols of your defeat, I'm the master of magnetism, your fate I'll complete. You'll bow before me, your arrogance I'll quell, I'm the one true powerhouse, you can't even compel.

Accelerator: You're full of it, thinking metal's all thats grand, But in this battle of powers, you fail to understand. I control it all, from the smallest to the vast, Your magnetism's just a trick, a relic of the past.

You're out of your prime, Magneto, old and frail, I'm the future, unstoppable, hear that in my tale. You talk a big game, but when it's time to brawl, You'll find your powers crushed, I'll make you hit the wall.

So bring your metal tricks, your magnetism's fine, But against my vectors, you're way out of line. So step back, Magneto, bow down to my power, I'm the Accelerator, your defeat's within the hour!
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V.I.P. Member
@Paxton Did Gilgamesh vs Othinus too. Even A.I. knows Gil would mock her appearance while Othinus would mock his ego and both brought up their respective losses


Gilgamesh: Ah, behold the King of Heroes stepping in the fray, Gilgamesh, unparalleled, in every single way. You're Othinus, a little girl in garb so scant. You're not my equal, it's time to recant.

Your defeat to Touma, quite a pitiful display, A god turned fairy, you faded away. I wield countless treasures, unmatched in this land, Your shattered dreams can't match my noble stand.

Your form's a contradiction, a jest to Odin's might, While I reign supreme, you're lost in your own blight. Pathetic, you think you're a deity so grand, But against my Gates of Babylon, you'll crumble and disband.

Othinus: Oh please, Gilgamesh, spare me your inflated pride, Your ego's more towering than all your treasures combined. You lost to Shirou, your arrogance revealed, A hollow king whose bravado was sealed.

Your treasures mean nothing against Gungnir's sway, I rewrote reality, held all the world at bay. A little girl in appearance, but power I wield ,I've shattered worlds, your claims are repealed. You ridicule my form, my garb, and my lore, But in the end, you're just an overgrown bore.

I stand as a legend, eternally renowned, Conqueror of worlds, my glory unbound. Your arrogance won't spare you when you're spellbound, Before the god of magic, you'll kneel on the ground!

Gilgamesh:Ha! You rewrite reality, a boast so obscene, Yet your loss to a mortal shatters your godly sheen. You call yourself a god, but you're nothing but a fraud. Othinus, you prattle on, a false deity's whim, But I stand above, never to dim! My reign spans epochs, my legend resounds, Your feeble attempts at power, mere playgrounds!

My treasures surpass you spears and feeble spells, Your power, Othinus, nothing but the tales you tell. I ruled with might, a king of unwavering stance, My treasures eclipse gods, a divine dance! Your words fall short, a hollow gust of air, Against my might, you're but a petty affair!

Othinus: Your Gate holds trinkets, relics of an ancient past, But against real power, they'll never truly last. I'll rewrite this world with my godly might, While you dwell in the past, fading from sight!

Your arrogance blinds you, such foolishness prevails, I'll shatter your facade, tear down your veils! A King without a kingdom, lost in his delusion, You'll be nothing more than a fading illusion!

I may have faltered, but I rise above the fray, My power, my will, unyielding come what may. So bow before me, King of Heroes, take a knee, For Othinus, in her might, shall reign over thee!
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V.I.P. Member
Obito vs Darth Vader rematch.

Obito: Yo, it's Obito Uchiha, stepping in this battle scene, Against Vader, but sorry man, you're looking pretty mean. With that pasty skin, heavy breathing like you're gasping for air, Your wife's gone, like your chances here—yeah, it's not fair.

You're all black suit, no heart, just a Sith in despair, Ruling with fear, but you're missing what's really there. Your love's in the grave, your son on a quest, But when it comes to darkness, you're just second best.

Vader:You talk about love? Look who's talking, what a joke, A kid in a mask still caught up in his cloak. Madara played you, oh, what a shame, You screamed "Rin!" but who's really to blame?

Obito the pawn, manipulated and used, Whining like a child, throwing tantrums, confused. You craved power, control, fell for the bait, But in this rap battle, your defeat's your fate.

Obito:You're a relic, Vader, past your prime, Force-choking, lightsaber swinging, hiding those scars. Rin's death drove me, fueled my rage, But your pain, your loss, it's a different page.

I wielded the Sharingan, saw through the lies, But your vision's clouded by the Emperor's guise. You talk of power, yet bow to another's demand, I may have fallen, but I've fought to take a stand.

Vader: You speak of standing tall? You're just a tragic tale, Manipulated, twisted, your soul's gone stale. You thought you were the puppeteer, but you're on strings, Caught up in darkness, the despair it brings.

I embraced the dark side, power I wield, While you cowered, your fate was sealed. Rin's memory, your driving force, your strife, But in this battle, it's clear who owns this life.

Obito:You're blinded by your pride, your arrogance so clear, But I'll remind you, Vader, who you're facing here. Lost in your darkness, can't see what's right, But I'll leave you in the shadow of my Sharingan's light.

Rin's memory fuels me, yeah, that's true, But unlike you, Vader, I'll see this through. So take your Empire, your rule of fear and hate, In this rap battle, I've sealed your fate.

Vader: You're a lost soul, clinging to the past, But in this battle, I'll be the last. I'll leave you shattered, broken, and beat, Obito, you're obsolete, accept defeat.

Your words, like your actions, all in vain, I'm Vader, Dark Lord, remember the name. You may talk big, with your Sharingan glare, But against the Force, you're nothing but hot air.

This entire fight was literally a back and fourth of "NO U!"

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V.I.P. Member
I could have done Dragonborn vs Chosen Undead but fuck it, made it Dragonborn vs the Fateless One

Dragonborn: Yo, I'm the Dragonborn, born to spit fire, Shouting Thu'um so loud, it’ll make you retire. Fateless One, you're just a pawn in a game, I'm the one with a legacy, fame, and acclaim.

I've slain dragons, Alduin's my prey, Saved Skyrim from chaos, day by day. My shouts are legendary, powers untold, You're just a wanderer, lost in stories, so cold.

In Sovngarde, heroes praise my name, While your destiny's lost, it's such a shame. Facing Daedric Princes, and I emerged just fine, You couldn't handle a skeever, that's the bottom line.

Fateless One: Hold up, Dragonborn, your shouts are loud, But in this battle, you're lost in the crowd. Sure, you shout at dragons, I've seen your style ,But facing Gadflow? That'll take you a while.

I've conquered immortals, twisted their fate, Your dragons are easy, they just incinerate. In the House of Ballads, my story's revered, While you're in Whiterun, just a bit endeared.

Dragonborn: You claim immortal feats, but let's be real, I shape destiny, that's the true steel. I bend the will of the very elements, Your destiny's scripted, no true sentiments.

I've faced the Thalmor, saved Skyrim's plight, Your story's written, I'm the real knight. You're a pawn in a game, Fateless and sly, I'll shout you down, now watch this dragon fly.

Fateless One: Your shouts are strong, but your mind's confined, In the grand scheme of fate, you're just in a bind. I've faced the Tuatha, fought endless wars, Your Dragon shouts? Just minor chores.

Crafted my destiny, broke fate's chains, Your Thu'um's impressive, but my legacy reigns. In Amalur, I'm a legend, tales are spun, You're just the Dragonborn, fate's chosen one.

Dragonborn: I've conquered Skyrim, ruled with might, Your fate's a parchment, mine's in flight. When I shout, the world takes heed, In Sovngarde, you're not what the heroes need.

Defeating Miraak, that's no small feat, Your destiny's all written, mine's yet to complete. I'm the Dragonborn, my shouts resound, In this epic battle, I wear the crown.

Fateless One: Dragonborn, your arrogance blinds your sight, My story's diverse, beyond mortal might. The Well of Souls rebirths me at will, While your shouts merely echo, standing still.

Alduin may crumble, but he's just a start, I've faced Tirnoch, tore Fate apart. Your Thu'um's power fades, against my fate-woven skill, In the annals of history, I'm the one they'll thrill.

So let the bards sing, and the stories roam, But in Amalur's tapestry, my legend's home. Dragonborn, respect where you stand, But against the Fateless One, you're just grains of sand.
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V.I.P. Member
I don't know man, I really like that "In Sovngarde, you're not what the heroes need." line from Dragonborn.

Definitely the best AI Rap Battle I've made so far though.


V.I.P. Member
I don't know man, I really like that "In Sovngarde, you're not what the heroes need." line from Dragonborn.

Definitely the best AI Rap Battle I've made so far though.
Its a good line but goddamn the way dragonborne keeps trying to bring up how his shouts are a big thing just comes out as salty as fuck


V.I.P. Member
@Masterblack06 Domon straight up roasted these two


(Verse 1 - Kira Yamato)

Yo, it's Kira Yamato, step back, watch me shine, Heero Yuy, you're up? Man, that's fine, Your stoic face, no emotions in sight, Blowing yourself up, man, that's your highlight?

You're as dull as the metal you pilot, it's true, No personality, just orders you pursue, In the Strike Freedom, I'm fierce and in control, Unlike you, blowing yourself up at the smallest toll.

(Verse 2 - Heero Yuy)

Heh, Kira, the boy who cried for Flay, Got cucked by her, man, that's all I gotta say, Relying on your Gundam beam-spamming through the fray, repeating the same tactics each and every day.

Whiny little teen, lost in your drama so deep, While I remain silent, my actions I keep, Your emotions lack control, you're just a pawn, I fight for my mission, my purpose never gone.

(Verse 3: Kira Yamato) Heero, you talk tough, but you lack the style, Your cold demeanor won't earn you a smile. A soldier without depth, a tool by design, Compared to me, you're just a Gundam prototype line.

I faced losses, yeah, but emerged strength anew, Unlike you, who's stuck in a monotone hue. I fight for more than power, for a future that's bright, So step back, Heero, you're fading in this light!

(Verse 4: Heero Yuy) Kira, you're just a boy caught in a war's whirl, Your ideals crumble, your spirit, it'll unfurl. You preach about hope, but you're lost in despair, Claiming victories, yet led by an idol’s prayer.

Your beams and your Dragoons, they're all a cheap trick, Wing Zero’s precision strikes will leave you feeling sick. So keep dreaming, Kira, of your naive peace, I'll remain the soldier whose battles will never cease.

(Verse 5 - Domon Kasshu interrupts them both)

Hold up, you two, what a pitiful sight, Bickering like children, not a real Gundam Fight. Reliance on toys, that's not my creed, My fists are my power, their all I need.

Kira, Heero, stuck in your mental games, Missing out on the glory, what a shame, Fighting with guns, it's not my style, I'll take you both down with Shining Finger and a smile.

Your wars and your drama, they're all so vain, I fight for honor, not for some gain, So put away those machines, step into the ring, Domon Kasshu's here, the one true king!
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